The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1007: Yu Tu's calculation

"Yu Tu, Saslow, the fourteenth king."

Hearing Yu Tu's answer, the expression on Zhuoma's face converged.

"That ruined kingdom? It's ridiculous."

"Everything about you is built on the basis of Saslow. What qualifications do you have, let's talk about it here."

When Yu Tu was speaking, she slowly adjusted her position, while staring at Zhuo Ma. Inexperienced people like Zhuo Ma are not aware of Yu Tu's motives.

She even ridiculed Yu Tu in disdain.

"Am I wrong? I remember very clearly, Saslow, the country has died? Suddenly, the kingdom fell apart. Even, I want all the people to be buried. You said I was cruel, but compared to Saslow. , I am just pediatrics."

Yu Mu said indifferently: "You are only right. Saslow did let all his people be buried. But that was not a decision made by one person, but a decision made by a kingdom. People like you would never understand. , Saslow’s greatness."

Zhuo Ma turned around abruptly, and the long sword constructed by the flame of the sun **** condensed in his hand, piercing Yu Mu's shoulder.

She said grimly: "Anyone can refute me, only you can't! You are my creation! I am the mother of yes, your creator! You are not qualified to resist me!"

"Why can't I resist? You did give me life, soul, and name. But you didn't give me my life. I am not a puppet in your hand. It is not a toy you use to replace other people. I am a With independent thinking, life."

The moment Yu Mu finished speaking, the flame of the sun **** in Zhuoma's hand went away. Attached directly to her arm and started to burn. The body she used was not the kind of material that could resist the flames of the sun **** like Yu Mu. Although the flame was quickly extinguished, most of his right hand was burned, and even repairing took a certain amount of time.

Yu Mu seized this opportunity. The shackles on his body were directly broken away. In Zhuoma's surprised eyes, he hit Zhuoma's face with a punch.

Zhuoma stepped back and stabilized his body, the wound began to heal.

She now looked at Yu Mu with a sad face, and even left tears.

"Why? Why do you treat me this way? I love you so much? Is it because of that guy? Yes, it's all because of these outsiders who instilled strange knowledge in you. Kill them. Just kill them and you will Will come back to me. You will love me. Just like I love you."

Waving her wings, Yu Mu floated in the air, looking at Zhuoma with a hideous face below, with a mixed mood.


Now, Yu Mu and Yu Tu can be sure. This tyrannical Zhuoma is not someone who can communicate. Yu Tu also moved to a position she was optimistic about, and gave Yu Mu a wink.

Afterwards, Yu Tu suddenly turned around and launched an attack on the elemental magic circle slate that was close at hand.

Zhuo Ma reacted, and then quickly shot, trying to stop Yu Tu. The wrist that bound Yu Tu disappeared as soon as it emerged. It was Yu Mu who shot and attacked Dolma directly.

Zhuoma's ability to create is too defective. There is a forward swing, and it is easily interrupted. This is why Yu Tu is confident that she can succeed. Zhuoma's fighting consciousness is not much stronger than that of children. It can be said that Dolma will not fight. Otherwise, the two people have no room for resistance at all with the ability of void creation.

The fragile slab shattered under Yu Tu's attack, and the magic circle effect was lifted. Yu Tu quickly shot and grabbed two elemental crystal balls. It is water and wind. The other two were snatched by Zhuoma with the help of creation.

However, Yu Tu didn't care. His goal has been achieved.

Grabbing two crystal balls, Zhuoma looked at Yu Tu and launched a follow-up attack. Several arms also appeared around him, trying to push Yumu away.

But the made arm fell on Yu Mu and collapsed directly. The attack on Yu Tu was also like smoke, without any harm.

In a daze, Zhuoma was seized by Yumu and pressed onto the shaped ground. The condensed spikes of the sun god's flame penetrated Zhuoma's body and bound her firmly.

Zhuoma didn't care about being caught.

"Why! Why did my creation become like this!"

Yu Tu showed the crystal ball in his hand, "Why is this happening, don’t you know it? The relationship between you and the tree of noness should be incomplete. Perhaps it is because of the split personality, at least, the tree of noness I haven't fully lent you power. That's why you need this magic circle to help you master the power of the four elements."

"So, without this magic circle, how much can you do?"

Zhuoma sneered. Yu Mu was pushed out by a sudden attack. The land that bound Zhuoma and the flame of the sun **** also turned into nothingness.

Another hag appeared behind Zhuo Ma, looking at Yu Tu coldly.

"You waited so long for this? Just adapt to it. I don't need to have a fine grasp. In this field, you can never beat me."

Yu Tu laughed.

"Correct a little. In this field, it is not you, but the tree owner who cannot be defeated."

"I am the tree owner."

"Not soon."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Tu turned around and waved his arm to Zhuoma's body behind him. A vanity blade appeared, passing through Zhuoma's body.

Time freezes. The sound of something broken. Zhuoma's body showed a smile and closed his eyes.

Zhuoma felt that she was missing a part. The spatial force that had been freely manipulated became unfamiliar.

"what have you done!"

"Separate your soul from your body. Now you are free."

After that, the space began to riot.

The trees began to twitch and beat.

This is the Tree of Nothing when he sensed that his tree owner had a problem and began to riot.

The relationship between the tree and the tree owner is interdependent. It is a symbiotic relationship. The tree owner protects the tree to ensure that it survives the weak growth period. After the tree matures, it will transform into the power of the tree owner and protect the tree owner.

There is no doubt that this tree of nothingness that has grown for thousands of years is a complete tree of life. Sensing a problem with his tree owner, he took the initiative to launch an attack.

At this moment, Yu Tu and Zhuoma were in the same dangerous situation. The current Zhuoma was cut off from the soul and body by Yu Mu. In the eyes of the tree, it was an outsider. Same as Yu Tu.

Yu Tu is not worried at all. Holding two elements in hand, Aiwen and Shika, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared dragging the water elves. With a collection of four elements, Yu Tu borrowed the power of heraldry to use herself as a foundation to complete the elemental magic array and integrate it into the domain of the tree of nothing.

Now, Zhuoma is the only one who needs to bear the wrath of the Tree of Nothing.

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