The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 105: Enter the ruins

Lorna's healing ability is still very good, less than ten minutes, the wound on the back of the document healed.

After confirming that it will not affect the subsequent actions, a group of people climbed up the wall of the ruins.

Board the city wall and walk to the other side. The ruins hidden in this forest are presented to everyone.

Most of the relic buildings are made of pure white stone, and the layout is very clear. It seems that the whole should be a circular city.

There are also two circular city walls inside, because of the line of sight, it is impossible to see the inside.

Sieve solemnly said: "This area does not seem to be much different from Koster. This building material is also very special. I can clearly feel a power hidden in the city."

Lorna looked up, looked at the sky and said: "There is an invisible magic circle in the sky, but the speed of the magic power is a bit stagnant. If it is not the loss of magic power caused by too long time, then it has not been officially activated. This ruin is very Danger."

The clerk asked: "Yu Tu, do you have any clues about your teacher?"

"There is a map."

Yu Tu took out the map and said with a weird face: "It's just that the ruins on the map are square."

Several people looked at each other, and said in confusion, "Did we make a mistake? But, our direction is not wrong."

The document took the map, looked at the city below carefully, and said: "There should be nothing wrong. These blocks can be matched with the map. However, from that place, there is no part of the map."

"Then what should we do now?"

Several people looked at Yu Tu. Yu Tu smiled bitterly and said: "Don't look at me, the teacher just asked me to come to this ruin and said that I need my power to seal some demon. I don't know how to find him."

Lorna smiled and said, "It's not that there are no clues. Sage Owen said that there are demons sealed here, so there should be related clues in the ruins."

"Now we can only do that. Let's go down. From here, the city wall is at least 20 meters long. Let's find a way down."

Several people did not choose to separate. After all, there is still an orc with terrifying speed outside that might attack at any time, and the ruins may not be safe.

After finding the way smoothly, a few people began to hesitate after entering the city. It was fine when viewed from above. Once inside the city, the spacious roads and tall buildings made it difficult for a few people.

It is unrealistic how five people search for a city. If you explore separately, the speed can be increased, but the safety is hard to say. To put it bluntly, except for Delorna, who has the power of the gods, everyone else is in a very dangerous state.

After a long time, Kuan Wen said, "Let’s do it, we will be divided into two teams. Together with Mr. Si, the self-protection ability of both of us is still very strong. The clerical has rich experience, plus Lorna, the safety of the three of you The problem should also be guaranteed."

"Let's go together." Yu Tu took out the map and said, "I was on the road just now. I have been looking at this map. My teacher should not be wrong about the radius of the ruins.

I took a close look at the map, and the area marked on it was actually only a small part of this ruin. Maybe this is the clue the teacher left me. If it's just that small area, we won't be too slow to search together. It is better to be safe. "

"Alright, listen to you."

The area drawn on the map is not too small. It contains more than 60 areas, equivalent to 20 blocks, and some are behind the second wall.

Several people carefully searched the rooms in the area. In less than an hour, the group had explored the area outside the wall.

Kuan held five stone slabs and said, "All I have gained. All that can be taken away in this area is here."

The clerk said confusedly: "This ruin is really strange. Everything looks like new, and there is no trace of dust or erosion. It is hard to imagine that this is a ruin over a thousand years old."

"Don't think too much, just look at a few slates."

Several people put the slate on the ground and began to line up. The edge of the stone slab is very flat and can be seamlessly integrated with other stone slabs. After the mosaic, the three-section combination of ancient gods will appear on the slate. However, what makes a few people a headache is that each slate can fit into the other four, and there is more than one way to arrange it.

To be precise, there are a total of 120 permutations. Several people spent a lot of time sorting out all the possibilities and recording all the three verses that appeared.

Then came the problem. How to interpret one hundred and twenty conjunctions. Yu Tu's shallow knowledge of ancient gods is completely useless, and can only be interpreted by Aiwen.

In the process of waiting, Bitter and Sieve began to explore the second wall, looking for a way to enter it.

When the two turned back along the wall, Ivan hadn't been able to sort out the synonymous words.

After the two came back, there was a piece of news that was not good or bad.

"There are traces of biological activity in the ruins, on the other side. Moreover, they are all recent."

Yu Tu thought for a while and asked, "If we contact those people, is it feasible?"

"I don't know, but depending on what they left behind, it should be an intelligent race. There is a possibility of contact. But there is no guarantee that the other party will do it directly. However, they shouldn't know our existence yet. What about the slate?"

Yu Tu glanced at the hard-working elf, and said, "It's not bad. I have found a way to decipher it. I have cracked it by more than half, and I can read it all in about ten minutes."

"Then wait."

Ten minutes later, Aiwen lay on the ground with a tired face, with things she sorted out beside him.

Yu Tu picked it up and read it.

"The blood of mercury, the body of the mountains, the soul driven by freedom, the will born from the flames."

"Interlocking areas, as the core of power, drive that terrifying force, a miraculous city."

"The blood of the royal family is supreme, and Saslow will never refuse the king's return."

"The key is already in your hand. When you raise your eyes, when the sun and the moon coexist, the door will appear."

Dry Wen frowned and said: "The first sentence and the second sentence are not easy to say. The third sentence should be similar to the slogan. We should now consider the door mentioned in the fourth sentence, and that door will lead there."

"No matter where it leads, that is our only clue, isn't it? The sun and the moon appear at the same time, it should be the two times of dawn and dusk. Now there is less than an hour before dusk. Let's find the door first. ."

"The question is, where will the door be?"

"Well, bet on luck."

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