The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1196: Broken balance

The hyena beast rushed into the village and began to search the ruins following the smell.

They searched for everything that could be eaten.

Perhaps it is because they have been hungry for too long, their movements are very fast, and they can search very carefully. Some small animals such as mice and hares, none of them can escape the claws of hyenas.

Even three hyenas would fight with a mouse just to eat more.

They are the most embarrassing link in this closed small world. As carnivorous beasts, they can even hunt prey twenty times the size of their own.

However, the curse that limited the scope of activity encircled them in an area with only small creatures. These little guys are simply unable to meet the needs of their ethnic group.

Soon, they swallowed all the prey in the active area.

Without food, let them go crazy gradually. The original ethnic group of nearly a hundred, because of cannibalism, has become a terrible sight of a dozen starving ghosts.

It is also true that these extremely hungry beasts violated the rules and entered a territory that did not belong to them.

As they went deep into the village, a lot of charred hair appeared on their bodies. In some places, it is completely alopecia areata, and the bare skin is scorched yellow, as if burned by a flame.

In fact, they are suffering the same pain as burning flames. This is their punishment for breaking the rules.

However, for these hungry beasts, this pain is completely bearable.

In fact, they can no longer determine the source of their pain, they only know instinctively to hunt for prey, flesh and blood.

Suddenly, the leader raised his head, and his bloodshot eyes looked in the direction of the church. He smelled the aroma, the aroma of food.

It raised its head and called out. The hungry hyenas quickly rushed over, assembled, and rushed towards the church.

Even if they were starving, they did not forget to cooperate in hunting. This also makes this group of monsters that are not second-order more terrifying.

In the church, the dinner plate in Misha's hand slipped from her hand and fell to pieces. But she didn't have time to care about it.

With horror on her face, she rushed out of the kitchen and found the children. Gather the children quickly, and at the same time, notify others to take refuge in the basement of the church.

Sensitive hearing made her aware of the coming disaster. Unfortunately, they did not have the opportunity to kill the disaster in the cradle.

Because they are too weak.

Under Misha's leadership, everyone came to the basement of the church.

To say that it is a basement is just a kind of euphemism. In fact, it is a dungeon. It is a place where slander judges the church to imprison heretics and punish erring members.

Said heresy. To judge the church is the most tolerant. Their core doctrine is dedication, dedication to everything. Including yourself.

And they will only target the enemy, the abyss,

Anything related to the abyss is heresy.

This has also led to the extreme design of their dungeons.

On one side is a prison with a large number of torture instruments. On the other side, there is a more comfortable reflection room.

Misha's destination is the reflection room.

Most of those who can enter the reflection room are veterans who have been fighting for a long time. Prone to various psychological problems.

At the beginning of the design, it has the strength to resist third-order attacks. And the interior is very spacious. Twenty-five people stayed inside, it was only slightly crowded.

After locking the door, Misha looked upward with a worried expression. She had heard the movement of the monster. Those monsters have reached the door of the church.

Outside the church, the hyenas did not enter the church immediately. After all, the protective magic is still working. The ill-formed hyenas who were originally cursed tossed, for the time being, had no guts to attack the church.

However, it is only a matter of time before you continue to be hungry.

And now, there is another thing attracting their attention.

On the side of the church, the area was originally a cemetery. Over the years, it has become an area for processing the remains of prey.

The big bones of the prey that had just been boiled not long ago still exudes an attractive aroma.

The hyenas rushed forward, pulled away the dirt, and started sharing the bones.

Hearing these voices, Misha's face was very embarrassed. Even, there is a feeling of nausea. The sound of chewing bones made people feel uncomfortable.

However, at least it is good news. Those hyenas will not attack the church for now. In other words, they are still safe.

Now Misha only hopes to support her father and they rush back.

However, this can only be a delusion.

The hyenas devour bones frantically. The number has exceeded the limit of their stomach capacity. But they are still devouring.

Finally, a hyena burst his stomach. What I ate, and everything in my stomach slipped out

The companion on one side was immediately attracted by the fresh food. They began to cannibalize each other again.

It's just that this time, these mortal injuries have no meaning to them.

The burn marks on their bodies have dried up their flesh and blood. Moribai's skeleton was leaked. Moreover, this range is still spreading rapidly.

Only their eyes, still full of bloodshot eyes, looked extremely cruel.

Outside the village, the hunting area is mentally disabled,

Yu Tu threw her prey on the ground. Six huge beasts like wild boars have been piled up on the ground.

As food. Enough meat for more than twenty people for a month.

Miluo nodded and said, "It's okay, these are enough. Thank you for your help. Let's take a break and move the prey back later. Today can be half a day earlier than usual. It's great to be young. ."

After working hard for a long time, the Quartet curled his lips in disdain, and didn't wait to see Mi Tu Luo.

However, he now thinks more about what his trial is. Yu Tu just said that the trial had begun. Tell him nothing else. This made him very uneasy.

After they rested for a while. Yu Tu raised his head. Somewhat surprised, he said: "A monster has entered the village. It has reached the place of the church."

Miluo's hand shook violently.

"Impossible. Monsters have a range of activities. They cannot leave their own area. This is the rule here."

Disdain Sifang stood up, took out his staff and said with a sneer: "I think that so-called rule should have been broken. These monsters are not like this area."

Yu Tu nodded, looked at the monsters, and narrowed his eyes.

It is a group of beasts resembling a frog. Has a hard mane and very sharp claws. This is a monster they have never seen before.

See these monsters. Miluo's face turned pale in an instant.

The worst happened. The rules were broken.

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