The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1252: After chaos is destruction

The battle between Gahala and Boren was completely one-sided suppression.

Although both are demigods, Boren's combat experience and magic power are far inferior to that of Gahala.

During the battle, Bolen didn't even have a chance to use his own rules to strengthen himself.

He has three rules. At the level of the demigod, it is also extremely rare. A dark law as the source. One is the law of judgment, and there is the last powerful law of expansion.

The law of expansion is a rule of increasing nature. It can be enhanced for a certain concept. Such as the magic reserve value. For example, mental power.

But in the face of Gahala's arrow like a rainstorm, it is completely useless.

The madness entwined with the arrow made him unable to concentrate at all. Every time he touched, his spirit would tremble.

To make matters worse, he couldn't escape the rain of arrows from Gahala at all.

Gahala's expression remained unchanged. Because of the high-intensity attack, the arm has had an afterimage.

For the city lord Boren he suppressed, he has already set the label of death. This is also his way of fighting. Once it has the advantage, it will be infinitely enlarged and expanded to the extent of crushing.

The rule of speed allows him to form an army by himself, and with one person's power, he can create an arrow rain effect.

The fallen heart, which belongs exclusively to fallen angels, can directly attack the spirit of the soul. And this power is the power that fallen angels can only possess after awakening all their talents. Coupled with the madness of destroying gems, Boren would never have a chance to fight back.

Don't think that demigods can really ignore the influence of gems.

It's like those half-god sixth-orders of Dragon City. Although they did not die because of the power of the ice gem. But it has already been affected.

The gem power from them has not been removed. Even, over time, it will be covered by ice. If there is no Yu Tu, there will be no seed in Dragon City.

Bollen is the same now.

The crazy power of destroying gems continued to accumulate following Ghala's attack. In the battle, Boren had no way to eliminate these negative emotional forces. Even he couldn't notice these forces.

Even if the fallen angel's spiritual resistance is very high, it can't hold up the continuous infusion of such power.

Boren, who was affected by the madness, had only the idea of ​​killing the other person in his mind. Crazy ideas.

However, he couldn't find a chance.

This kind of eagerness exacerbated the spread of crazy breath. If no one prevents this battle, there will be only one end result. Boren went crazy. Become one of the destroyers in the city.

Imagine it. What kind of blow will a crazy demigod deal with this overwhelmed city. Not to mention, this crazy guy is still the city owner.

Perhaps someone will show up to stop this battle. Perhaps someone will show up, come to Gahala silently and kill him.

Or, Bollen burst out of potential, broke through the arrow rain, rushed to Gahala, and won.

But the fact is that there is no possibility. Boren, crazy.

Gahala stopped the attack and watched Boren struggle on the ground. Putting on the hood, he fell directly into the city and quickly sank into the shadow of the city. He is not like facing a crazy demigod city lord.

Boren, who was struggling with the wall, waited for support after all. Although it was late, at least it came.

The deputy city lord looked at Boren who was struggling on the ground, and immediately rushed up. Afterwards, he flew back at a faster speed.

The faces of the others who followed changed suddenly, looking at the city lord who was kneeling on the ground with scarlet eyes. Like an evil spirit.

They all know what such eyes represent.

"Stop it all! Stop it!"

Rarely, the city lord still retains a trace of reason. But he knew that he couldn't support it for long.

He is now completely relying on the power of his own heart flame and fallen heart to support himself.

"Listen, listen to me. The enemy is very strong. Really, very strong. We can't win. Take the uninfected, people. Escape. Now, if you can, escape."

"City Lord!"

"This is, order! Execution!"

The black eye protection began to burn Bolen's body. He doesn't want himself to be reduced to that kind of irrational monster, he is more willing to understand himself.

The deputy city lord clenched his fists and gave the order. Let your subordinates summon people in the city who are still sensible. Prepare to evacuate.

And he himself was standing here, supporting the city lord to finish the last part of the journey. It also prevents the city owner from failing suicide and becoming a crazy slave.

Gahala looked at everything on the wall in the city. He knew that his task had been completed. After tonight, this city will become a dead city.

As for those who still retain their sanity and are ready to escape. He has no ideas to stop him. He also has his own ideas and will not simply execute Mirissa's orders.

He needs to wait until the city is completely dead. Then recycle the madness that has been scattered.

Just destroy a city. He didn't want to let this madness spread to the whole world.

In the distance, in the highest imperial city.

Luosha looked solemnly at the wall at the junction of the outer city and the inner city.

On the city wall at this time, countless black mist danced wildly there. That is the power of the curse spreading.

Not long ago, the outer city area suddenly became a dead city, a terrifying epidemic that spread to nearly a quarter of the area.

And now, in only twenty minutes, the screams in the outer city have stopped. Even if not all of them died, it was the kind of pain that was so painful that they couldn't speak because of illness.

To make matters worse, those who died, the sickness they carried directly turned into a curse, and began to surge towards the inner city.

That's right, those black smoke are not the curse breath that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye before. It is a real, visible product of the curse.

A dark skeleton hand appeared on the wall, supporting a huge body that was forming.

Without waiting for the body to rise, the magic cannon on the wall turned its muzzle and used powerful shelling to destroy the body.

But this is just a delay. The curse cannot be removed, there are as many monsters like this. The shells of the Magic Cannon are limited after all. It is also impossible for the Magic Cannon to be cast continuously.

Rosha also wanted to solve the curse problem, but he still had a task and couldn't get out of it.

He shot an arrow in one direction without even looking. A cursed breath that had just gotten up was instantly defeated.

In this way, more than one little monster appeared in the inner city. If these cursed breaths enter the inner city, the current line of defense will instantly collapse.

"It's a disaster. May God bless."

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