The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 160: Ambusher

Looking at the enemies on both sides, Yu Tu pulled out his weapon with a serious expression. Because of the curse, Yu Tu didn't want Aiwen to come out to help. But relying only on his current state, he may not even be able to beat a resurrected dead soul. Let alone take care of Tina.

Disregarding the Quartet and leaning over, "Cooperate, I don't agree with losing a level in vain."

"Defensively, one side."


Jana turned around and faced the two tall guardian stone statues. Owen faced the group of resurrected dead spirits and began to chant magic.

The resurrection of the dead is like a brainless beast, rushing towards Yu Tu and the others in a daze. Before the completion of Owen's magic, Yu Tu and Sifang Sifang could only rely on themselves.

Before, at the following time, Yu Tu had tested that the resurrection of the dead did not have too strong control resistance. The two control skills of air bomb and gravitational destruction can effectively prevent them from moving forward.

The disdainful Quartet next to him also showed his strength.

Wind Blade, the most basic skill in the hands of the Wind Element Mage, showed a different posture in his hands. Wind blades drew an arc in the air, accurately hitting the enemy behind.

Looks amazing way of attack. However, for the resurrection of dead souls in a fluid state, this cutting attack does not have much effect.

After realizing that the attack was ineffective, Sifang immediately changed his strategy and used the extremely low damage tornado skill to delay the enemy's advance. (Tornado, elemental mage skill, creates a small tornado at the target location, slows down the movement speed of enemies in the range and causes a small amount of damage for eight seconds.)

After the two dragged the resurrection of the dead for a while, Owen's magic was ready. The black thread stretched out from Owen's hand and began to spread toward the resurrected dead. Soon all the resurrected dead spirits were surrounded.

Then, the black line began to thicken, and the surrounding space began to twist. Those black lines are traces of space being cut.

The resurrected dead spirits wrapped in black lines couldn't resist the pulling force of the space, screaming and being sucked into the space crack. Their fluid body makes them unable to resist the pull of the space cracks.

After seeing the resurrection of the dead spirits killed, Sifang and Yu Tu turned around to support Gana.

Looking back, I saw Jana evading the guardian stone statue embarrassingly. But there is only one attacker. The other guardian has become a pile of rubble.

Jana looked a little embarrassed, but did not panic. After avoiding the guardian's attack again, a hand was placed on the guardian stone statue's weapon.

The guardian stone statue that was still roaring immediately freezes. It fell apart in Yu Tu and disdain Sifang's surprised eyes and turned into another pile of rubble.

"Don't stand stupid, go quickly." Owen urged, and ran forward with a pale face.

Others quickly followed. After passing through the ruins, a man in a cloak stood quietly in the middle of the road, blocking everyone's retreat.

Owen looked at the man solemnly, and said calmly: "Can you please let me go?"

"Leave two, the others go."

Owen and Jana glanced at each other and nodded.

The two took a step forward, and Owen said: "The two of us stay and let them go."

The mysterious man stretched out his hand and pointed at Yu Tu. "Leave those two, you go."

"Sorry, I will not give up my students."

The mysterious man opened his hand and said calmly: "Then, you all stay."

As soon as the voice fell, the black matter flying out of the void directly bound the five people, unable to move. Yu Tu keenly discovered the characteristics of the restraint.

Magic blockade, unable to use any magic value.

For Yu Tu and the others, this state can be said to be the deadliest. Owen, Jana, and Sifang are all mages, and blockade attacks also require mana. It can be said that this round of attacks by the mysterious man directly captured all of them alive.

After controlling the crowd, the mysterious man waved in the air with one hand, and a large amount of black matter emerged between the two sides, eroding the ground. A bottomless hole appeared in front of everyone.

"The time is up, it's time to hit the road."

The mysterious man waved his hand again, pulling Owen, Jana and Sifang with invisible force, and directly threw the three into the hole.

Then, the mysterious person appeared directly in front of Yu Tu. At this time, Yu Tu discovered that the mysterious man's height was more than two meters, and his sense of oppression was very strong at close range.

Looking up hard, Yu Tu saw a pair of beating soul fires. This mysterious man is an undead.

"give it to me."

Tina behind Yu Tu fell into the arms of the mysterious man under the control of the black matter.

"what are you going to do?"

The mysterious man took out a bead and pierced Tina's body with his hand. But the strange thing is that no trace of blood came out during the whole process.

"it's your turn."

Without waiting for Yu Tu's reaction, the mysterious man pinched the second bead to Yu Tu's chest.


The mysterious man's hand twisted into a weird posture, and the beads in his hand fell to the ground.

The reason for all this is the seven-petal flower mark that emerged on Yu Tu's chest.

After the marker was activated, Yu Tu's face instantly turned pale. The intense pain made him almost fall. It took some time to adapt again.

The mysterious man looked at the mark on Yu Tu's chest, and the soul fire in his eyes shook slightly.

"Wang Yin? Useless."

The black substance entangled the twisted arm of the mysterious man, and it didn't take long to recover. Under the invisible force, the beads on the ground returned to the mysterious man's hands.

This time, the mysterious man directly mobilized the black matter to form a pointed cone, which pierced the seven-petal flower mark on Yu Tu's chest.

A crack appeared in the defense constructed by the seven-petal flower. The severe pain made Yu Tu completely unable to concentrate.

The pointed cone is constantly consumed, and the defense of the Seven-petal Flower Mark is constantly broken. In the end, the seven-petal flower imprint that had not been replenished lost to the black substance that was constantly replenished.

The moment the mark broke and disappeared, the mysterious man quickly sent the beads to Yu Tu's body.

A cold breath radiated from the beads, and the whole body was frozen extremely stiff by the breath.

"Don't worry, you won't die. The master is waiting for us."

The mysterious man mobilized black matter and wrapped Yu Tu and Tina into mummies. Immediately afterwards, the black substance was constructed into two coffins, and Yu Tu and Tina were thrown into them by mysterious people and sealed. Two sarcophagi were made from surrounding stones and wrapped outside.

After sealing Tina and Yu Tu, the mysterious man led the two coffins and jumped into the cavity. When he entered, the black matter rolled back, erasing all traces around him. Even the house area destroyed by the Guardian's stone statue was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

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