The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1258: Fatal blow

Rosa's expression was serious, and the bow in his hand stretched to an exaggerated scale.

This time, he used real arrows. A silver-white arrow with a spiral pattern. It doesn't look like an arrow, but more like a short gun.

"Wh, wind, bless your people. Fire, light the dry wood of hope. Water, pave the way to victory. Thunder, give God the speed of punishment!"

The four elements are condensed on the short gun. The powerful force caused everyone to raise their heads and look at the position of the clock tower.

Even the cursed dragon in the distance raised his head, looking curiously at the shining spot.

The four elements gathered crazily and soon surpassed Rosha's control.

His battle armor was completely torn apart due to the terrifying magic storm, the veins on his arm violently, and a large number of blood beads appeared on the surface of the skin.

He knew that he couldn't continue. As he continues, he can't guarantee the hit rate, nor can he guarantee that he still has the ability to follow up.

An arrow flew out of the demigod's terrifying power.

The wind and thunder speed up, the water paves the road, and the fire increases injuries.

This is Rosha's best combo element shooting. It only takes three seconds to hit a half-city distance.

The fast cursed realm has no time to corrupt the arrow.

However, three seconds is still slow. The cursed dragon suddenly raised his head when the arrow was shot.

Originally, an arrow aimed at the center of the eyebrow pierced the position under the left eye of the cursed dragon.

The power of terror directly penetrated the cheek of the cursed dragon. A hideous hole was left. The power of thunder and fire is still eroding the body of the cursed dragon. But then, he was swallowed by the power of the curse.

The injury of the head being penetrated is a simple small injury to the cursed dragon. The wound healed quickly. The cursed dragon stared at Rosa, slowly contemptuously.

The result was not good, but Rosha looked at her face and still showed a smile. From the moment the cursed dragon hid, it was certain. He guessed right, that gem is the weakness of the cursed dragon.

He immediately contacted the city lord and told the city lord of his discovery.

After thinking about it for a while, the city lord immediately determined the next policy.

The strategy of the second line of defense changed instantly. From the original defensive counterattack, it became an active attack. The three demigods also returned to the realm again and launched an attack on the cursed dragon.

All attacks were directed at the gem on the forehead of the cursed dragon. But there are not many attacks that can really threaten the cursed dragon.

The cursed dragon is not too easy, after all, there are still many demigods staring at him. Those attacks, as long as there is one hit, it is fatal.

Just as he resisted, the city lord's attack also arrived.

The same is the use of bows and arrows. Although not as scary as Rosa. But it is still possible to quickly pass through the cursed area and hit the target before the arrow is corroded.

The first attack cast by the city lord almost smashed the gem.

This also made the cursed dragon angry.

The cursed humanoids have also become more terrifying. Several cursed figures piled together and turned into twisted monsters. Each one has the strength of Tier 5. Even higher.

These human figures all appear with the kind of self-conscious human figures as the core. What's more frightening is that they can leave the realm directly. As a trailblazer, attack on the line of defense.

Defending and attacking. The pressure on the second line of defense increased instantly.

The city lord decisively mobilized the soldiers from the third line of defense.

He can see clearly. If the second line of defense is defeated, then for them, the third line of defense is not just the last layer of paper defense.

It is better to gather all the forces and bet on a victory.

For this reason, he also gave up the idea of ​​covering up his own strength. After all, the purpose of hiding power is to better seek benefits for the human race in the future. But once the Supreme Imperial City is destroyed, the Human Race will even have problems protecting itself, let alone getting more benefits.

The light belonging to the gods rose in the line of defense.

City Lord Tidu Rakshasa, stepping on the void steps, stepped onto the high throne.

God level. At the level of power, there is no doubt that it is a **** level. God possesses the law of coercion.

Who could have imagined that the seemingly weakest human race would actually have a **** level?

Although there is only strength, there is no matching physical quality. But it cannot hide his own strength.

The law of coercion is not a combat-type law, but it can infinitely weaken the enemy, and continuous pressure will make the enemy more difficult in battle.

This kind of rule, combined with Tidu Raksha's unreasonable emperor's power, showed terrifying power.

Even the cursed humanoid can't be immune to the pressure.

All attention was focused on Tidu Rakshasa. After all, he is so shining now.

This is also the result he wants to achieve.

Rosa did not know when, she had already left the clock tower.

He moved quickly along the edge of the city wall.

As he approached the cursed realm, a gust of wind rose around him, wrapping him up, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Without any hesitation, he plunged into the cursed realm.

All the people's attention was attracted by Titto Rakshasa, which gave him a chance to deliver a fatal blow.

He has a skill that is very troublesome to cast. It can make him appear on the forehead of the cursed dragon instantly.

But first, he needs to get close to the cursed dragon. And, in the presence of the cursed dragon, it completes a five-second charge.

He looked at the cursed dragon, and compared to others, there was only the gem on the forehead of the cursed dragon in his eyes.

The special arrow hit the bow again. He began to calculate the distance.

After confirming that there was no problem, he sprinted while gathering magic power. Wind, fire, water, thunder.

The four elements also changed in this cursed realm, and Rosha's arms were instantly attacked by the disease.

But he didn't care at all.

The intense magic mobilization attracted the attention of the cursed dragon.

For this man who pierced his cheek, the cursed dragon is still fresh in his memory.

After seeing Rosha, he immediately opened his mouth, and his colorful breath instantly drowned Rosha.

And Rosa relied on a special ability to pass through the breath.

"the first time."

He continued to sprint, and the extent of the accumulation of magic power had caused his arm to crack. But he showed no signs of stopping.

The claws of the dragon smashed down,

Once again, Rosa moved out of the attack range. At the moment of landing, the conditions were met.

His body turned into lightning and fell directly on the forehead of the cursed dragon.

The arrow in his hand reached the gem. Without waiting for the cursed dragon to react, he let go of his hand.

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