"This is the fifth mutant animal. I don't know how much the template has been fused."

Looking at the mutant wolf lying on the ground, Ye Chen muttered to himself, and then called up his attribute panel.

Host: Ye Chen

Fusion Template: Joracol Mihawk

Fusion Progress: 32%

"It's still too slow."

Looking at the data on the panel, Ye Chen also shook his head slightly.

Killing 5 mutant animals only increased by 1%, Ye Chen is a little dissatisfied now.

"If we kill stronger mutant animals, will the fusion progress be increased?"

With a flash of light, Ye Chen suddenly had an idea.

The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

So Ye Chen decided to find a powerful animal to try.

Which animal in the zoo is the most powerful?

Generally speaking, the bigger the body, the stronger it is.

For example, elephants, tigers, lions, bears, etc.

These animals were originally very ferocious.

After mutation, they definitely became more powerful.

Ordinary extraordinary people are no match for them at all.

"Let's pick a lion to warm up our hands first!"

After making the decision, Ye Chen picked up the map he had found before and looked at the location of the Lion Pavilion.

Although it was called the Lion Pavilion, it was actually just an area surrounded by a fence.

There were many rockery and green grass in the area.

These rockery also blocked the sight of people outside the fence.

After Ye Chen arrived, he really couldn't find any traces of the lion for a while.

But for him, this was not a troublesome thing.

With a thought, Ye Chen closed his eyes and felt it slightly.

Under the perception of the observation Haki, everything in the Lion Pavilion emerged in his mind.

"Found it!"

Soon, Ye Chen found the mutant lion.

It was behind a huge rockery in the middle of the lion pavilion.

With a chuckle, Ye Chen directly broke through the fence outside and walked towards the mutant lion.

The mutant lion's hearing was also very strong. When it heard the sound, it knew that the enemy was coming.

This made it furious. It seemed that its dignity as the king of the forest was challenged!


Accompanied by a low roar, a huge lion jumped out from behind the rockery.

Seeing the size of the mutant lion, Ye Chen was also slightly surprised.

It is 5 meters tall and nearly 10 meters long.

What does this mean?

You should know that the largest lion in the world is only as tall as an adult and less than 3 meters long.

After the mutant lion stood up, the more than 3-meter-high rockery was like a toy in front of it.

Not to mention Ye Chen. Not even as good as a toy.

It is estimated that he can be killed with a slap.

At this time, the mutant lion stared at Ye Chen, the uninvited guest, with a chilling light in its eyes.

It seemed that it could smash the human who dared to provoke it in the next second.

This scene is different from ordinary people.

Even if a superhuman came, he would probably be scared and collapsed on the ground, without the courage to resist.

"A mutant lion at level five?"

At this time, the mutant lion moved!

It lifted its paw and pounced towards Ye Chen.

It was very fast!

It was more than ten meters away and arrived in front of Ye Chen in the blink of an eye.

However, Ye Chen had already sensed this step.

He lightly turned his body to avoid the claws that were larger than half of his body.

Then he kicked out.

After a long period of training and template fusion, Ye Chen's physical strength is now very terrifying.

The force of this kick is definitely not light.

However, the mutant lion has thick skin and flesh.

After being kicked out, even if it crashed into a few rockery, it just fell to the ground and groaned.

Then it rolled over and climbed up quickly.

Staring at Ye Chen again with a covetous look

"The body strength is good."

With a slight smile, Ye Chen held the black knife and swung it gently.


A streak of white light passed by, and in an instant a sword energy more than ten meters high roared out.

The sword energy spread very quickly, and the noise was also very loud.

Like a hurricane, it set off a huge wave of air and swept towards the mutant lion.

Looking at the sword energy that was twice as high as its own, the mutant lion realized how powerful the man in front of it was.

Unfortunately, it couldn't run away.

Under the ravages of the sword energy, the mutant lion fell to the ground in despair. The remaining power of the sword energy did not diminish, and the rockery of the lion pavilion collapsed and shattered into pieces.

Only a sword mark nearly 100 meters long was left on the ground.

This is Ye Chen's current strength.

It is much better than a week ago.

Thanks to no one here, otherwise it would definitely cause a sensation.

How can this be swordsmanship? It's obviously a fairy art!

After dealing with this mutant lion, Ye Chen ignored the situation around him and looked at the attribute panel again.

Host: Ye Chen Fusion template: Joracol Mihawk Fusion progress: 32.

5% Seeing this data, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of understanding.

His guess was indeed correct

"It seems that I should just focus on killing these powerful mutant animals in the future."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen picked up the map and headed towards the next target.


On the other side, the people from the Spiritual Power Bureau were also taking action.

They went deep inside the zoo from the entrance.

The extraordinary people had dealt with three waves of mutant animals.

Now they were fighting the fourth wave of mutant animals.

Although the number was not as large as before, there were only a dozen of them.

But their strength was much stronger than the mutant animals they had encountered before. The ones they had encountered before were all low-level mutant animals, and their strength was at the third level.

But now, there were not many at the third level, and the number of those at the fourth level was increasing.

There were even those at the fifth level!

This put a lot of pressure on the extraordinary people in the Spiritual Power Bureau.

Many of them had been seriously injured, and their combat effectiveness had been greatly reduced.

"Everyone, hold on. After we have dealt with this wave of mutant animals, we will retreat directly."

Looking at this situation, Lin Xueer also felt that this could not go on any longer.

The strength of the mutant monsters here was beyond the imagination of all of them.

They could only retreat first and come back next time when their strength increased.

Hearing that they could retreat, the extraordinary people burst out with powerful motivation.

They began to use all their skills to deal with the enemies in front of them.

In addition, they had more masters who had entered the fifth level, and finally solved all the mutant animals in this wave.

Seeing that the crisis had receded, the extraordinary people could no longer hold on and fell directly to the ground.

In desperation, Lin Xueer picked up the walkie-talkie on her body and contacted the director outside.

""Okay, I understand. I'll come to pick you up right away."

The director replied quickly.

Seeing this, the extraordinary people looked at each other and smiled.

Just as they were waiting for others to come to rescue, a loud voice rang out.


Then came a loud sound of footsteps.


"Boom boom!"


Amid the trembling gazes of many extraordinary people, a huge shadow walked out from the darkness.

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