When facing these accusations and abuses, Ling Jinyue knew what despair and helplessness were.

She wanted to defend herself, but she couldn't open her mouth at all.

More and more people gathered around, some dead, some alive, but without exception, all of them were ruthless abuses.

"It's all you who caused my family to be broken up! My wife and I are separated forever!"

"Why can't you be stronger and stop those soul beasts from harassing us!"

"It's all your fault!"

"You killed all these people!"

"You are the one who should die, you are a useless waste, a disaster star that only brings disaster!"

The increasingly fierce words made the only remaining belief in Ling Jinyue's heart collapse at this moment.

There was no light in her eyes, and she was completely desperate.

She felt that everything she had done before seemed meaningless.

She wanted to tell herself that it was just a dream, but the incomparable sense of reality made her a little confused.

Is this really just a dream?

Or... is this another real world?

In this world, she also saved the city, but in the eyes of some people, her behavior was not a rescue, but a disaster that brought them disaster.

Is it really like this?

Ling Jinyue looked down at her hands.

For the first time, she had serious doubts about herself.

Everything she did, her sacrifices, her efforts, if it was for such a person, was it really worth it?

Ling Jinyue's originally bright eyes gradually became dim.

Faith collapsed, and there was no faith at all.

Ling Jinyue looked at the ugly faces around her, and her expression gradually changed from confusion at the beginning to pain and sorrow, and finally turned into despair and silence.

Endless despair.

The love in her heart turned into ashes, replaced by absolute indifference, her eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and there was silence.

At this moment,

a strange mask with a green face and fangs suddenly appeared in front of her.

Ling Jinyue was slightly stunned.

This mask...isn't it Qingxue's martial soul?

How could it appear in her dream?

Ling Jinyue's eyes flashed with confusion.

Just as she was about to reach out and touch it, a strange voice she had never heard before sounded in her ears.

"Want to destroy this city?"

Ling Jinyue's eyes suddenly showed a trace of tyranny. She clenched her pink fists and opened her cherry lips: "Destroy..."

"Destroy these humans, destroy these ugliness, and let the holy light fall on this city again."

The strange double-tone voice was like the whisper of a demon in the depths of hell, mumbling, full of evil and ridicule.

"Destroy these humans... Let the holy light fall again..."

Ling Jinyue repeated it in a whispering voice, and her eyes changed from confusion and struggle to a trace of inexplicable heat and... piety.

"But... With my strength, it is not enough to destroy this world..."

Ling Jinyue looked up at this world, looking at the humans who were still insulting and accusing in front of her, her voice was quite weak.

Although her power was already very strong when facing these ordinary people, it was far from enough to destroy the world.

And there were too many people in front of her, so many that she could not kill them all.

She could not believe that so many people would accuse and abuse her.

Perhaps the world really needs to be reshaped.

"Put on the mask, and you will gain the power to destroy the world."

This time, the voice was full of temptation and cold murderous intent. Ling Jinyue felt like she was falling into an ice cellar, and her whole body trembled suddenly.

In a trance, she seemed to see countless black shadows again, densely packed, with no end in sight.

This is a powerful force that can change the color of the world.

Destroy this world and reshape the supreme glory...

Ling Jinyue's clear eyes were instantly filled with blood red.

The blood color gradually became thicker and deeper.

Ling Jinyue stretched out her slightly trembling hands and slowly approached the strange mask floating in front of her.

Ten centimeters, five centimeters, three centimeters, one centimeter........

Ling Jinyue's bare hands got closer and closer, until the moment they touched, the familiar touch came from her fingertips again.

She felt an unprecedented sense of security.

This was the first time she felt so safe in this malicious world.

The red light in Ling Jinyue's eyes became brighter, and she reverently put the mask on her face as if she was holding a holy object.

The next moment,

The mask emitted wisps of black gas, which wrapped around Ling Jinyue's pretty face.

Finally, it was completely absorbed.Ling Jinyue's body was flooded with nearly endless powerful force.

"This power... is too powerful..." Ling Jinyue looked at her hands, her eyes full of astonishment.

She felt that if she released all the power in her body, she could even destroy the world.

With a thought, the sky suddenly darkened, and the deep darkness enveloped the whole world.

Countless ghost army appeared in front of her in an instant.

It was the black shadows she saw in a trance.

Now they appeared in front of her one by one.

And these ghost army now all obey her orders, or to be more precise, obey her wearing a mask.

"Kill them all..."

Ling Jinyue pointed at the crowd in front of her who were still refusing to listen to the abuse, her voice was as cold as ice.

The ghost army received the order and rushed to the group of men, women, old and young in front.

In just a moment,

blood splattered and screamed.

The original abuse completely dissipated, leaving only endless terror and wailing.

Ling Jinyue stood on the city wall, looking down at the group of men and women struggling in pain.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly.

Let these ignorant people see what real death and disaster are.

Let them understand that some existences cannot be desecrated.

Ling Jinyue looked at the horrible scene in front of him, and even felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart...

The pleasure from destruction...

These people deserve to die!

They deserved to die!

Ling Jinyue walked slowly down the ruined city wall.

The Ghost Corps was still slaughtering and did not stop.

The whole world was miserable, and the sky was stained with scarlet blood, making the originally filthy world even more miserable.

At this time,

All those who cursed turned into wisps of black smoke under the attack of the Ghost Corps and disappeared in this world.

Ling Jinyue stood on the devastated scene, looked up at the sky, and narrowed his eyes.

She suddenly remembered a passage she had read: When you are in despair and darkness, when you feel the stench and despair coming from all around you, you will find that this is actually a gift from God.

Because you will personally end the lives of these scums and make them forever doomed.

Ling Jinyue suddenly chuckled.

The idea was clear.

Her mentality had also changed drastically without her realizing it.


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