"No one lives here?!"

Upon hearing this news, Ye Chen's eyes lit up.

What he liked most was a quiet environment.

No one would come to disturb him.

As for monsters?

What's the big deal?

He wished there were as many as possible.

This way, his template fusion progress would be faster.

"Ahem, what do you think about becoming a disciple?"

Bai Bingning looked at Ye Chen with a hopeful look on her face.

"Come practice swordplay with me for now, and we'll talk about the details later."

After thinking it over, Ye Chen finally agreed. He didn't agree before because he was short of time and afraid of trouble.

But now that they're living in someone else's villa, it's not right not to help.

Of course, the main reason is that Ye Chen is impressed by Bai Bingning's courage.

It takes a lot of courage for a girl to dare to walk into Qingshui Park.


Hearing Ye Chen agree, Bai Bingning jumped up happily.

Although she knew there would be more tests to come, it was still a step forward, wasn't it?

"Come on, I'll take you to the villa now."

Thinking that she could practice sword immediately, Bai Bingning couldn't wait any longer and directly pulled Ye Chen over there.

Ye Chen didn't object.

Anyway, it was only a little after 8 o'clock, so it was still early. It was a good opportunity to go over and see if it was suitable for her.


After leaving Qingshui Park, Bai Bingning led the way and Ye Chen followed behind.

The two cars drove to the southwest suburbs one after the other.

An hour later, the two arrived at the place Bai Bingning mentioned.

Although this is a suburb, it is also a wealthy area.

The environment is very good.

The trees and vegetation are very lush, and you can hear birds singing.

There is even a natural lake.

At least, Ye Chen looked very satisfied.

It is much better than Qingshui Park.

"How is it? Not bad, right?"

Bai Bingning said proudly.

This was a birthday gift her father bought for her.

But she went to school in the city before and had never been here.

She didn't expect that she would need it one day.

It's really good!

"It looks OK from the outside, let's go inside and take a look"



"The environment inside is even better than it looks outside."

After a brief stroll, Ye Chen showed a smile on his face.

He could feel the strong natural atmosphere inside.

Can we only say that it is worthy of being a wealthy area?

"Such a nice place, why don’t you live there?"

"What happened?"

Finding that the villa was dark, Ye Chen was also curious.

"Because something seems to have happened in that place, mutant animals often appear"

"So the wealthy businessmen here have all left."

Bai Bingning pointed in a direction and explained to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also looked in the direction of her finger.

It seemed to be a factory or something.

It was not far from here.

No wonder the wealthy businessmen in the villa moved away.

Although they have no shortage of bodyguards.

But what will happen next, no one can tell.

It's better to just move away.

"Okay, I'll go back and pack my things now and move here tomorrow."

After retracting his gaze, Ye Chen also said with a smile

"It might be dangerous here, are you sure you want to come?"

Seeing Ye Chen made the decision, Bai Bingning also reminded him.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Ye Chen waved his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Bingning nodded and felt relieved, ready to leave.

However, when she turned around, she seemed to see something terrifying, and quickly ran behind Ye Chen and hid.

"There is a monster!"

It turned out that a wild boar appeared behind them.

It was very large, with sharp fangs at the corners of its mouth.

Its eyes were red and its breath was extremely manic.

From time to time, it snorted twice.

It was attacking Ye Chen.

Following Bai Bingning's gaze, Ye Chen naturally saw this mutant animal.

"Mutated wild boar?"

He also understood Bai Bingning's reaction.

Such a huge monster would scare anyone who saw it.

But Ye Chen was not one of them!

Ignoring the school beauty Bai Da behind him, Ye Chen quickly picked up the weapon behind him.

He saw the black knife in his hand gently waved.

In an instant, a sharp sword energy shot out from the tip of the knife.

Leaving a deep straight mark on the ground, spreading towards the mutant wild boar.

The sword energy spread very quickly, so fast that the wild boar had no time to react. It was directly split into two by the sharp sword energy, and blood instantly spurted all over the ground.

The internal organs and intestines inside were all leaked out.

It was like a slaughterhouse.

It looked particularly creepy.

And the look in its eyes was still as manic as before.

Seeing this scene again, Bai Bingning seemed to feel sick instantly, and hurriedly ran to the side to vomit.

But the sword energy was not over yet. The sword energy after killing the mutant wild boar was still powerful.

It rushed straight to the woods on the side.


A sound soon came from the woods.

A large area of trees collapsed as if ravaged by a hurricane.

Thick dust filled the air.

"So awesome!"

"Is this his true strength?"

Looking at the straight and smooth gully on the ground, the school beauty of Bai University was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

She now knew the power of Ye Chen's swordsmanship.

A casual strike was such a terrifying sword energy.

At a distance of more than ten meters, he could kill such a terrifying mutant wild boar in an instant.

Even the residual power caused a whole piece of trees to collapse.

It's so terrifying!

However, she soon felt a surge of joy in her heart.

Ye Chen is so powerful, so if I learn swordsmanship in the future, won't I be able to do the same?

"Pack up and let's leave."

Ye Chen put away his weapon and said


After that, the two of them dealt with the situation casually and drove away.

"There are so many mutant animals here, I wonder if the Spiritual Power Bureau will come here?"

Looking at the villa area in the rearview mirror, Ye Chen thought inexplicably.

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