The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 59: This is a three-D game of 1 steel gun

   It’s all news like this—VR cabins, even subways and buses seem to be the same.

   Really reach the point of promoting the whole empire!

   [Hello friends, we will release the VR cabin next week under the arrangement of the Empire. The real 3D effect will take you into the immersive game. What are you waiting for? Come and play with me if you are a friend! 】

  Additional game content-Peaceful Gunfight: Cruel violence will always happen in reality, whether we like it or not, and what we need is the courage to face violence!

  Game setting: Facing monsters, the situation is getting more and more serious. Now a military simulation competition is started!

  The brave ones walk together, dreaming of the clouds!

  All special forces, work together to defend world peace!


   The above are all game content.

   The first reaction of the people is not to believe it, and the second reaction must be the smoke bombs deliberately set by those companies. The actual effect is very rubbish!

   But as part of the game content was broadcast, one by one was shocked!

   is really a realistic 3D game, and the content of the game can also be gunfight and monsters? !

   This gaming device is really cool!

   "Made, once this device comes out, it will set off a global gaming landscape!"

   "It's exploding, it's exploding, I can't wait to buy it after looking at it for a while."

   "You don't have to guess that it is definitely something wealthy people. Will such a good game device be used by the little people like us?"

   "I think this may be the secret weapon of our Huangzhen Empire."

   "Fart, as we all know that only mechas are the secret weapon of our Huangzhen Empire, it's just a junk game device, even if it is given to Lao Tzu for nothing, I don't want it!"

  The streets of the Huangzhen Empire continued to be discussed and became a popular topic for a time.

   On Weibo, the popularity of the game cabin is even more instantaneous, firmly occupying the list, and all the trivial things that the stars have eaten and **** recently will be kicked out of people’s vision.

   For example, the socks of a female celebrity are fragrant.

   For example, those photos of a certain female celebrity.

   For example, the five-year-old son of a certain celebrity turned out to be Xiao Wang next door.

   In short, under the arrangement of the Empire, the VR cabin is very popular!


   Here, with the secret instruction of the Huangzhen Empire, a piece of news about the VR cabin began to ferment in the Hardy Empire and spread to various groups.

   "A device that can play a very immersive 3D game?"

   "Of course I want to play such a great thing."

   "I think this VR cabin will be popular all over the world, and its experience is really great!"

   "I look forward to next week, I must buy the best set of equipment!"


  The VR cabin began to spread in the Forbidden Empire, and the people of the Forbidden Empire also looked forward to this VR cabin, but they did not realize an important problem at all.

   Will people export to the strong empire?


   One week later.

   Five large enterprises sold out 500,000 sets of equipment!

The people of    Empire discovered that there are three kinds of equipment in the VR cabin. Those who don’t have money can buy a simple VR goggles for a dollar to go home. You can still play with it, and the experience is bursting!

  The next five large companies will manufacture several times this number, or even dozens of times!

   The people of the night empire are eager to follow the instructions carefully, download them from the official website, and then experience the game.

   Pinched face, pinched height.

   exploded as soon as he entered the game!

   If it were not for the ID name on the head, the vast majority of people would be the same as the one carved out of a mold. A glance at it, a large group of Yanzu and Yu Yan...

   "Fuck, this is such a great game, I feel like I'm in another world."

   "Where is the newbie tutorial for this game?"

   "Look, everyone, there is a group of Jingkong sisters picking up the pants of male players!"


   As soon as he entered the game, he was shocked by the first batch of crab-eating people in the empire. After curiosity, he became familiar with the novice process.

   After a short while, skip the novice process, one by one "king special forces" was born!

   followed, a big brand came into view [International Defense Exhibition, Huangzhen Empire Exhibition Area! ] There is a positive energy slogan next to it: Walk with the brave, dream the cloud!

Behind    is a transport plane that takes off at any time.

   "Go, get on the plane!"

  The content of the game is that players will transform into special forces and will be dropped into seaside cities, picking up weapons in buildings for CS gunfights, persisting for a while, even monsters will appear!

   is great!

   can fight monsters, this is the second dream that every man dreams of all day long without exception...

   Now it is finally possible to realize this dream of fighting monsters to save the world!

   So everyone was excited to play until the forced disembarkation time ~ ~ the next day.

   Segments of videos of experiencing the VR cabin began to flood the Internet in large numbers.

   Many users who did not purchase a VR cabin were shocked after watching the video of the game in the VR cabin last night!

   "Fuck, this is a real steel gun?"

   "Excitement, comparable to a real gunfight."

   "You can actually fight monsters in the end?"

   "Brothers, whoever buys me a VR cabin, I can satisfy any rude request from you, I am super cute, with a Chinese voice, slap my heart and hair!"


   So the people of the Empire are eager to try and buy the next batch of VR cabins.

   Such a great game must be played. No, this is not a game anymore. Strictly speaking, it is to feel the charm of military competition!

   The release of the VR cabin caused the imperial people to divert their attention and no longer feel anxious. News about the VR cabin was everywhere.

   and strong empire...

   "Fak, fake, it must be fake, it's been a week, why is there no place where you can buy a VR cabin."

   "I'm not bad for money, but where can I sell the VR cabin?"


  The people of the arduous empire can't bear it, and it's about to explode!

   This is a feeling of being deceived. I have been working hard and looking forward to it for a whole week, but only to find out that there is no place to buy a VR cabin?


   Pusi sat in the office and muttered to himself in confusion: "That's not right, isn't the overseas market of Huangzhen Empire gone?"


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