The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1263: Shameful Searing Gem

In terms of size, Batu’s projection is obviously smaller than that of the lava monster.

But in terms of momentum, there is no comparison at all.

Batu's projection also has god-level power. No, it was not a **** level, but directly mobilized the power of Batu's body, thus reaching the **** level.

In other words, the high priest of the orc clan can call the ancestors in battle in exchange for the help of a **** of complete power.

This is due to the special belief system of the orcs. The Orcs are also among the twelve races, a minority of those with firm beliefs.

Only such a race will receive the attention and favor of the gods. No fear of any disasters and challenges.

Batu's phantom drew his weapon. A huge warhammer.

Standing in the sky, facing the earth, roared and smashed down.

Looking at the cracked sky, Yu Tu who had just arrived shook her head.

That is not the effect of the magic of rules. It is pure, the effect of power.

Batuna's terrifying physical power. Has reached the level of almost rules. His fighting method is to incorporate his own rules into various weapons, and rely on his own fighting skills and strength to maximize the effect of these rules on the enemy.

The strong pressure made the lava monster's body show signs of collapse.

The lava behemoth roared, and four weapons lay overhead, trying to block the heavy blow from the gods.

But everything is in vain.

It's like a tomato that wants to resist a hydraulic press. The heavy hammer fell, and the lava monster turned into a pool of magma.

The splashing lava was also dispersed to a safe place by the orcs using storm arrows.

His so-called resistance did not even make Batu feel obstructed.

However, Batu did not leave immediately, with a strange expression on his face.

The heavy hammer slowly dissipated, and the molten slurry began to move regularly. Slowly returned to the original state.

It's just that this time, the part that belongs to the angel is much less, and the whole is also developing from a human form to a beast.

Two more legs grew from its lower body to support the body. I don't know why the head disappeared, and the whole face fell to the chest and abdomen.

Batu raised his hand, thunder and lightning condensed into a deadly spear in his hand and threw it out.

The moment it left Batu's palm, the spear fell from the sky like real lightning, directly defeating the lava behemoth that had not been completely repaired.

This time, the spear did not disappear immediately. Plugged into the ground, the current is continuously released.

The electric current and magma are deadlocked, and I don't know what the principle is. The electric current obviously restrains the recovery speed of magma.

The lava behemoth still exists. This aroused Batu's curiosity.

Compared to other gods, Batu is innocent, relying on people's beliefs to become gods. To be honest, he himself did not like this approach. But he has no right to refuse.

He didn't want other gods, knowledgeable, and unique-looking. The essence of the lava giant can be seen at a glance.

He can only fight. Similarly, he also has his own way of judging. One way can't kill, then another way. He who is admired by the faith as the **** of war, the most indispensable is the means of fighting.

Various weapons appeared in Batu's hands, with various types of power, smashed toward the lava behemoth.

The orcs raised their arms high and uttered a loud roar. This is they cheering for their gods and their ancestors.

The high priest also took the shamans, danced and sang war songs.

Only the lava giant was beaten on the ground for grievances.

The consciousness of the holder had long since disappeared in the uninterrupted bombardment. The power belonging to the flame angel was also completely burned.

Only the scorching gems remain, relying on their own instincts to continuously condense lava. He didn't want to continue to shape monsters. I want to protect myself.

But he completely exposed himself in this way.

"Core? Interesting props."

A long bow appeared in Batu's hand. Very simple. It is not the slightest difference from the longbow used by the orcs below.

This is also the longbow style determined by the orcs after countless years.

The orcs who saw this scene cheered again.

This bow is the bow used by Batu before becoming a god. It is fundamentally different from those fancy weapons before. One is a partner who was always with his side during his lifetime and used it thousands of times. And those are the extra power gained because of the sublimation of the legendary belief.

Compared with those weapons, the giant sword and the long bow are Batu's strongest means.

By simply pulling the bow and arrow, Batu has locked the core of the gem.

Just let go, and this shameful hot gem will disappear from the world.

At this time, Yu Tu appeared beside him.

"Oh, rule **** Yu Tu? What does it mean to stop me?"

Yu Tu first bends down and salutes, then opens his hand to show the ice gems and disease gems in his hands.

Batu immediately understood what Yu Tu meant.

"This set of gems has the possibility of promotion. Their power is far more than that. I want to recycle them all."

Batu thought for a while, and said coldly: "You owe me a favor."

After speaking, he let go of his hand. The arrow fell straight down.

At that moment, the world suddenly turned into darkness. It's like the sun has been shot down.

When everyone's sight was restored, the molten slurry and flames all disappeared.

That one arrow emptied all the power of the hot gem.

And the body of the hot gem lies quietly on the ground, its color dim. The internal strength has lost more than 90%. The consciousness of the ontology was also hit hard by facing the gods. Of course, because of Batu's retention, there was no damage.

Batu's clone turned around and disappeared into the sky.

Yu Tu also fell to the ground and recovered the hot gems. So far, he has recovered three gems.

The whereabouts of other gems are still unclear. Not everyone will be eaten back by the gems, leaving the gems in place.

"A strange god, please stay."

Yu Tu stopped and looked at the high priest walking towards him.

It can be seen that only seven people came to Yu Tu. The others are far away, respectfully saluting Yu Tu. This is the tradition of the orcs. They believe in the **** of war, but it does not mean that they disrespect other gods.

Looking at the actions of other orcs, Yu Tu also understood. Only such a race can deal with the impact of cursed gems.

"Is there a problem?"

"Master God, I want to ask you to help me understand. Why do we encounter this level of attack. The enemy seems to have the ultimate goal of destroying us. This reminds me of what happened to Yasha City."

"Because, among your city-states, some people have offended a force. They killed a respected elder. His successor has fallen into madness. You are not the only one. There are already four first-tier cities, completely Disappeared. However, I believe you will not be afraid of these challenges. If you can, we still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future. Stick to your current heart."

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