The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1211: The goddess of elements that cannot be resurrected

Yu Tu feels that what has happened recently has made people crazy. The continuous accidents gave them no time to breathe.

Not to mention, what Baibia said this time is related to the direction of the war.

"Go ahead, what's going on?"

Baibi Ya put the crown in front of Yu Tu, hesitated, and said: "Five hundred years ago, the goddess of the elements gave up the godhead and opened the seal. Later, in order to make up for his mistakes, he chose to sacrifice most of the elemental spirits at that time. Relying on the power of the origin of the world, the seal has been repaired again."

"Afterwards, every elemental elven group left thousands of people as the last kind of fire. After all, the seal relies on the power of each race. The elemental elves cannot all disappear."

"As the king who leads the elemental elves. The elemental queen does not rely on strength, but the power of the crown. It is not to become the elemental queen, so she has the crown. But the crown is chosen before she can become the elemental queen. Not so much. , The power of the queen of elements is needed, rather, what is needed is the power of the crown."

"Please explain the point. Why, you said it is impossible for the queen of water element to appear?"

Baibia was silent for a while. Said: "I killed the Queen of Water Elemental. Two."

Yu Tu looked at the silent Baibia, waiting for her explanation.

"Elements and elements have mutuality, mutual growth, and mutual restraint. The earth element and the water element are the most compatible group. That is to say, our two races may fancy the same territory. Then there will be a fight. In the fight, I killed two other water queens. One of them was the crown that was crushed by me. The other crown also disappeared. It should be this one."

She looked at Yu Tu, bit her lip and said: "At the beginning, when the elemental goddess left, each tribe only left three crowns. One of them was still sealed to ensure that each elemental race would not disappear. As long as the crown is still there, the elemental spirit will be born. No one knows that crown."

Yu Tu was silent. Baibia's heart couldn't calm down at all. She didn't know what punishment Yu Tu would give him.

In the end, Yu Tu said: "The notice goes on and the plan changes. Increase the search for other elemental spirits. At least, gather the power of the four elemental queens."

Baibia saluted, and carefully retreated.

After Baibia left, the figure of Destiny walked out of the shadows.

"Sister, what do you think?"

"What she said is true. I found the group of water elemental elves. I did not feel the existence of the elemental queen. After all, after becoming the elemental queen, it is equivalent to leaving the identity of the elemental elves. It is still very conspicuous."

"I'm not talking about this issue, but about resurrecting the goddess of elements."

"Can't do it."

"Why? Is it because there is a missing element queen?"

Yu Tu frowned and looked at her sister. He originally thought that resurrecting the Elemental Queen just took a lot of time and energy. Unexpectedly, Destiny gave such a positive answer.

"In the beginning, the withered **** I resurrected was much harder than this."

"It's very simple. Because she is not dead. Naturally there is no resurrection."

Yu Tu picked up the crown, thinking about the words of the destiny.

Soon, he thought clearly. Abyss Aiwen once said that she is also the goddess of the elements, a twin god. Although controlled by the abyss. But there is no way to change this problem.

As long as she still exists, there is no such thing as death in the goddess of elements. No wonder she needs someone to kill her. Only after death, she and her sister can get rid of the control of the abyss by resurrecting.

But now, the key four element queens. The water element has been declared dead. The wind element has no news yet. But time, there are only four days left.

Aside from time constraints, there is another question that Yu Tu has always puzzled.

Although the element queen is not low, she sounds very strong. But in fact, there are few more than the fifth order. The current queen of the earth elements broke through with the help of Saslow. The fighting power of other element queens can be imagined.

Even if they have the power to hurt Aiwen of the Abyss, their power is too small and weak, and it is impossible to defeat the opponent or even kill the opponent.

Mosquitoes can bite people. But you want to use four mosquitoes to kill a person with the most basic blood sucking. It's a fantasy.

And the one thing that makes Yu Tu sad the most is. He has no solution other than this method.

They had already decided when they fought Avon Abyss. It must be a combination of the four elements to be able to tear away the defense of Abyss Aiwen and touch her body.

And to attack Aiwen in the Abyss, even the attack must be a combination of pure elements. There is no way for a single element, even a world-class flame.

Yu Tu couldn't help but fell into thought.

Can't solve the abyss Aiwen, then can you bypass the opponent and destroy the abyss gate now?

Although Abyss Aiwen asked them for help, asking them to liberate themselves. But Yu Tu's ultimate goal is to destroy the gate of the abyss.

Yu Tu closed his eyes and began to simulate the battlefield in his own consciousness.

Time and time again, constantly changing variables, changing the way of fighting, looking for possible opportunities.

Seeing Yu Tu going into contemplation, the fate did not interrupt him. Just about to leave, I saw the broken crown beside Yu Tu.

With a movement in her heart, the crown floated directly into her hand.

Looking at the crown in his hand, Tianming felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

After thinking for a while, she stretched out her hand, and a crown made of crystal appeared in her hand. The surface is covered by a layer of lavender crystals, without any gem decoration, but it is better than any kind of gem.

But after careful observation, you will find that it is just an ordinary smooth-faced stone, which has nothing to do with gem spar at all.

"A look."

Looking at the crown in his hand, except for the material of the crown, a gleam of light flashed in Tianming's eyes.

She realized something, immediately unfolded her consciousness, and probed the past in a certain direction.

After getting the result, a smile appeared on her face.

"Wake up, Yu Tu."

Interrupted by the fate of thinking, Yu Tu didn't feel any dissatisfaction, but looked at fate with a little confusion.

"I found a place. It has a very powerful barrier. There is also a group of deep-sea monsters that are not weak. It is a direct relative of the Snake Goddess."

"What's there?"

"Not sure. But where did you get this thing."

Yu Tu looked at the crown in Tianming's hand, and his eyes lit up.

Perhaps they can find the third crown of water element.

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