The man who led this gold shop had been watching the scene for a long time. There were a lot of goods, and there was no security force. Moreover, it was far from the police station.


Once the robbery was successful, he and his brothers would not live as tight as before. They had no money in their pockets and could not play with many girls.

No matter what they did, they could not go as they wished.

With money, they could play with more girls and more beauties.

At this moment, the shop assistants were very cooperative and well-behaved. They squatted down honestly and held their heads with both hands, not daring to resist at all.

The shop owner was the same.

Among them, the shop owner was trembling all over, too scared, and too anxious.

He also wondered what was wrong with him.

The sales volume of the gold shop was true.

Now it’s good, and they encountered this robbery again.

It’s really unlucky.

But soon.

The shop assistants, including the shop owner, noticed that the atmosphere on the scene was a little different.

Everyone cooperated with the three masked men, but Zhang Wang was the only one who remained calm and unmoved.

"Boy, you are so brave!"

The leading man had a fierce look in his eyes and clenched the knife in his hand, as if he wanted to make the knife bleed.

"Zhang Wang, what are you doing? Hurry up and cooperate with the three big brothers!"

"Zhang Wang, don't hurt us!"

"Zhang Wang, squat down quickly!"


The shop assistants were very angry, as if they were worried that Zhang Wang's performance would make the three masked men dissatisfied.

If they were implicated in it, they would definitely have a bloody disaster.

Just thinking about it made them shudder.

Facing the accusations of everyone, Zhang Wang did not speak, but took the initiative.

He took the lead!

His speed was so fast, like a gust of wind, and he easily took away the three knives from the hands of the three masked men.


The leading man's eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected that this inconspicuous young man in front of him could have such a skill.

After a few breaths.


The three masked men fell to the ground and were knocked unconscious by Zhang Wang's punches.

Zhang Wang was not very proud. He could tell at a glance that the three masked men had weak steps, which was obviously due to kidney deficiency and insufficient blood. I'm afraid they usually spent a lot of time on women.

In addition.

He recently played "Apocalypse".

He really experienced the magic of the game.

Therefore, he had no pressure at all to deal with the three masked men, and he could even say that he was at ease.

For a while, the scene fell into a dead silence.

"Shua shua!"

The employees and the store owner all looked at Zhang Wang with an incredible look.

Zhang Wang's past performance was obviously very ordinary and there was nothing outstanding about it.

But the result.

Today's performance gave everyone an unprecedented surprise.

Soon, the shop owner called the police.

After calling the police, he also hurriedly stood up and thanked Zhang Wang.

"Xiao Wang, I really didn't expect that you have this ability."

"If you have this ability, why didn't you say it earlier!"

The shop owner was full of smiles.

"Brother Wang, you are so skilled!"

The female employees admired Zhang Wang very much, and the male employees wanted to learn a few tricks from Zhang Wang.

All of a sudden, the image of Zhang Wang in their minds became more and more unfathomable.

In this regard, Zhang Wang's face was very calm, and he didn't get too proud.

In "The Doomsday Cataclysm", with his current level of strength, it would be difficult to rank in the top 1,000.

"Xiao Wang, don't resign, I'll give you a promotion! In the future, you will be the head of the security of the gold shop. Security will be arranged by you, and your salary..."

The shop owner smiled and wanted to keep Zhang Wang with benefits.

However, Zhang Wang ignored the shop owner at all.

"I want to resign."

Zhang Wang said calmly.

Working in a gold shop?

Being the head of security?

If this were the case in the past, he would definitely be ecstatic.

But now he knows very well that the times have gradually begun to change.

And if you want to adapt to the current era, you have to play "Apocalypse"!

In the end.

The shop owner did not keep Zhang Wang, but he was still very grateful to Zhang Wang.

Originally, Zhang Wang could receive a salary of about two or three thousand.

But the shop owner directly gave Zhang Wang 10,000 yuan.

Giving this money is also to thank Zhang Wang.

If it weren't for Zhang Wang's action, the gold shop would definitely suffer astonishing losses.

Afterwards, the police arrived, Zhang Wang simply took notes, and left.

Longjiang Village, this is just a small and nameless village in Longguo.

But early this morning.

There is indeed a family in this village, a total of seven people, all of whom were killed.

Among them, there are two children in the seven people, and the children are only three or four years old.

Such a tragic case of extermination also immediately attracted the attention of the local police.

The murderer was quickly identified as an ordinary resident of Longjiang Village named Long Jing.

The police also quickly investigated the reason why Long Jing took action, which was suspected to be related to economic disputes. The detailed reasons are still being investigated.

The leading police officer in charge of this case is Chen Ming, who is 40 years old and has a short haircut. He is walking back and forth in Longjiang Village, trying to find more clues.

Next to Chen Ming, there stands a young female police officer Yang Xiaoli.

"Captain Chen, this case is very unreasonable. I speculate that the murderer may have other accomplices."

Yang Xiaoli's fair face showed a solemn look.

"Why do you have such an idea? Tell me about it?"

Chen Ming looked at the blue sky in the distance, holding a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

The sky was blue, but his mood was heavy.

It was hard for him to accept that such a tragic massacre of families suddenly occurred without any warning in the area under his jurisdiction.

The murderer is so cruel!

We must arrest him as soon as possible!

The murderer must not be allowed to remain unpunished, otherwise, the murderer will be like a time bomb that may detonate anytime and anywhere, and is likely to harm more innocent people.

"The seven people killed by Long Jing included two children, two elderly people, and three adults. The three adults were two men and one woman. They were only in their thirties. Facing the murderer, they were absolutely helpless. I won’t sit still and will definitely fight back.”

"But there was no sign of any counterattack at the scene. It was as if they didn't even have the strength to fight back when facing the murderer."

"Furthermore, according to the descriptions of the villagers, there was no movement last night for the family that was wiped out. This is all too abnormal."

"Long Jing is already in his forties, and according to the data, his physical condition has gotten worse and worse over the years, and his body functions have continued to decline."

"Various facts show that there must be other helpers in the massacre, and it is very likely that they are the villagers of Longjiang Village."

Say it.

Drops of sweat appeared on the white forehead of female police officer Yang Xiaoli.

Her idea is bold, but it also has certain possibilities.

"But the fingerprints of your so-called accomplice were not collected at the scene."

Chen Ming replied.


Female police officer Yang Xiaoli was speechless for a moment and fell into a brief silence.

At this time, Chen Ming received a call.

It only took two or three minutes for the phone to hang up.

But Chen Ming was stunned on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

"What's wrong with Captain Chen?"

Yang Xiaoli asked, feeling that Chen Ming's reaction was too abnormal and too wrong.

"We don't need to intervene in this tragedy. The superiors have already arranged for manpower to take action."

Chen Ming replied.


Yang Xiaoli looked stunned and in complete disbelief. Why would such a tragedy alarm the superiors?

With their local police handling the case, the killer will soon be outnumbered.

"The newly established department, the Extraordinary Affairs Bureau, will handle this case. Because, through their identification and judgment, Long Jing is not an ordinary criminal, but a rather special criminal."

Chen Ming explained.

It was okay if he didn't explain, but the more he explained, the more confused Yang Xiaoli became.

"Team Chen, what is this Extraordinary Affairs Bureau?"

Yang Xiaoli asked.

Chen Ming shrugged, he was not sure.

"Have you heard about "Doomsday Catastrophe"?"

Suddenly, he spoke.

Yang Xiaoli nodded. She had heard of this game but was not interested in it. She had never liked playing games.

She has never played the popular virtual reality online games "Heroes", "Survival", "Warcraft", etc.

"As the game becomes stronger, so does the real world. Maybe this is true."

Chen Ming's tone was serious, and he was preparing to return to the police station as soon as possible and try to play this game.

Yang Xiaoli's face was filled with astonishment and disbelief.

Min Town.

Han Dong, who is in his early twenties, very young and ordinary-looking, is eating breakfast in a breakfast shop.

He thought that today would be like usual, nothing major would happen.

But as a result, while eating breakfast, he heard a heartbreaking cry.

"My baby is drowning, please help me save my baby!"

It was a woman's cry.

Han Dong didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he hurriedly checked out and walked out of the store. Only then did he realize that there was a long and wide river outside the store, and there was a faint figure of a child flopping and struggling in the river.

And, there was the sound of a woman sobbing and crying.

The woman obviously doesn't know how to swim, otherwise she would have been washed down long ago.

"You are too careless!"

"As a parent, you should always keep an eye on your children!"

"This is how to do……"

"Whoever knows how to swim should hurry up and save people!"

There are more and more passers-by watching around, but most of them can't swim. Even if they can swim, they are worried about what to do if the child cannot be saved and their own lives are involved.


The woman continued to cry bitterly and bit her lips, as if she had made a decision. Even if she could not swim, she would still go into the river to save people.

If such a thing happened in the past, Han Dong would definitely just be a spectator and not interfere.

Although he can swim, his water skills are only average.

But things are different now.

His physical fitness has been improved in all aspects after playing "Doomsday Cataclysm"!


Time waits for no one, Han Dong no longer hesitates and jumps directly into the river.

There was only one thought in his mind.

To save people!

Even if you fail, you still have to try.

If he has the ability, then he will do it!

"Can this young man do it?"

"Today's young people are pretty good."

"It's not worth it if you risk your life."

"Hopefully, he can succeed."


People on the riverbank prayed, but a small number of people were not optimistic about Han Dong at all.

The child had been drowning for a while, and now he was probably dead.

It must be said that Han Dong was very fast. He was like a flexible fish in the river and found the pale-faced child in a moment.

He was not sure whether he could save the child.

But if there was a chance to save the child, he would never give up.

In less than two minutes.

Han Dong successfully rescued the drowning child to the shore, and also performed a series of simple abdominal resuscitation, artificial respiration, etc.

I don’t know if the child’s life was not destined to end, but he was saved.


Mouth after mouthful of river water came out of the child’s mouth, and gradually the child opened his big round eyes.

The child is alive!

Such a scene also made the people around him praise Han Dong again and again.

"Brother, you are such a fast swimmer!"

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda! Brother, you are accumulating merits!"

"This kid is so lucky!"

"Fortunately, it didn't lead to a tragedy."


Han Dong smiled at the praise from these people.

Even the child's mother thanked Han Dong again and again, and wanted to give Han Dong some money as a thank you gift.

In response, Han Dong shook his head and refused.

"Watch the child carefully, don't let the child run around alone, if he drowns again, I'm afraid..."

Han Dong warned.


The child's mother cried and cried like a tearful person. She would definitely prevent such things from happening again in the future, and would never let similar things happen again.


Han Dong left, and the crowd's praise also made him feel very satisfied.

"The game "Doomsday Cataclysm" is really good!"

He grinned and muttered to himself.

Tianming City.

A building, thick smoke billowing.

A big fire broke out!

The fire was fierce, and the flames kept burning the building.

Such a scene also attracted countless people in Tianming City to watch. Even the vehicles on the road stopped and paid attention to the development direction of this fire.

"The fire has been reported, why haven't the firemen come yet!"

"Do you think the firemen can move instantly? It always takes some preparation time!"

"How did this fire start?"

"I don't know how many people will be killed or injured in this fire. I heard that many people are trapped in the building!"


Witnessing such a big fire, the people were anxious and wanted to go in to save people.

But such an idea was dispelled as soon as it came up.

They knew what they were capable of.

If they rushed into the fire scene rashly, they would either be choked to death by the thick smoke or burned to death by the terrifying flames.

Think about it. It must be terrible.


A young woman came out of the crowd.

Everyone couldn't clearly see her appearance because she was covering her mouth and nose with a wet rag in her hand.


She rushed into the fire scene, very fast, as fast as lightning.

"Is this girl not afraid of death?"

"She rushed in alone?"

"This... Even if you want to be a hero, you should also consider yourself, right?"

"It's over, one more person has died in the fire!"


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