The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1011: News from the capital

I don't know how long it took, Yu Tu felt that she had begun to feel a little bit unable to hold it. At first it was a charming contact, but as the power began to be drawn, he could only feel the power passing.

Although the internal strength has not been exhausted. But the feeling of losing this power is very bad. Even Yu Tu felt that the world was beginning to shake, like a catastrophe.

At this time, Bi Tianyi said again.

"Enough. Master Evelyn, go on, the secret realm will not be able to hold it."

Then, Evelyn let go of Yu Tu. Yu Tu panted and knelt directly on the ground.

To be honest, the power Evelyn sucked away was not much compared to Yu Tu's body in general. But compared to Yu Tu's own strength, it was already close to fifty times his current total magic power.

Considering the difference between the power of the gods and ordinary magic, the amount of power drawn is not generally huge. Although it has no effect on the body, the feeling of power passing still allows the brain to judge that it has entered a weak state. Of course, this kind of illusion will be fine for a while.

However, more questions followed. Why are there so many gods in my body?

Yu Tu has used the power of his own gods. Even relying on external forces to completely activate the divine power and make myself enter the divine descending mode. But the power of the gods at that time felt not much different from the total value of his own magic power.

Yu Tu felt that there were still many things in her body that she had not figured out. However, there is someone who can help him.

Just as he raised his head and was about to ask, the sand and dust on his head confused him.

Later, he realized that the world he thought of illusions was shaken, not illusions, but real. This secret realm is shaking.

"what happened?"

Yu Tu and Yu Mu both entered a state of combat readiness. And Eveli and Bi Tianyi were very calm. After a while, the commotion stopped.

Bi Tianyi tilted his head.

"It looks like you have recovered a lot of strength."

Evelyn shook a fist and said calmly: "It is equivalent to the power of a clone. At least, it is no longer a body without the slightest strength. Yu Tu, thank you very much for the power."

"So, can you tell us what happened? And, why are you here."

Evelyn went back to bed silently and opened the book.

"Bi Tianyi, I'm tired."

"Yes, sir. Let's go, I will answer for you."

With that, Bi Tianyi pushed the two of them with one wing and walked out of the bedroom.

Back to the main hall of the temple, Bi Tianyi let go of the two.

"That’s right, there are some things I can’t tell you, and some things I don’t know. Don’t ask me too many things, I’ll open a few holes if I dislike them. Trust my method, I will never let you die, but It will make you want to die in pain."

"I am more concerned about why Evelyn is here than this?"

"Sorry, this involves the secret of the gods, I refuse to answer. You can understand that this is the shelter that Hardman established for Lord Evelyn."

"Sanctuary? Speaking of this, why is Evelyn's power missing?"

"Seal the abyss. Don't you know."

"Wait, isn't Evelyn herself sealing the abyss, but her power?"

"Ah, don't you know? Although Lord Evelyn is a **** named Xie Lindi. She is not evil in her own right. The so-called evil is the source of her power. She belongs to all creatures on the land of Esopama. The life condensed by evil thoughts is a natural life. You can understand it as the dark side of Esopama. The abyss invaded, and Esopama and the abyss were forced to merge, which made her power increase again. It is still explosive. The evil brought by the abyss world affected her. For the stability of the mainland, she separated this power and used it as the power to seal the abyss. And because of her own power blending with this power, she was separated from her. Body. The power in you is what she separates."

"That's the case. Then, why didn't she regain her strength as soon as possible afterwards?"

"Unable to take it back. To be precise, Lord Evelyn is now a prisoner-like existence. She can't leave this temple. This secret realm is both a protection and a cage. Moreover, I think you have seen her in a weak state. Anything. People who see her will have evil thoughts. What do you think will happen to such an Evelyn-sama returning to the normal world?"

"For her, it is definitely a disaster. For those who hurt her, it is also a disaster."

"Yes, so, Master Evelyn is the best choice to stay here. When my master fully awakens, Master Evelyn will also take back his strength and fight the abyss."

Bi Tianyi flicked his wings and said disgustingly: "Those guys are starting again. It seems that the vibration just now caused some small problems on the edge of the secret realm. I'm so annoying."

"what did you say?"

"Oh, remember, I urged you to leave as soon as possible. That's because there is a city underwater. There are a large number of ghosts in the city. They have always thought about this secret. Every day they look for the secret and launch attacks against the secret. . You see that I’m lucky. I have eight hours a day outside to act as the sun, deter them, and buy time to rest for Master Evelyn. You will be confronted with those resentful ghosts later. With your strength, even if you don’t die, you have to peel off your skin."

"Wait, then you mean a city?"

Yu Tu felt that she had grasped the point. What is their purpose here? It was to find the first city, the capital of Saslow.

"Does that city existed a long time ago, or did it appear after the secret realm appeared?"

"Before the Secret Realm. Speaking of it, although I know that there is such a city, that city is like a ghost, and there is no specific coordinates. Why, do you want to see it?"

"We came this time to find a relic city. It's in this area. I think that city may be our goal."

"That's it. That's okay. You wait until my next trip, and leave the Secret Realm first. Those monsters know my time, and they will start returning ten minutes earlier. You may be able to find that city by following those monsters. , It’s also very dangerous. I don’t know the information about those monsters very well. You may have been discovered just after leaving.

"Always try it. After all, it's rare information."

"All right. You go and rest first. I'll have a chat with this guy."

Yu Mu looked at Bi Tianyi, and pointed at herself somewhat confused.

"It's you, don't look at it."

Yu Tu shrugged and walked out of the temple. It is estimated that Bi Tianyi should talk to Yumu about Yumu's solar power.

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