The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 816: Flesh and blood

Yage, who came out of relying on his body, raised his hand and released the completed magic.

Pure death energy was poured into the fallen relying body, and then, in the expressions that everyone looked at, the black giant climbed up again. This time, the skeleton in his chest disappeared, but in the same way, his health bar disappeared.

The immortal puppet, one of the best skills of the curse type lich. Horror magic that maximizes the value of corpses. Resuscitating the corpse, and capable of 80% of the power of the wasteland itself. There is no death at all, completely loyal to the caster.

Although the black giant lost the ability to cast spells after losing Yager, its own strength is beyond doubt. The only thing that could stop him was the Vine Giant.

It can only be a vine giant. They don't have time to hesitate. The longer they drag on, the more magic Jager can cast and the more difficult the situation they will face.

After paying for two people, they successfully rushed to Yage and started a seamless combo again, interrupting Yage's skill cast.

For this, Yage didn't care at all. There is even a mood to hum. The faces of the players became more and more ugly.

In fact, they are also very clear about why Yage would be like this. Every time a boss erupts, there will be a red bully status. In response to different situations. Some are injury reduction, and some are exempt from control. And Yage's domineering body is immune to interruption. As long as he enters the outbreak, no one can stop him from completing his magic.

It can be said that every outbreak is a disaster for players.

However, they have no alternative. So far, no new players have joined. Obviously, if you want to clear the boss, you can only rely on them. Or, after they die, a new batch of players.

Yu Tu glanced at the time and frowned. Unconsciously, ten hours have passed.

Now the rhythm has slowed down, and the accumulated mental exhaustion has begun to cause various problems for players. The attack efficiency is greatly reduced. If this continues, they may not even be able to sustain the third outbreak of the boss.

What Yu Tu is thinking now is whether to break the limit. If you break the limit, relying on the magic bullet of the sacred attribute, if you hit the key, it should be able to greatly reduce the boss's blood volume.

But soon, Yu Tu got rid of this idea. On the one hand, it is difficult to explain the sudden changes in injury.

On the other hand, Yu Tu is not sure, after he enters that state, whether the enemy will be lifted. If that is the case, it is better to continue to maintain this situation, they still have the possibility of victory.

The last point, the warning given by the saint.

It is not easy to solve this boss without breaking the boundaries. Especially, Yu Tu and they have started to reduce staff.

In other words, they have only started to reduce their staff, and they are already very strong. But the enemy is stronger.

Not only that, but Yu Tu and the others also noticed that Yage was deliberately taking damage. He doesn't care about the passing of his blood volume at all, and his goal is to enter the explosive phase as soon as possible and inflict heavy losses on the players.

The half-blood burst was triggered. The players pushed away again, and even the vine giant was controlled by Yu Shuang, dragging the black giant away from Yage Yage, to prevent the blood curse from relying on it again. Otherwise, they might face two black giants.

The red light dissipated, and Jager raised his head and pulled away his head. The smoke that was originally illusory gradually turned into entities. The robe on his body also began to transform in the direction of the armor.

In the end, what appeared in front of the players was a skeleton face armor warrior more than three meters high. Holding two huge machetes in both hands, floating on the black screen behind him, Jager's grimace appeared again.

Flesh conversion is a kind of magic used by the Lich to transform spirit into entity. His own attack method will also transform into the type of magic swordsman. Effectively make up for the weak melee ability of the Lich.

And Jager is more powerful. He divided himself into two parts, one part, controlling the solid body, and the other part, the weird cloak behind the body. In this way, he can sing magic unscrupulously during the battle.

It is equivalent to fighting against a mage from the original to a fighter plus mage. The increase in difficulty is not just a double problem.

In the first time of the match, Jager broke up the formation of the soldiers in the front row with a continuous charge. Six uninterrupted charges directly caused Jager to rush to the crispy back row.

The target he selected was Yu Shuang.

Regardless of the team or the individual, Yu Tu could not let Yager kill Yu Shuang. He directly launched an instant stab to rush in front of Yu Shuang, instantly switched careers, and blocked Jager's machete with his claw.

Yu Shuang also stepped back for the first time, and began to open the area where everything grows under his feet, helping Yu Tu trap Yage. There is no way, now their position is behind the team. If you don't limit Jager, changing his target at random will result in attrition.

Especially the pastor. Among the pastors who came up this time, there were only three wishers. Two gifted priests, the other is light. The therapeutic effects that can be given are very limited. If you reduce the number of staff, you really can't fight.

Yu Tu resisted Jager's attack while thinking about the solution. Now, the best news is that after Yage's transformation, his health bar is 50%. It shouldn't be the same as when relying on the vine giant before, with an extra tube of blood.

Yu Tu was thinking here, but Yage was a little confused.

He didn't care about the fact that the descendant of the sky had switched professions. Although a little surprised, why there are blood races among the sky descendants, but it does not affect his battle. In his impression, those who descend from the sky are weak. Even if these weak people in front of him can cause him a lot of trouble, it is only the degree of turning from a roadside stone to a stumbling block.

But after really fighting against Yu Tu this accident, he felt a breath completely different from other heavenly descendants from Yu Tu's body.

It's like facing a real blood family.

As the battle continued, Jager discovered even more exaggerated things.

The soul and body of the heavenly descendant in front of him were closely connected. This is incredible for a man who has fallen from the sky. Their souls are firmly protected in a different world by destiny.

And Yu Tu, not only the soul and body are fused into everything, but also the soul is in this world.

After discovering this, Jager's face was distorted with excitement. Seeing Yu Tu's gaze also changed. The attack method has also changed.

Yu Tu, who had been under pressure and breathless, suddenly relaxed a lot. He quickly reacted, and the boss was releasing water. But he didn't feel happy. The previous incidents had clearly stated that this boss would definitely not be well-intentioned.

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