In the study,

The woman who followed Ling Qingxue was standing in front of the desk, reporting today's situation truthfully.

"Clan leader, the young lady's martial soul has the ability to enhance her own physique, and the increase is very huge. She can hit more than 20,000 strength values ​​just by entering the first level."

"What? Is this news true?!"

Ling Tianlong frowned and asked in disbelief.

The woman nodded seriously: "The whole academy knows about this matter now. At that time, there was a martial artist in the second level who hit more than 10,000 values. Compared with the young lady, it was a full 10,000."

"The difference is a whole realm, how could there be such a big difference..." Ling Tianlong was puzzled.

This is simply unheard of, it is a bit too outrageous.

The woman said confidently: "When I heard those rumors about the academy, I didn't believe them at first, but then she stopped me from fighting those people, and I believed that she really had the strength."

Ling Tianlong put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth in the study, muttering to himself: "There is a martial soul without a soul bead slot, but it can enhance its own physique... There is such a strange martial soul in the world..."

This is almost subverting his understanding of the world.

First of all, if a martial soul can be awakened, there must be a soul bead slot, but Ling Qingxue does not have one, which is already very subversive.

Everyone thought it was just a waste soul, but they didn't expect that this situation would happen again.

With a big realm difference, it can hit twice the value, this kind of power increase is too terrifying.

If the situation is true, this is another big subversion.

Ling Tianlong stopped, looked at the woman, and concluded: "In other words, Ling Qingxue's martial soul is not as useless as we imagined, but has an alternative way of being a warrior?"

The woman nodded slowly: "Now it seems that it should be so, and it is a martial soul that has never appeared in Daxia, or even in the entire human race."

Ling Tianlong exhaled heavily, and he thought of what the woman said.

As the head of a clan, he knows much more than this woman.

He can be sure of this.

This is definitely a martial soul that has never appeared in human history. It may open up a new track and lay a foundation for a new way of cultivation.

Now that it appears in the Ling family, this is an opportunity. Perhaps the Ling family will become the leader of this new system.

Just thinking about this result is enough to make people excited.

But it is precisely because it has never appeared in history, so it is difficult for him to say whether this martial soul is good or bad.

Ling Tianlong is not sure about this at all.

This is a gamble.

If they win the bet, the Ling family will become famous, but if they lose the bet, they will most likely fall to the bottom and never recover.

They will also face the suppression for breaking the engagement.

Ling Tianlong's face was tangled, and his eyes were uncertain.

"Patriarch, do you want to break the engagement and keep Ling Qingxue in the Ling family?" The woman obviously saw Ling Tianlong's inner thoughts and couldn't help asking.

Ling Tianlong nodded slowly: "Yes, if a martial soul like Qingxue can appear on a large scale, it will definitely lead to a new training method. By then, if our Ling family has taken the lead in researching it, we will have a great advantage."

The woman thought for a while, and then continued with Ling Tianlong's words: "But what you are worried about is that this situation only occurs occasionally, and the upper limit will be very low, and the final achievement will not be too high."

Ling Tianlong nodded again, his eyes a little melancholy:

"Yes, what I am worried about is this problem. Now, except for Ling Qingxue, no one knows what kind of ability this martial soul has, let alone how big its potential is..."

The woman's face showed a trace of thoughtfulness, and analyzed:

"This is indeed a problem. Given your relationship with Ling Qingxue, I believe she will not tell the truth, and you may not be able to keep her..."

"And once the ability of this martial soul is spread, if she is left in the Ling family, it may attract the attention of others, which will only be more troublesome at that time."

Ling Tianlong listened to the woman's analysis, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

He had overlooked this aspect.

Ling Qingxue's martial spirit will definitely attract some people with ulterior motives. Keeping it will be a time bomb, which will be detrimental to the future development of the Ling family.

It's a trouble.

"In this case, let's just leave this trouble to the Shen family..."

Ling Tianlong slowlyHe said slowly.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to keep the original plan unchanged and continue the marriage.

After all, the Ling family is in a period of transition and can't afford to be tossed.

A safe development path and a thrilling path, which one is more important? As the head of the family, he wisely chose the safe path.

Of course, he thought it was wise.

After Ling Tianlong made this decision, he felt a little relieved. He looked at the woman's injuries and said lightly:

"The young people you met should be from Tianjing City. Although they are not direct descendants of those big families, they are not people we can easily provoke. Let's just forget about your injuries and don't go into it any further."

The woman was slightly startled, but didn't say anything. She just bowed her head and said respectfully: "Yes, clan leader."

Ling Tianlong looked at the woman, smiled slightly, and said in a slightly gentle tone: "When you finish this task, you will get the same reward."

The woman suddenly looked up, her eyes showing excitement and gratitude, and she bowed quickly, her tone more respectful: "Thank you, clan leader!"

Ling Tianlong has been very skilled in giving a sweet date after a big stick. He smiled lightly, didn't say anything more, thought for a while, and added:

"In the next period of time, you continue to follow Ling Qingxue in the name of protection, observe her every move, and immediately..."

Ling Tianlong was saying this, and suddenly there was a flustered sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door, followed by a very urgent knock on the door.

"Clan leader, it's not good!!"

An even more flustered and anxious voice came in clearly from outside the door.

Ling Tianlong frowned, and said with an unhappy face: "What happened so anxious!?"

At this time, the woman had opened the door.

A panicked middle-aged man walked in, stuttering in his voice, and said in horror:

"The clan... clan leader... another... another person was killed!"

Ling Tianlong's face changed instantly: "Who! Who died?"

The middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, calmed down his inner excitement, and said: "It's... it's Ling Yuzhen..."

"What!?" Ling Tianlong suddenly lost his voice and said: "How did she die!? Who did it? Has the murderer been caught?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "No... no, the murderer was not caught, and the way she died was exactly the same as Ling Rong..."

Ling Tianlong's eyes widened, and he slammed the door in anger.

"Take me there!!"

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