The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1245: Prelude to extinction

Dragon City, among the first-level major cities, is a city nestled in mountains. There are only two ways to get in and out: teleportation array and flying.

The better point is that Dragon City does not discriminate against any race. Half-Dragons are still very hospitable. That is, they inherited the dragon's violent temper, and almost a small amount of friction can make several dragons fight in groups. Staying in Dragon City for a long time, this kind of thing is not surprising.

A black dragon was walking down the road with an unhappy expression, and everyone else consciously avoided him. This kind of face is full of half-dragons who are very angry with me, and almost no one wants to rely on it to make trouble.

However, there are always a few exceptions.

A short figure was mounted straight on the black dragon. He fell directly to the ground, looking blankly at the black dragon man with a bad face.

The black dragon man Jia Luo felt his mentality exploded.

He grabbed the short man and said angrily: "You don't have long eyes to walk! You can hit people on such a wide road, you did it on purpose!"

The dwarf's face showed a horrified expression, as if he had just reacted, screamed, and struggled unceasingly.

Gallo's forehead burst into blue veins. I wanted to give this dwarf a severe lesson, but looked at the dwarf and couldn't do anything.

Although their half-dragons are irritable, they are not tyrannical. Have you ever seen someone cruel to a child?

Jia Luo threw the dwarf to the ground fiercely, and said unlucky. Leaving quickly.

He felt he needed to find a place to vent.

This little episode was quickly forgotten.

And the forgotten dwarf, I don't know when, appeared in a small alley. The body is wrapped in shadows, wiping out its own image.

It looked at the azure gem in its hand, and said calmly: "The fourth one."

Galo who was hit with a stomach of fire wanted to have fun. I don't know if it's too angry, he always feels a bit cold around him.

"The fire must be too big, and it will be much better if it leaks."

With this thought in mind, Galo moved on. And he didn't notice, ice flowers appeared on his body.

Obvious water stains appeared on the ground that I walked on.

The people around also felt the inexplicable cold. Some blankly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"How come it feels a bit cold?"

"Hiss, I can't stand it, I hate the cold. I hate the frost dragon."

"How to drop, have opinions on our Frost Dragon!"

"Tsk, you are also a Frost Argonian, don't put gold on your face."

"Want to fight?"

"Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

The two dragon men fought without saying a word. The others immediately formed a circle of excitement and began to cheer for them. This is the daily life of dragon people.

Originally, Gallo should have leaned over, participated in it, and even ended the battle.

But now he has no such thoughts at all.

The black armor turned into a blue color. Obvious ice ball appeared on the surface of the body.

He hugged his arms and crouched and rubbed constantly.

Cold, unbearable cold. As a subspecies of dragon, they inherited some of the advantages of dragon. There are many more shortcomings. And for example, fear of the cold.

This is one of the main reasons why dragons rarely recognize half-dragons. They think that half-dragons are just a combination of lizards and humans.

"What the **** is going on? Why is it so cold?"

Jia Luo's vision began to blur, and his life passed quickly.

Someone has noticed its changes and stepped forward to inquire about the situation. The unnatural coldness of Jia Luo's body attracted more people's attention.

Finally, Gallo couldn't support it. The body fell heavily to the ground.

The body was like porcelain, broken to pieces. But there was a smile on his face. Because before he died, he felt real warmth.

Jia Luo's changes caused a commotion. Dozens of people watched Jia Luo's strange body until the city guard arrived and isolated Jia Luo's body with a solemn expression.

Others were also expelled quickly.

Although they had some objections to the city guard's approach, they did not jump out to oppose it. The dragon people respect the fighters and also respect these guardians and their members of the city guard.

For the dragon people, on such a serious occasion, it is impossible to fight the city guard. That is an insult to them.

Soon, those who left looked at the sky strangely. I always feel that the temperature has dropped a lot.

The invisible plague spread unconsciously.

The three people were sitting in the corner, communicating with each other.

They were all wrapped in shadows and couldn't see their appearance.

The common point is that everyone has a brilliant gem in their hands.

Azure spar, pure white gem, and round stone like diamond.

The person holding the azure sapphire, showing his gems, calmly said: "The six seeds, before they are discovered, should spread to one-tenth of the city. The power of the cold gems is the fastest, as a half dragon The cold that people hate the most should be taken seriously within six hours. Seal the area. My side will be finished."

The person holding the transparent cobblestone raised his head and said, "Then, leave it to me next. I will let the situation get out of control."

The person holding the pure white jewel said: "Finally, I will completely ignite this flame of vengeance. For the Holy One. For the Holy Land."

"For the Holy One! For the Holy Land!"

Soon, the situation became more and more in the eyes.

More and more people are dying of unexplained cold. Moreover, there are no signs.

With the current investigation results of Dragon City, only a rough sign can be determined.

The dead felt their bodies start to become cold. Within twenty minutes, traces of frost appeared on the body. Then, within five to fifteen minutes, the flesh and blood will freeze to death.

There is no solution. At most, it relies on external heat sources or the strength of its own magic to slow down the time of death.

To make matters worse, this weird phenomenon, like a disease, continues to spread and spread.

They didn't realize it until the medical staff also showed freezing symptoms, and the soldiers who first came into contact with the first deceased fell one by one. This freezing nightmare is a terrible contagious virus.

Although the isolation and blockade were carried out quickly, they were not sure whether all virus carriers were really isolated.

They do not know how long the incubation period of this virus is.

The alchemist tried to analyze the virus. They are fully prepared. The whole body is wrapped with isolation equipment, and a variety of alchemy potions are used.

But the result is that the first group of alchemists who came into contact with the pathogen all died.

The only good news is that this virus can only spread in a small area.

At least, it's not the kind of situation that can spread indefinitely. For now, it has been controlled.

No one noticed that a crow quietly turned into an ice sculpture outside the isolation area.

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