Ye Chen didn't know what Lin Xue'er and the director were thinking, as he was heading to Lion and Tiger Mountain.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

He would not join the Spiritual Power Bureau.

He was very satisfied with the current situation.

After going to Lion and Tiger Mountain, Ye Chen did not find any large mutant animals.

After that, he searched other places in the zoo, but found nothing at all.

There were only ordinary mutant wolves.

I don't know if the noise of the battle just now scared them away, or if there weren't so many in the zoo.

In desperation, Ye Chen killed some more mutant animals and went back.

As for the Spiritual Power Bureau, in order to prevent being attacked by mutant animals that escaped the net.

After dealing with the scene, they evacuated directly.

In general, their mission tonight was successful.

The hidden dangers that had plagued them for a long time have finally been solved.


When Ye Chen returned to the villa area, it was almost 11 o'clock.

"Are you back?"

"Take a rest first, I'll go heat up the food for you."

Seeing Ye Chen coming back from outside, Bai Bingning's face lit up with joy, and she quickly got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen didn't say much.

After putting down the black knife, he sat at the dining table.

This scene has happened many times.

Since moving here, Ye Chen goes out hunting every night.

And every time he comes back from hunting, he feels very hungry.

After learning about this situation, Bai Bingning took the initiative to take over the task of midnight snacks.

Prepare some meals every night and wait for Ye Chen to come back to eat.

Looking at Bai Bingning busy in the kitchen, Ye Chen's eyes flashed a softness.

I have to say that life with someone taking care of it is really good.

It makes Ye Chen feel the warmth of home

""It's time to eat!"

Soon, Bai Bingning brought out the hot food.

Two dishes and a soup were enough for Ye Chen to eat.

After the fight, Ye Chen was really a little hungry.

Smelling the delicious food, he couldn't help but start eating.

"Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

Seeing Ye Chen eating happily, Bai Bingning held her cheek with a smile in her eyes.

"By the way, how was the hunting tonight? What happened there?"

When Ye Chen heard Bai Bingning ask about this, he stopped the chopsticks in his hand and talked to her.

"It used to be a zoo, and then……"

Ye Chen was not very clear about the specific situation, he just told me what he saw tonight.

"It turns out there is a zoo."

"Before the spiritual energy is revived, such a terrifying mutant animal has appeared. When it really starts, it is hard to imagine what it will be like."

After listening to Ye Chen's story, Bai Bingning was also full of emotion.

In a zoo, there are not only five-meter-tall mutant tigers, but also ten-meter-tall mutant elephants!

It is really an eye-opener!

"The strength of mutant monsters is increasing, and the strength of extraordinary people is also increasing"

"Don't worry too much."

Ye Chen said not to worry, and then continued to eat.

"Ye Chen, I want to become stronger!"

"I won't be the same as you, but at least I won't hold you back."

After a fierce ideological struggle, Bai Bingning finally spoke out her inner thoughts.

She wanted to fight with him and kill mutant animals together.

After the spiritual energy revived, mutant animals would probably become more and more numerous and stronger.

She hoped that she could help Ye Chen, instead of staying alone in the villa and worrying about him like today.

"Wanting to become stronger is good."

"But don't be impatient, just keep swinging your sword"

"I'll take you hunting later."

Hearing Bai Bingning's thoughts, Ye Chen put down his bowl and chopsticks and gave a solemn reply.

Ye Chen recognized her desire to become stronger.

Everyone likes people with ambition.

But she is not Ye Chen.

Without the help of the system, she may not be able to deal with a monster of the second level.

It is better to polish her basic skills first.

""Okay, then it's settled."

Hearing Ye Chen's affirmation, Bai Bingning's beautiful eyes flashed a smile.

She also knew that her foundation was weak.

But since he promised her, she would just work hard to train.

After eating supper, Bai Bingning cleaned up the dishes, and Ye Chen went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, it was already 12 o'clock.

Lying on the bed, Ye Chen did not go to sleep directly, but checked today's gains.

With a thought, he opened the attribute panel again.

【Host: Ye Chen】

【Fusion Template: Djorakol Mihawk】

【Fusion progress: 34%】

"It's OK."

Looking at his fusion progress, Ye Chen felt it was OK.

Today, the fusion degree increased by 4%.

The speed was fast enough!

After seeing the harvest, Ye Chen thought of the full-strength attack today.

In fact, he didn't need to do this to deal with the mutant elephant.

Ordinary sword energy can solve it.

But Ye Chen still tried it.

He wanted to see what he could achieve after fusing one-third of the template.

From the scene effect, it was still good.

But he didn't get arrogant.

You know, in the original book, Joracol Mihawk could split the sea with a casual blow.

That was a big scene.

Compared with him now, Ye Chen is still far behind.

"There are still 21 days until the spiritual energy is revived. Oh no, it should be 20 days. It's already past midnight."

"If I don't go hunting now and just complete the tasks every day, I will have to wait until the aura revival template fusion reaches at least 55.%"

After a little calculation, Ye Chen felt that he could focus on comprehending the swordsmanship in the future, and he didn't need to go hunting anymore.

The strength brought by the 55% template fusion degree was enough for him to protect himself. There was no need to blindly speed up the progress of template fusion. This was not good for his swordsmanship. As for hunting, it would be left to Bai Bingning in the future. Since she wanted to become stronger, he would help her. Having a strong apprentice was not bad. After thinking about everything, Ye Chen relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. But the Spiritual Power Bureau was not so stable.

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