The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 819: Assault

What Yage said didn't make Yu Tu feel scared and other emotions, which made Yage who had been following it a bit boring. As a lich, playing with the existence of the soul ancestor level, he has a very good understanding of the changes in the soul. In his observation, Yu Tu really didn't feel fear.

Let alone fear, Yu Tu didn't have much mood swings since he was released.

"Are not you afraid?"

"afraid of what?"

"I'm going to turn you into a death soldier, so please give some face. The process will be cruel."

"How about that?"

Jager squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "The mouth is very hard. Let me see if you are really tough."

After speaking, Jager raised his hand, and a few more chains appeared that bound Yu Tu before. This time, a pointed cone was added to the head of the chain and there was this red spell on it.

Yu Tu is still bound, and there is no possibility of dodge. Jager controlled a chain and quickly pierced Yu Tu's left shoulder.


Yu Tu's pupils suddenly shrank, as if his left hand was torn off abruptly. The intense pain made Yu Tu groan. However, it is still within the tolerable range for him.

"Hey, really hard. So, what about this?"

It was another chain. This time, under the control of Yage, the chain slowly pierced Yu Tu's right shoulder.

This time, it was no longer a short-term, rapid pain, but a way of getting worse and experiencing pain bit by bit. Moreover, the curse on the chain seemed to have the power to strengthen the attack on the soul. When Yager stopped, Yu Tu could no longer bear it.

"Don't worry, don't worry, all I have is time. The road is still long, and I can do two things with one heart to ensure you have a very fulfilling journey along the way.

While talking, he thrust other chains into Yu Tu's soul, constantly torturing him.

From the third point on, Yu Tu couldn't bear the pain and began to scream. Yage listened to Yu Tu's screams with joy, and at the same time studied Yu Tu's body.

But after ten minutes, Yu Tu's cry stopped.

Jager raised his eyebrows and waved his hands without raising his head. The chains flying in the air speeded up. However, the screams Yage expected did not continue, only a few muffled hums from Yu Tu.

Yager frowned and raised his head to look at Yu Tu. At that moment, he saw a pair of deep purple eyes and a shadow that frightened him.

He yelled, stepped back away from Yu Tu, but tripped himself and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

When he reacted, an angry expression appeared on his face. Looking at Yu Tu, I only saw Yu Tu's stubborn face. He didn't have the mental breakdown that Jager expected, but withstood the pain that directly tore his soul.

This made Jager's heart flustered. In addition to the phantom just now, Jager had an absurd idea that the soul in front of him was a monster that could easily destroy him.

Then, he felt ashamed of what he had just thought. It would have fear of a weak soul.

"Do you think you are very powerful? You can bear this kind of pain? Come on, let me see how much you can bear."

Jager raised his hand with a grim expression. The black chain that emerged from the body began to twist and change. Before the end of the change, these chains turned into black energy and suddenly dissipated.

Yager's face also became extremely pale, and he covered his chest.

"What is this! What is in your body! It hurts! Why, it hurts so much! It's just a body, why can it affect me!"

Yu Tu looked at the light revealed in Yage's palm with a mocking smile.

"What? I can't bear this bit of pain? Just get used to it. In the past, I was often troubled by this."

Because of Yage's current state, the chains on Yu Tu's body were not stable. Yu Tu easily broke away. However, the previous chain puncture has not been relieved, so he can only sit on the spot, watching Yage wailing in pain.

It was Angel's engraving of Ten Kings that made Jager into such a thing. When the marking takes effect, it will stimulate the body and cause severe pain. And the location of the engraving is in the fragile heart position, and every time it works, it will produce heart-wrenching pain.

In the past, Yu Tu also experienced several times before he could barely maintain his mobility. Now Jager's performance let him know another thing, that is, the pain caused by the engraving directly affects the soul.

The reason why Yu Tu can look at Yage so calmly is also very simple. There are two ways to trigger the engraving. One is that Yu Tu's body is in danger, and it is automatically triggered to activate the power to protect Yu Tu. Of course, these are generally unexpected situations, situations beyond the control of fate. It has not been triggered for a long time. There was nothing special just now, and this possibility can basically be ruled out.

And the remaining one. As the master of this engraving is nearby. This kind of engraving is like a brand imprinted by the master on the slave. This trigger mechanism tells the engraved person that your master is coming.

Sure enough, a gentle and elegant woman appeared quietly behind Yage. He is dressed in black gauze, with black wings tattoos on his bare shoulders. When he paced to Yage's back facing Yu Tu, Yu Tu also saw the complete tattoo design on his naked back. A black four-winged bird and beast image.

Although it looks strange, Yu Tu can still be sure that this is Angel Hepburn. Ten kings representing the pastor.

Obviously, Jager recognized it too.

He fell on the ground and twisted his body and said loudly: "Stop, do you know what you are doing! Stupid woman! You are offending a demigod! My body will catch you and give you the cruelest punishment. Tie your soul in the ugliest pig, and endure the pain of eternal life!"

Angel laughed like a silver bell, and kicked Jager sharply.

This kick directly kicked Yage out of Yu Tu's body. Without waiting for Jager to react. A series of light magic circle wrapped it up. The sacred aura and the light aura continued to wear down Jager's body, and the Lich had lost his support. Before this level of restraint, he had no resistance at all.

Not only that, being restrained directly illuminating the soul itself is definitely one of the most cruel punishments for the undead.

"Why! Why can you still use this level of sacred power! Haven't you fallen! Ah!"

Angel smiled and said, "I am Angel Hepburn. The ten kings representing the priest. The priest will, and I will do. Besides, my fall will not affect my belief in the gods. I look forward to your revenge. Old stuff."

After speaking, Angel clenched his fists, and all the magic circles gathered. Directly obliterate this clone of Yage.

When the magic circle dissipated, there was no longer anything that belonged to Jager.

Angel turned around and looked at Yu Tu's soul and said, "Well, you are now my captive. Get back to your body and follow me. Little guy."

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