The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1189: Dangerous dream world

Desperate, this is the only thought to disdain the Quartet.

Until this time, he realized that he had another very serious problem. Because of being too self-confident, sometimes I don’t think about the consequences.

For example, follow in this time.

If he knew, Yu Tu would disappear after entering, and he would complete the transformation. Certainly not so rashly forward.

Of course, there are also those Bunnymen who were easily killed by him, which made him more arrogant.

Although it is not clear what is in the bushes, Disdain Sifang has already seen his end.

Seriously, he was a little regretful. But it's not that I regret turning around. It's just regretting myself and committing the old arrogance.

However, he didn't have the idea to give up, his eyes became fierce, and at the position of his chest, the foreign body replaced the heart, beating frantically, injecting a powerful force into the body of disdainful Sifang.

"Wind, gather together!"

Magic power gushes out like a torrent. The storm condensed into a giant, standing behind the Sifang disdainfully. The huge body of ten meters high brought a heavy sense of oppression.

The surrounding grass was also blown away by the strong wind, revealing the monsters hidden underground.

It is a group of cute little people. The style of cartoons, two heads. The cat head has a cute expression. It still looks good.

Of course, under the premise of ignoring the hideous weapons in their hands.

The huge old machete kept dripping blood. The scary hand saw still has this shredded meat on it. Great axes, guillotines, clamps. They are all scary weapons. All of them were stained with blood, showing what happened to their previous victims.

The storm giant slowly raised his arm. The wind condensed in his hands and turned into a huge knight's spear.

The fourth-order high-end magic of the wind method. Hurricane Rider. Although it looks like a summoning skill. But in fact, the real effect is to condense the storm giant, throwing a violent attack condensed by wind attribute magic.

It's just that the teacher who disdained Sifang handed it over to the super-class magic of Sifang, and at the same time gave her understanding of this magic to Sifang.

This is also the strongest attack and grace of the Quartet.

Hurricane Rider-the waves! Infinitely close to Tier 5, touching the terrifying magic on the edge of the rules.

In order to cast this blow, Disdain Sifang released all his magic power. The body was lying weakly on the ground.

He endured the pain from his body, controlled the Hurricane Rider, and released his final attack.

The huge knight's long spear is close to solidification. Just like a real weapon. But the subsequent magic is no longer sufficient. After receiving the order from the Sifang, the Hurricane Knight directly pierced the spear at the Sifang.

Disregarding the Quartet is certainly not committing suicide. This is the only way he can live.

In the center of the spear, there is a gap. That is the position of the eye of the wind. The spear itself is a variant of tornado.

Of course, even so, disdain the Quartet also needs to withstand tremendous pressure.

The center of the storm has never been a safe zone.

The spear fell, and the bound wind was cast instantly like the final weapon. The terrifying power directly tore the earth, and all those monsters attacked and turned into nothingness this time. It was cut into dust by a small wind blade.

Even hiding in the ground, those monsters who pierced the legs of the four sides of disdain are no exception.

When the storm dissipated, disdainfully crawled out of the ground.

The equipment on his body was almost completely lost. There are traces of wind cutting all over the body. In several wounds, Senbai's bones can be seen exaggeratedly.

He lost blood and the wound was covered with mud. In addition, the magic power is exhausted and it is extremely empty.

Disdain the Quartet and feel that he might die here at any time.

He wanted to take out the red and blue potions to repair his injuries and replenish his magic power. But no matter how he operated, he couldn't open the backpack. Only then did he remember that he was no longer a player.

All he can do now is to wait for death.

He glanced at his left leg. Although the storm cleared all the monsters underground. But in order to keep himself alive, Disdain Sifang placed himself in the eye of the wind.

Although he survived, the injury to his leg was even more noticeable.

The storm tore off those weapons. But because it was too rough, the sharp weapons moved twice on his legs. At this time, his left leg was like a thigh that was hung on a meat rack and deboned.

Lying on the ground, looking at the dreamy sky. Disdain the Quartet fell into a weird state.

At this time, he noticed that the sky was so ridiculous.

Stars and moons like graffiti. And the night sky like an artistic painting. It's like a child's naive dream.

I don’t know if it’s dying. Disdain the Quartet always feel that the sky is changing. Those stars, the moon, etc., gathered in the middle, turning into a familiar face.

Ah, he remembered, it was Yu Tu's face. The face that looked so cold.

"Wake up, wake up if you don't want to die."

"I don't want to die? Of course I don't want to die. But what does it mean to wake up? Am I already asleep? Or is it dead, my current consciousness is my own soul."

Without waiting for the Sifang to think clearly, he felt that the pain in his body gradually eased, and his body began to climb and lift up. And Yu Tu's face is getting closer.

Finally, it was like returning to the surface after diving without equipment.

Disdain Sifang opened his eyes and gasped for breath.

Later, he noticed that he was lying in a strange forest. The surrounding plants are slightly pink.

There are still a lot of pink tree and vine remains on his body. It seems that a man-eating tree wanted to eat him earlier.

Yu Tu looked at the awake and looked down upon the Quartet, and calmly said, "Luckily, you are awake. There is a poison in this forest with a strong hallucinogenic effect. It took me a while to come out. I'm sorry. I brought you in without inquiring about the good news. By the way, if you die in an illusion, it is the same in reality. You should not be unfamiliar with brain death. If you encounter abnormal things again, protect yourself first."

After regaining his sense of disdain, I felt fortunate. After that, he thought of something and quickly operated a few times in the air.

I saw the familiar player panel and the potion in his hand. There was a look of loss on his face. Then it returned to its original state. It's just a little reluctant to laugh.

"So, where are we going next?"

"Leave the forest and find the guys hiding here."

"Is there really anyone here? Not many people can handle that dangerous toxin?"

"Never underestimate the adaptability of organisms."

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