The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1207: 1st thousand

The girl lord looked at the knight commander. This is the only existence on the battlefield that retains combat effectiveness.

She opened her mouth again.

The same light. This time, it was aimed at the knight commander alone.

The ground cracked directly and quickly spread towards the White Knight.

Within a second, the White Knight was hit.

However, he set up his defense in advance. Use the shield to block the lord's attack.

Even so, he was pushed a distance of tens of meters. A deep gully was left on the ground. And his original location was already covered by the sudden rise of flames.

The soldiers who were close to the knight commander completely dissipated in this attack.

Sitting in the pit, the knight commander unloaded the shield from his arm with difficulty.

The shield in hand was declared obsolete the first time it was used. At the same time, the left arm presents a squeezed image. Almost all internal parts are broken.

Then there is the chest position. The left chest was penetrated by invisible force, which happened to be the position of the heart. One of the power cores of the knight commander is in that position. After losing that power core, the knight commander's ability to act was obviously affected.

He also knows. Even if he is not affected, it is impossible to escape from the enemy. The gap is too big. Demigods are not gods after all.

And the other party is not an ordinary abyss lord.

Two consecutive attacks did not resolve the knight commander, and the abyss lord narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

She opened her mouth, and a wry smile appeared on the knight commander's face.

Unexpectedly, he would stop here. He just wanted to pray now that Saslow's crown was hard enough to resist the attack of the abyss lord. In this way, Saslow can continue to retain the crown position of the Cavaliers.

However, the leader opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, then closed it again. His gaze also shifted to another direction.

The knight commander looked over and saw Yu Tu wearing a dark purple armor.

Yu Tu also looked at the lord and clenched his fists.

The lord attacked for the first time, and the covered area directly reached the main battlefield. Although a long distance has been opened, the threat is still not low.

Many players with weak resistance were sent back directly.

Yu Tu is no exception. It's just that because the distance is too far, there are not many threats that can be felt.

Even so, Yu Tu heard a bewitching light. In an instant, he remembered the first time.

That was a scene in cg that he had just entered the game and watched.

A lord of the abyss. Just a few soft groans directly destroyed the entire battlefield.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried to the position of the Abyss Gate.

The knight commander was just saved.

No, to be precise, the opponent gave up the attack after sensing Yu Tu.

Looking ahead, a girl with indifferent expression standing in front of the gate of the abyss, a large number of rules-built defenses appeared on the surface of Yu Tu's body.

This was also the first time Yu Tu saw the real look of that lord.

That's why he knew why in the beginning, Destiny had to cover the image of this lord with flames.

So beautiful.

Not the kind of beauty that can be described in words. Even more beautiful than normal.

I want to surrender to her just by looking at it, begging for the other side's gaze, and begging for the other side's gift.

The power of a rule. This is beyond doubt. But Yu Tu couldn't think of it. What kind of rules are there to have this degree of confusing ability.

I have to say that just looking at the other person's figure, Yu Tu felt an unstoppable sense of fear.

Only then did Yu Tu know that after seeing the scene in cg, he had already developed a sense of fear for that figure. It just didn't meet again for a while, so I didn't notice it.

Of course, with his mentality, he quickly adjusted. Raising his hand, the power of the rules enveloped all the Saslow fighters, and they were teleported away in an instant.

The girl lord showed no signs of taking action. Quietly waiting for Yu Tu to finish everything.

Yu Tu slowly fell to the ground, looking at the gate of the abyss behind the girl,

Although the door has become a little fuzzy, some look weak. But it is still in continuous operation.

This means that the door can continue, continuously throwing into the abyss. Moreover, this time with the guard of the Abyss Lord, there is almost no possibility that the door will be broken by external forces.

As for the question, this lord does not distinguish between enemy and us when attacking. For the abyss is not a problem at all. After all, a monster drawn from the abyss is a warrior. The loss of this amount will not affect the abyss at all.

Besides, does the abyss really care about the life and death of these monsters? Totally impossible. When he completes his plan, all monsters are his food. It is not a problem to die millions now.

Thinking of this, Yu Tu closed her eyes.

He must solve the lord in front of him here. With the help of Aiwen, there is no chance.

Of course, before that, you must figure out what the rules the other party has.

Aiwen's figure appeared beside Yu Tu, looking solemnly at the girl lord in front of him. I have to say that the two of them still have many similarities.

The young lord looked at Aiwen curiously. The expression on her face hadn't changed the slightest, but it was felt, she was curious.

The girl collar advocated and opened her mouth.

Yu Tu and Aiwen immediately became alert. A large number of rules have built a barrier in front of the two. I have to say that most of the rules have considerable advantages in the face of various situations. At least you can choose the corresponding rules to respond to changes in the situation.

However, this time his defense was done in vain.

The lord opposite showed no sign of making a sound.

She opened her mouth, hesitated and closed it.

Reach out and slide gently in the air. Characters appeared in front of her.

Yu Tu looked at the strange characters and thought silently. He thought it was another attack method.

And Aiwen beside him stared wide.

"Yu Tu, that's the elven language. We elves, the language that can only be known after becoming the queen of the elves. It is said that it is a special language that extends from the ancient gods. She is also an elven.

Yu Tu was stunned. Then, thinking of his brother, speaking of it, he himself almost became the lord of the abyss at first, and it seems that it is not unscientific for an elf queen to become the lord.

But then, Aiwen's translation caused Yu Tu and Aiwen to fall into silence.

"Hello, my name is Aiwen. The former Queen of Fire Elemental Elves."

If Yu Tu remembers correctly, the names of elemental spirits have special meanings. It is not that there is no existence of the same name, but the name Aiwen has a special meaning.

This was also what the Elf Queen told him.

Aiwen, in Elvish language, means end. Represents the final and final. It also has a new meaning.

As the last fire elemental spirit, Aiwen's name has no problem. But what happened to the opposite one?

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