The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 47: Unprecedented pretence

The cohesion of      Gaka Nation reached unprecedented heights at this time. Almost all the people in the whole country are proud of the emotions of the war fortress that scared away the monsters!

   This is the pride from rising!

  The War Fortress is still making a huge roar, seeming to anger the monster.

   It roared, the two wings behind it closed, a strange blue energy wave appeared, and then the wings fanned out.

  The blue energy material turned into a meter-large light feathers densely and fell towards the War Fortress.

  At this moment, the world is quiet.

   People once again have a new understanding of monsters.

   It turns out that the monster's attacks are not single, but diversified!

  Look at the war fortress on the ground. The sieve has been set up!

   The most powerful mecha war fort in history, which Gaka is proud of, and the seventy pilots in it are all killed!

   "..." Global audience.

   Gaka’s national costume is unprecedented. If it weren’t for the appearance of monsters, the world might have been bluffed!

   was unprecedented in the beginning, but he knelt in front of the monster.

   Just want to protect the blue planet?

   is completely incomparable with the mechas of the Huangzhen Empire!

   The Gaka people were all stupid for a moment, watching the War Fortress being killed in seconds with a dull face.

   The War Fortress was so sifted on the spot?

   What **** is the strongest mecha in history, what Gaka country has risen, turned out to be Lungu Mo this old thing deceiving people.


   Here, a strong empire.

   Puth laughed, his eyes were fixed on the brand new giant monster on TV.

   The horror of this monster has seriously exceeded his imagination.

  A brand new attack method?

  Although the practicability of the War Fortress is really not good, it is made of tanks after all, and the thickness of the armor can be imagined. Is this all the monsters' attacks like light feathers have been sifted into a sieve?

   Pu Si immediately changed his attention. He originally wanted to make a global appearance of the terrorist killer at the beginning of next month, but he was shocked when he saw the horror of the monster.

  A terrifying killer really capable of a monster?

   He hurriedly contacted the Underground Research Institute and said, "Quickly, cover up the secret of our terrorist assassin. It must not be spread out. We will show up when we have dozens of terrorist assassins!"

   The person in charge had some reaction but said, "Isn't it the beginning of next month?"

   "Fak, do you think our two big spiders can beat those monsters?" Puth yelled hysterically.

  He felt that he was really broken for the strong empire. In the future, the major cities of the strong empire must build great free male idols with their own appearances for the whole world to admire!

Puth thought about it, but felt a little uneasy. He called the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the embassy in Tianlan again, saying: "No calls in Gaka are allowed, and our embassy hastily closed and is not allowed to see you. Any Gaka people."


   "Gaka Nation will definitely ask for our military assistance. Are we going to send our soldiers to death, you idiots."

   If it was placed in the past, Puth would gladly accept the military aid from Gaka Nation, but now... Gaka Nation is a pile of disgusting people's shit, whoever touches it is disgusting.


   The atmosphere of celebration in the Gaka country has long since disappeared without a trace, and it has turned into a pot of porridge.

   From extreme pride, pride fell into the abyss.

   The Miracle War Fortress of Gaka is gone.

   It is difficult to accept this fact.

   Now the monsters are heading towards Katche City all the way, and the city after that will be the closest city to Katche City.

   A complex emotion of despair, sadness, anxiety, questioning, etc. spread throughout the country of Gaka.

   Lun Gumo looked embarrassed, that's the end of the War Fortress that gave high hopes?


   I still want to continue blowing in front of a global audience.

   "This time it was my mistake. Our War Fortress can only destroy the large monsters of the past. I did not expect that this monster will be more powerful than before."

   Lun Gu Mo threw all the responsibility on the monster in one sentence. It wasn't the War Fortress, it didn't work, it could only be said that the monster was stronger than before.

   The corners of the mouths of the people of Gaka country twitched one by one.

   is still blowing?

   The monsters are about to hit the country of Gaka.

   Unable to come up with any solution, the crowd started a riot...

   "Let's go and ask for help from the strong empire."

   "Yes, the fierce empire is the global hegemon, and they can definitely destroy the monster."

   But soon someone was different.

   "Is the strong empire a good person? I think the Huangzhen empire is reliable. They are well-armed, and their people are very good."

   As soon as this voice came out, the body was sprayed on by the proud Gaka nation.

   Go to seek Huangzhen Empire?

   This kind of thing is too embarrassing, resolutely don't do it!

   "Yes, the Huangzhen Empire can't even beat us, do you count on them?"

   "Once they come to our country of Gaka, the women of our country of Gaka will definitely post them upside down. Do you want to be the pick-up man to raise children for others?"

   "For our women, we must not let them come!"


   The people of the Gaka country began to talk, and gradually expanded to the whole country from a small scale.

   At present, Gaka country can choose five empires.

   However, three were eliminated at the beginning, leaving the Huangzhen Empire and the Strong Empire.

   At the moment, it is either to seek military assistance from the neighboring country Huangzhen Empire, or to seek military assistance from the fierce empire of the global hegemon on the other side of the ocean.

Lungumo was determined to stand on the side of the strong empire almost without even thinking about After all, people are the global hegemon, and the Huangzhen Empire has never considered it unless they can go west. The province was included in the Gaka Nation, Lungumo might consider whether to ask the Huangzhen Empire for military assistance or something.

   Lun Gu Mo mobilized the domestic army to resist the monsters, and contacted the Minister of Foreign Affairs, saying: "Go to the strong empire and say that Gaka needs their assistance to resist the monsters."

   After a while, the Minister of Foreign Affairs hurried back.

   Lun Gu Mo looked overjoyed, he was saved, but the strong empire had experience in destroying monsters.

   "They said how many legions would be sent to help us?"

   "I'm sorry, but the calls are all up, but no one answers." The Minister of Foreign Affairs replied.

   "Go to the embassy and find their ambassador."

   "I'm sorry, just now, all the embassies of the Formidable Empire were closed for some reason." The Minister of Foreign Affairs replied again.

   "..." Lungu Mo.

"Don't panic, although the strong empire can't count on it, we must not panic at this time. Although the war fortress is gone, we still have the real trump card in our hands." Lungumo said in a deep voice, in short, no. Go to the Huangzhen Empire and **** them off.

   "You mean..." The two ministers of internal and external affairs changed their expressions, faintly aware of Lungu Mo's true intentions.

   "Yes, the world's most advanced motorcycle maneuver unit." Lungumo said solemnly.

   The motorcycle mobile unit is not only the trump card of the Gaka country, but also the honor of the Gaka country. It is this force that has made the world aware of the terrible aspects of the Gaka country!

   Lun Gumo and the two ministers of internal and external affairs smiled at each other.

   just ask if the monster is afraid of it?

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