The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 125: 50% level

After defeating the Kobolds, the difficulty of the following levels is greatly reduced, even a single team can easily pass.

The group took advantage of the momentum to advance quickly, and it only took four hours to reach the 40% mark.

This level is guarded by a group of trolls, the level of ordinary trolls is as high as 30, and the level of the leader is unknown.

Xihai Xiaolong blew a whistle and said, "It seems that this task will increase its difficulty every 20 points. How about brother, are you sure to push it over?"

"No difficulty, just twenty targets. However, you need to ask your sister and Silence to try the boss' attack power."

"You just rush over and drop it in seconds."

"Ordinary trolls have close to 20,000 HP, how can I drop them in seconds."

"Hahaha, that said."

After simply formulating a strategy, a few people started to blame. Yu Tu and Ai Wen cooperated with Hai Fang Fang's resistance reduction skills to control the boss, Xihai Xiaolong and Yihai Anemone were the main forces to quickly clear other monsters, and then work together to fight the boss.

There were no elite monsters in this wave of monsters, but the strength of the boss was so great that the Moonblade sisters were almost taken away by the boss's dying round. In the end, a group of people successfully won this level.

At this time, it was not too early. Everyone was sleepy. They took out their tents, agreed to go online, and left the game.

After exiting the game, Yu Tu crawled out of the game compartment and looked at her room a little weirdly. Don't know why, he always feels that he hasn't come back in a long time.

Without thinking too much, Yu Tu regarded it as a sequelae of being trapped in the game before. After a simple wash, lie down and start reading posts.

After the event, it seemed that the whole game was quiet, except for the guild's crusade against the wild boss, nothing big happened.

The most popular post now is Yu Tu's weapon blockade. As the first legendary weapon in the entire server, it is an established fact to be on the list. However, the list only shows the basic attributes of equipment, and does not show passiveness, leaving others confused. After all, there is really nothing to say about the basic properties of the blockade.

In addition to Yu Tu's weapons, there is another thing that has received strong attention from everyone. S-level pet obtained by Haotian.

Haotian entered the game circle ten years ago. At first id Feng Shaoling became a super newcomer in the first year, squeezing into the list of 100 rpg game players at that time. In the following year, he signed a contract with the club behind the Dynasty and became the main member of the Dynasty. Taken by then chairman Haotian, it took another year to grow. Then, in a new round of RPG games, he led Dynasty to take the first throne and became a new generation of Haotian.

After that, the dynasty under the leadership of Haotian developed rapidly and firmly established itself as the No. 1 game guild in China. It has also achieved impressive results in several international *** events.

Although Haotian failed to win the first place in this event, it did not affect the admiration of other players.

Moreover, since the pet system was launched, players have a variety of pets, but they usually only get a C-level score, and B-levels are all the existences that can make the list. An S-class pet is enough to draw the attention of others.

Yu Tudian opened the list. On the pet list, Aiwen still ranked first, and second place became a handsome alien. It was a white tiger with wings on its back, its eyes were bright purple, and its two sharp teeth were more than twenty centimeters in length, making it look majestic.

The strange beast is very strange, S grade. (Can be a mount)

This is a strange beast in Chinese legends and myths, and I didn't expect it would also appear in the game. However, this pet does match Haotian very well. The evaluations of the players are very high.

However, there are still some people wondering what level the S-level Qiongqi can't beat the top of the list.

Yu Tu read it, smiled slightly, and closed the post. Slide your finger to open the newly added menu after the event is over.

Game friends list. This list is automatically associated with the friend list of the player in the game, and can receive and send messages even if not in the game.

Yu Tu didn't have many friends, and she quickly found that special name.

Yu Tu paused, saw the progress bar next to him, and slid down again, several familiar and somewhat unfamiliar names appeared in his list.

Sieve, Seya, Owen, Kwai Wen, Postscript.

The npc in the five games can also be said to be the aborigines of another world. Yu Tu had no idea when he joined their friends. In other words, can players really add friends with npc?

Yu Tu tried to send them a message. Several people did not reply, which made Yu Tu a sigh of relief.

"Maybe there is a problem with the system again."

A message popped out, it was a postscript.

"how can I help you?"

Yu Tu's hand was hanging in the air, shaking slightly.

"Hello? How about people?"

"You fool me, believe it or not I will kill you when I meet next time."

Yu Tu pursed her mouth, typed the text, and sent. I glanced at the time and suddenly felt that I might suffer from insomnia.

The next day, Yu Tu returned to the game with a pair of panda eyes. He didn't explain to others, and took them directly to clean up the main road.

After passing the boss level, the rest is much simpler. And the monster level increases, and you can gain more experience if you leapfrog it. At the same time, Yalong's trail was refreshed, just a distance in front of several people.

Everyone else seemed very excited. After all, the dragon is hard to see in the early game. Yu Tu didn't care much, and just wanted to finish the mission quickly and go back to catch up.

When it reached the 50% mark, the group stopped.

This level is also a boss level. The guard is a group of lizard people, the number is close to one hundred, and the level is above thirty.

The most important thing is that a ten-meter-long red dragon lies quietly in their stronghold, being taken care of by the lizard people.

The horns of the giant dragon are relatively round, and the fingers are not very sharp. The scales on the body are relatively fine, which is in line with the characteristics of the sub-dragon in the mission, and its wings are low and weak, and there are obvious wounds on it. Not surprisingly, it was the weak dragon in the mission.

After the exploration technique was activated, Yu Tu tried to obtain information about the monster.

Yan Yalong (lv???) (golden boss) (extremely weak)

Introduction: The young Yalong that was hit hard was so weak that ordinary adventurers could threaten its life.

Dragon leader (lv???) (boss)

Introduction: The evolutionary existence of the lizardman leader who has obtained dragon blood, has mastered low-level magic, and may inherit the dragon's breath.

In addition to the leader of the dragon, there are eight transformed dragons below.

Yu Tu asked: "Are we going to try?"

"It's not so good. This is too difficult, right. The golden boss, even if it is weak, we can't handle it, right?"

"I don't worry about that dragon. What I worry about is the group of lizardmen. Their existence is too much of a hindrance. Find a way to make them clear, otherwise we don't want to complete the task."

"No, brother, you are still thinking about finishing the task."

"I'll be ready to do it when I think about the plan."

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