The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1255: Evil

There must be no gaps in defense.

This sentence is what Teacher Luosha said when he taught him.

At first, Rosha just thought that this was teaching him how to use arrows to defend himself well. An airtight attack is the best defense. He answered his teacher like this.

After he stepped into the battlefield and participated in those wars personally, he understood what the teacher said, the real meaning.

A strong line of defense is never defeated in an instant. Only need to break through one point, and the strong city defense will collapse suddenly.

Just like the current city wall.

The cursed dragon smashed the city wall with its own body. The curse in it turned into an army and rushed to the second line in the city.

Rosa felt that her hand was almost reaching its limit. Every attack is like a magic bullet.

But this way, it can't stop the charge of the curse army. There are too many of them.

Countless cursed monsters rushed to the second line of defense. It was a small wall built by magic within the town. Compared with the city wall, it lacks defensive magic. However, it is stronger than the city wall, and has a powerful magical nature, which can easily transmit magic power and build magic.

In order to build this layer of defense, almost all the magicians in the inner city were arranged.

In the face of the curse, the first round of magic was fully cast under the command of the city lord.

The flame built a barrier, and the Holy Light gave blessings.

After the curse was weakened by the two barriers, most of it disappeared instantly.

The few existences that have breached the barrier will also be frozen by the ice.

The triple element saturation barrier easily stopped the curse coming in.

After seeing this scene, Rosha felt relieved and continued to pay attention to enemies that might appear in other locations. At the same time, the light from the corner of his eyes stared at the terrifying cursed dragon.

Although after colliding with the city wall, the cursed dragon lost its ability to move. At the same time, the curse in the body was also fully released.

But I don't know why, Rosha always feels a little uneasy. It seems that something is still in it, and there is no outbreak.

The curse from far away came out from the body of the cursed dragon. Towards the second line of defense launched a bold attack.

As the impact continues. The city owner also noticed the other party's purpose.

Those curses that were defeated did not disappear. Holy light, flames and ice defeated their condensed form, but their most fundamental curse aura was only maintained at an initial weakened level.

It is basically certain that every cursed human figure will collapse about 30% of the curse after being defeated.

The rest of the curse stayed near the barrier, slowly spreading along the barrier.

This scene reminded him of the scene where the cursed dragon broke through the defense of the city wall just now. The high concentration of curse power is indeed possible to tear the defensive barrier into pieces.

This is something that the city owner does not want to see. He gave the order immediately.

After a short wait, the magic cannon roared.

After cooling down on the city wall, the magic cannon launched an attack against the second defense.

Of course, it was not the bombardment of the barrier, but the area before the barrier.

The explosion of high-purity magic power directly blasted the curse aura gathered.

In just one round of shock, the power of the curse was lost seven or eighty-eight.

The remaining cursed figures stopped at the same time and looked in the direction of the city wall.

This scene sank the hearts of everyone who had been paying attention. These guys have self-consciousness. They seem to be not simply incarnations of curses.

You know, conscious and unconscious, the difficulty of coping is completely two concepts.

Sure enough, those curses turned around and once again launched an attack towards the second line of defense.

And there is a group, after pouring from the cursed dragon, directly following the gap in the wall, rushing up the wall.

The current city wall has no magical barrier protection.

There is no way to use the magic cannon on the wall.

All they can rely on is their own badge defense and their own strength.

It is estimated that in ten minutes, the support on the wall will disappear. Don't forget, the cursed dragon just swallowed half of the curse. There are also a batch of curses on their way.

The warriors on the wall were not afraid. They knew their future from the moment they picked up the talisman and boarded the wall. At best, it's just to guess how he died.

When they are fully awakened, they will never shrink back.

The soldiers on the second line of defense also roared. The paladins erected a shield wall, and with the help of the magician, blessed them on the barrier.

The power of the curse was instantly defeated on the barrier. According to this degree, they are ultimately the winners.

No one noticed that on the corpse hill of the cursed dragon, there was a person sitting in the position of the dragon eye. That person's body was covered with a layer of gray material, just like the thing covered by the cursed dragon.

Even if someone noticed it, they would just think it was something like a small sarcoma.

"It's really a strong line of defense. I didn't expect that the city that I thought was the easiest to break through would be so difficult."

He stretched out his dry hand, stroked the cursed dragon under him, and began to chant the old bitter spell.

A monster, half human and half snake, appeared behind him. It was a ghost of a Naga. It's just too vague to see the details at all.

Even so, it is eye-catching enough.

Rosa, who was watching the cursed dragon, noticed this unusual existence for the first time.

He didn't think too much. The golden bow was pulled up, and the magical arrows condensed on it, instantly forming an arrow like colored glaze.

With the roar of the storm, the arrow passed through the man's chest like a shooting star across the horizon.

The terrifying magic power, along with the power of the wind, directly shredded that person's upper body.

But the phantom did not disappear because of human death. It danced slowly, accompanied by a floating musical note, completing a brief ritual.

The eyes of the cursed dragon slowly opened. A hint of golden red gradually appeared in the silvery eyes.

Then, golden red, like magma, diffused in the pupil of the eye. For this false dragon, it has condensed the golden pupils that the dragon can have.

With a low groan, the cursed dragon got up.

The cursed human figure that crawled out of the body seemed to have been affected, and it was blushing.

The cursed dragon who stood up again opened its wings and squinted to look at the second line of defense. That feeling of despair once again flooded everyone's hearts.

Then, the cursed dragon turned around and crashed part of the city wall again. The tail flick broke the wall on the other side.

As the city wall collapsed, the boundless curse outside also appeared in the vision of the second line of defense defenders.

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