The city gate slowly opened.

The bus began to accelerate and drove out of the city gate.

Outside Beichuan City was a relatively barren desert. Occasionally, a few wandering low-level soul beasts appeared on both sides of the bus, but they were soon left behind.

Everyone stared at the surroundings nervously, fearing that the Ghost Shadow Legion would suddenly appear and kill them here.

However, it was calm all the way and nothing happened.

This also made everyone feel relieved.

Nothing happened until the bus drove out of the scope of Beichuan City.

Everyone finally relaxed.

"Finally got rid of those ghosts."

"Oh my god, these days are simply my nightmare!"

"Yeah! I feel like I will never want to come back in this life..."

There was a complaint on the bus.

These days, they have lived under the shadow of the Ghost Shadow Legion for a month, and they are simply going crazy.

Especially these people, whose own strength is not very good, have long become mentally weak under the torture of the Ghost Shadow Legion.

The bus continued to move forward slowly.

Ling Qingxue closed her eyes and concentrated, turning a deaf ear to the surrounding discussions.

These were just small minions that didn't interest her at all.

At this time, Su Chen in the Dark Kingdom was also studying other wonderful uses of fear energy.

This might be the key to his coming to this world, so Su Chen studied it quite seriously.

"Fear energy is condensed from the negative will contained in the souls of humans in this world, and it has the same effect as the dark energy in the Black Shadow Kingdom, or it can be said that they are from the same source."

"But the energy in the Black Shadow Kingdom is purer and the effect is more significant!"

Su Chen touched his chin, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

It is precisely because the two come from the same source that Ling Qingxue can summon the ghost army in this world with the help of fear energy.

"Since the fear energy is similar to the dark power of the Black Shadow Kingdom, can I merge them?"

Thinking of this, Su Chen's heart moved slightly.

If successful, it will definitely be a qualitative change for him.

"Fear, devour!"

Su Chen muttered to himself.

Then, the blood light in Su Chen's eyes became stronger and stronger, and the whole person exuded a cold murderous aura, like the devil of hell.

In an instant, the entire dark kingdom trembled, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the blood light shone brightly.

The terrifying pressure swept across the entire dark kingdom, and all the ghost army crawled on the ground, with scarlet eyes full of piety.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and suddenly an invisible wave emerged, and a wisp of black mist emerged and condensed in the air.

This wisp of black mist was stripped out of the fear energy by Su Chen.

"Devour!" Su Chen uttered a word again.

Suddenly, this wisp of black mist floated to the other side, entangled with the dark air, and continued to merge.


A loud explosion rose, and two strange and boundless forces rushed into the sky, intertwined together, and emitted a terrifying vibration.

This power lasted for half a cup of tea before it disappeared.

The Dark Kingdom returned to its peace, and everything returned to its original state.

Su Chen raised his mouth and smiled. He didn't expect that the power of darkness could really merge with the energy of fear.

Now the energy of fear has become more violent and ferocious.

Su Chen's mind moved, and a ray of dark energy overflowed from his fingertips.

This is a power that belongs to Su Chen alone, called fear.

Although it is not as terrifying as the power of darkness in the Shadow Legion, it is far more than those so-called soul power and elemental power.

"It seems that I was giving up the essence before, and I didn't study the energy of fear, but studied the elemental power." Su Chen muttered to himself.

Many ideas came to his mind.

Su Chen thought for a long time, and suddenly smiled,

"Since this energy of fear is bred from the souls of humans in this world, can it bypass the rejection of the will of this world and come instead of my will?"

This is a wonderful way.

This fear energy was fused with his dark power, and the dark power also contained a trace of his will.

"I just don't know if Ling Qingxue's body can withstand my will..."

Su Chen pondered for a while and decided to give it a try.

"Master, what are you going to do..." Ling Qingxue asked in confusion.

Su Chen said lightly: "Try it out."


Su Chen's will slowly extended out of the Black Shadow Kingdom, using the trace of fear energy he had just fused, and moved closer to Ling Qingxue.

This was a long and painful process, as if to tear Ling Qingxue's soul apart.

A fierce pain attacked the soul.

Ling Qingxue's face turned pale in an instant, veins bulged on her forehead, and her teeth bit through the cherry blossoms.Lips.

"What's going on!" Ling Qingxue exclaimed. She could feel that there was a trace of supreme will in her mind.

"Could it be the master!?" Ling Qingxue's beautiful eyes overflowed with unparalleled excitement.

This was an experience she had never had before.

The master's will actually entered her body! !

Ling Qingxue was shocked and excited.

Then, Ling Qingxue only heard Su Chen's voice in her mind.

"I'm going to start occupying your body. I hope you can hold on."

Ling Qingxue heard Su Chen's words and nodded heavily, with a firm tone: "Master, I can do it!"


Su Chen responded softly.

The next moment, the trace of fear energy fused with the power of darkness swept Su Chen's will, perfectly avoiding the rejection of the will of this world, and suddenly eroded the depths of Ling Qingxue's soul, occupying her soul in one fell swoop.

"Hmm..." Ling Qingxue groaned, her body trembled slightly, and sweat appeared on her pretty face.

If someone else had felt this kind of pain that hurt the soul, they would definitely not be able to endure it for even a second.

But Ling Qingxue gritted her teeth and endured it without any complaints.

Her cheeks were stained with crimson, her beautiful eyes were blurred, and her whole body was soft and she had no strength at all, not even the strength to open her eyes.

At this time, Su Chen's will successfully occupied Ling Qingxue's body.

Ling Qingxue felt like she had become a puppet, with no power to resist at all.

Her soul was trembling and surrendering.

Su Chen's will was too overbearing, completely ignoring all rules and directly suppressing her soul.

"The feeling of having a body again... is really wonderful..."

"But it's a pity that something is missing."

At this time, the bus had entered a real desert no-man's land and was driving quickly towards Anning City.

Ling Qingxue sat in her seat, her long hair down to her waist, her skin crystal clear, beautiful and flawless, like a fallen fairy.

She blinked gently, her eyelashes were slender and thick, her pink lips were slightly upturned, revealing a wicked smile that did not belong to her.

Just at this moment, the bus suddenly braked.

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