The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1078: The world under the abyss

Yu Shuang had never thought that this city would be related to the abyss. Even if I saw the symbol of the eyes of the abyss before, because of the difference in the world, I could not detect the abnormality.

There is no doubt that this city belongs to the abyss. What is enshrined in the temple is not a god, but directly tore the space and enshrine the abyss itself. This city, even if it is not a trap, is an important thing used by the abyss to invade Esopama.

As for the anomaly in this city, Yu Shuang had a terrifying guess. The will of the abyss has swallowed other worlds. Esopama is not his only choice.

Now Yu Shuang just wants to deliver the message back as soon as possible. It is foreseeable that there will definitely be more than one such special different world city. The abyss did not wait for the seal to be opened. It wants to invade Esopama in this way. With the help of its world, launch an invasion of another world.

Yu Shuang was stopped before he reached the door. It was the believer in the red robe with gold rim before.

After she showed her magic power, Yu Shuang realized that the other party was also a god. In other words, an existence that has completely mastered the rules.

Yu Shuang also realized that the opponent's world may have been completely eroded. Although she completely mastered the rules, she was not qualified to be a god, because the **** in their hearts only had an abyss will.

"The Blasphemer, stay."

The believer opened his hands, and a lot of blood poured out from behind her, rushing towards Yu Shuang.

Yu Shuang directly tore open the space and swallowed the strange blood. Afterwards, he raised his hand and smashed one side of the wall and continued to flee.

She had already seen the eyes of the abyss just now, the space here was extremely weak, maybe the abyss could descend directly into a clone like the final abyss not long ago. With her current identity and strength, there is no way to resist.

The believers did not eagerly catch up. The body turned into a pool of blood, moving quickly.

Yu Shuang noticed that some blood drops appeared on his body. It should be the opponent's rule force. She is not very clear about the specific rules. You know, rules have different manifestations in different worlds, and no one thinks they know everything.

Yu Shuang's only knowledge of the other party's rules is markedness. Just using your own rules to contact, the other party also completed the mark. The blood spots on the body are constantly expanding. It is foreseeable that if no solution is found, she cannot escape the enemy's pursuit.

Yu Shuang stopped. In front of her, there are hundreds of low-level red-robed believers. They all stared at Yu Shuang with scarlet eyes. The blood in the body was flowing strangely, and only by observing the skin on the face, I could detect that something was wrong.

"Huo, really a puppet. A flesh and blood puppet."

Yu Shuang quickly tore open the space. The blood that had been swallowed immediately gushed out and attacked her.

But as expected, Yu Shuang leaned backward and sank into the gap of space. While avoiding the attack, the power mobilized from the other world directly impacted the believers who stood in front.

Although the space was sealed off, Yu Shuang did not lose control of the space. In addition to being unable to move using space capabilities, Yu Shuang's combat effectiveness has not diminished at all.

And Yu Shuang also demonstrated his understanding of the rules and the powerful use of them for the first time.

When the followers of the rule of blood arrived, nothing was left except the blood that covered the cloister.

She just wanted to keep chasing. An eye appeared in front of her.

"Master God. What's your order?"

"Stop, you, not her opponent."

"Yes, my god."

The Eye of the Abyss turned slightly, watching the direction Yu Shuang was leaving.

"Speed ​​up. The body I want, prepare as soon as possible."

"My god, I am your best body."

"You are too weak. What I need is a carrier that can hold my strength, not your body that can be broken with a single blow."

"I'm extremely sorry, my god."

"I hope to see results soon."


Outside the temple. Yu Shuang glanced at the blood spots on his hands. Has begun to fade. The blockade of space has also disappeared.

For the exploration of this city, Yu Shuang also felt that there was no need to continue. Now I know that this is the city projected from the world swallowed by the abyss. This is already a very serious problem.

Yu Shuang immediately found other players based on the coat of arms he issued, and quickly fled the city with them.

After staying away from the city, Yu Shuang seemed to realize something and turned to look at the green city. Then, her face became pale.

I thought the city was a little strange before, but now she understood what the strange was. The projection in the water of that city is not what it looks like, but another city.

This is not one city, but two.

While Yu Shuang was watching, one eye slowly opened under the water. The eyes of the will of the abyss are like ghosts that never leave, appearing frequently.

This also made Yu Shuang frowned. That's not good news. After all, that is the abyss. Known to exist, the most dangerous world consciousness.

Since the other party can spy on this world frequently, it shows that its penetration has reached a certain level.

Yu Shuang also made a judgment. If it is later determined that the Abyss Invasion has multiple locations, and they have no way to solve it, then Yu Tu is required to open the gate of the Abyss in advance.

Rather than let the other party invade with unknown means, it is better to open a known gap.

When Yu Shuang and the others returned to the coast, the rain was already lighter. Yu Shuang opened the door and sent the players back. This time they were a big deal. Completed a hidden mission after walking around.

Just when Yu Shuang was about to leave, the door suddenly disappeared.

The rain became hurried again. Raising his head, Yu Shuang saw the dark green light shining from the clouds in the sky. The shape of the clouds has also changed, and something seems to be moving in the clouds.

Yu Shuang frowned, feeling the rules of space. The rules were not affected in any way. But she really couldn't open the door.

Soon, Yu Shuang found the reason. She couldn't open the door because the location she located didn't exist. She is no longer in Esopama now.

Thinking about the connection between the previous city and rain, Yu Shuang finally understood. The projection of the different world is not only the two cities, but also the heavy rain and the turbulent ocean. Projection covers the entire area covered by rainwater. She is trapped in this world now.

Next, she will face a hunt from a world.

Yu Shuang sighed and raised his head. The clouds above his head were thought roughly, and a terrifying dragon roared and rushed down.

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