The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 165: Death Gaze of the Wrath Hunter

I have been observing the two monsters fighting Yu Tu, and discovered after replacing myself in the battle. Before he thought he could kill one by himself was too arrogant.

Attributes do not mean everything. It can be seen from the battle between the two monsters that both sides have strong negative resistance. Especially the Hunter, who has been cursed by the Bone by the Fallen many times, has not been affected by the meaning up to now.

The two monsters are also very resistant to falling and knocking, and can get up immediately after falling to the ground.

In other words, Yu Tu's own control skills are not very useful for these two monsters.

There are enough control skills to form a control chain for Yu Tu to single out monsters, but for monsters like this that basically don't eat control skills, Yu Tu can only find reliable teammates to attack.

Looking at the two monsters still fighting each other below, Yu Tu began to think about strategies. Calling people is the first to rule out. The reliable teammates are basically in Koster City, and they can't make it.

Another way is to rely on terrain to kill. Both monsters are melee monsters, and the Bone Aggregate has some long-range skills, but the threat is certainly not as scary as it is close. To find a good terrain, you can use the advantages of remote careers to kite opposite.

But Yu Tu looked around and gave up the idea. It is not without reason to be called the Plain of Bone. Yu Tu and the pile of rocks where they are now is considered the best shelter around. Then there are still dense coke forests around. There is no terrain that can jam monsters.

After thinking about it, I can only wait for the two monsters to decide the winner and then jump out and cut their heads. However, the first prerequisite is that the two monsters must be born and die separately. If he slapped his **** halfway and left, Yu Tu had to find a way to kill him.

After sorting out the order, Yu Tu stared at the battle below, observing the attack mode and skill effects of the two monsters.

After playing for a while, Evil Fallen used the skills first.

Evil Depravity first used the advantage of his hand to force the hunter back, then jumped a distance away and began to use his skills.

A layer of grayish-green light was dyed on the body of the evil fall, which looked very unknown.

But the hunter didn't know what to think, and rushed towards the evil with red eyes.

"Roar!" The evil roar let out a deterrent roar, with both arms raised and smashed to the ground fiercely.

The ground between the two monsters was cracked by the evil fall, and the cracks revealed the same unknown light as the evil fall.


The hunter rushed into the crack area regardless, and the gray-green light immediately spread to its body. The body that was originally exuding red light turned into a dead body gray-white, the speed was significantly reduced, and it looked a little panting. .

Evil Depraved strode towards the weak hunter, a paw directly pierced the hunter's chest, and the hunter's blood bar could be seen to drop by one square.


The hunter flicked his paws to counterattack, and was slapped to the side by the evil depravity, penetrating the hunter's arm, and then throwing the hunter severely to the ground. Before the hunter could respond, two huge claws pierced the hunter's chest together. , It looked like it was about to tear the hunter apart.


The two monsters began to wrestle each other. In the beginning, the advantage of Evil Depravity was still great. However, as time went by, the red light on the hunter's body became larger and wider, and the effect of the evil depravity skills gradually weakened.

When the red light occupied most of the hunter's body, the hunter roared and threw the evil fall on his body over his head, and hit the ground fiercely.

Behind him, watching the evil fall in front of him. The hunter jumped up abruptly, stepped on the head of Evilfall, and pressed it back to the ground again. The powerful force directly crushed a face of the evil, causing the evil to roar in pain.

Evil fell on the ground fiercely, and a large number of bone spurs protruded from the ground, separating the two monsters.

The hunter backed away a few steps, panting hard, his body exuding hot heat, and the blood flowing out of the wound was like hot lava.

The evil on the other side seemed embarrassed. Many bones on his body were broken, and his left face was crushed by the hunter, leaving only some bone stubble on his face.

However, the bones of the evil fall were still recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. What's more surprising is that the evil fall directly grabbed the broken bone on the ground and pressed it to the location of his wound. After a few seconds, the bone became a part of it. The blood volume has also been significantly restored.

After a short break, the two monsters fought again.

Yu Tu, who was observing from above, keenly discovered the abnormality below. Behind a rock, Yu Tu saw something.

Yu Tu became vigilant and sent a message to Yu Shuang. "I gave you a coordinate. Can you see people over there?"

Soon, Yu Shuang replied.

"I can see two people, they didn't find me."

"Keep hiding and don't be discovered by them."

Yu Tu was not too surprised. Although it is not welcome by players, there will still be people who come here to level up. Coupled with the fact that the two monsters are fighting so much, some players find that they are still expected to come over.

Yu Tu searched it carefully, and found ten players and two teams in total. It looks like they should be together, judging from their position, they chose to surround the two monsters, and they have the intention to attack.

"I don't know how high the sky is."

Yu Tu can guess the ideas of the two teams. They must have not seen the previous round where the two monsters erupted. Since then, the attack frequency of the two monsters has decreased significantly. Evil Depravity seemed to be scared by the hunter, but the hunter was breathing non-stop, obviously tired.

The performance of the two monsters made the two teams misjudge the situation on the battlefield, arrogantly thinking that they could eat these two monsters.

To be honest, Yu Tu is more than happy to see these two teams disrupting the situation. This will give him more opportunities.

When Evil Fall once again used bone spurs to penetrate the hunter and let the hunter fall to the ground, the two teams started.

The two knights charged towards the evil to control the evil. Others smashed their attacks on the hunter. Yu Tu took a look, and the hunter's blood volume had fallen to five thousand, which could be said to be a killer line.

At this time, Yu Tu jumped out and could definitely grab the hunter's head. But Yu Tu held back, and the hunter had yet to start another outbreak.

Yu Tu's caution helped him escape.

After the attack dissipated, the hunter, who was covered in lava pouring, bent over, his eyes fixed on the evil fall in front of him.

"Continue to attack. There are only three thousand blood left."

The leader of the team issued an attack order. But they saw a pair of scarlet eyes. To be precise, everyone present saw those strange eyes. It's like appearing directly in the mind.

"Death gaze." Yu Tu gritted his teeth, far away from the battlefield, he was also affected by the skill, appeared a stared state, all attributes decreased by 10% within ten minutes, and all the attacks caused by the hunter turned into real Damage, has a chance to directly kill the target.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The hunter rushed to the group of players swiftly, faster than before. The players were killed by the hunter before they could react. That speed and attack are far from comparable.

Yu Tu glanced at the hunter's panel and found that the speed and attack had been greatly improved. He has seen this state before, and it should be a similar skill.

The player who came to the spoiler only contributed one round of attacks before being beaten out by the hunter. The rest of the evil spirit looked at the rough-clad hunter, and after a cry, turned and ran away.

The hunter obviously didn't want the enemy to flee, and quickly pursued it.

Yu Tu took out his weapon in silence and began to calculate the distance. Now, for him, it is an excellent opportunity. The direction in which Evil Fallen escaped was towards him.

If you read it right, in a few seconds, the two monsters will come to the position below him.

Yu Tu breathed a sigh. There is only one chance, only success, not failure.

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