The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 822: The key to liberating the abyss

Because of what happened just now, Angel was not delaying, and quickly rushed to a spiral tower in the city with Yu Tu.

The gatekeeper's two abysses put them in after just a glance. Entering it, Yu Tu understood the gap between the abyss architecture and the normal architecture.

The inside of the spiral tower is like the inner wall of a living thing. The walls, stairs, and various decorations are all living things.

However, the unexpected does not feel disgusting.

"what are these?"

"The bottom-level creatures unique to the abyss. You have never entered the world of the abyss, so you don't know how terrifying it is. Even the abyss creatures can't be exposed to the abyss environment for a long time. And these creatures just adapt. The creatures of the abyss environment, the residence of all the creatures of the abyss."

"So, this city is actually made up of a group of creatures?"

"Yes. Go here."

Angel took Yu Tu skillfully around the circle. Soon, they came to a black hall.

It's not the kind of hall for formal receptions, it's more like a bedroom. However, in the middle of the room is not a big bed, but a molten pool.

Angel stepped forward and knelt down by the pool religiously.

"My master, the guest has brought home."

After Angel finished speaking, it didn't take long for the pool to light up. The bright red lines are centered on the magma pool and begin to extend to the surroundings.

Soon, the red lines covered the entire room, walls, floors, and ceilings.

After Yu Tu saw these lines clearly, she showed a surprised look.

"These are ancient gods?"

"Yes, ancient gods."

A slightly familiar voice came from the magma pool. Pulled Yu Tu's attention back.

Then, a person walked out slowly from the magma pool.

The crimson hair was like a beating flame, and the lava flowing on his body turned into a black windbreaker after solidification. There are flame patterns on it.

And Yu Tu's attention was more on that person's ears. Three pairs of pointed ears like elves.

This reminded Yu Tu of the horrible figure, the Abyss Lord who gave Yu Tu the purest fear in the beginning.

"Are you afraid of me?"

This time, Yu Tu heard it clearly. His eyes widened, the abyss creature in front of him used his voice.

"I don't have a language system. Every time I communicate with people, I use a model of a biological voice present. Don't care."

"Can you read your mind?"

"Yes. As far as the soul is concerned, I am very good at it. Your active thinking has no secrets to me. However, this ability is not unlimited. I cannot understand all your thinking. For example, I I don’t know why you are afraid of me."

"Well, these are just to satisfy my curiosity. Why did you save me?"

"This is an order from my father. You are very important to the abyss. We can't let you fall into the hands of the dead."

"What?" Yu Tu was stunned. The words spoken by the abyss in front of him are a bit more informative. He was a little overwhelmed.

"I'm very important to the abyss? What do you mean? I'm just a heavenly descendant. Or the heavenly descendant who stands on the opposite side of you, under the Mandate of Heaven."

"Who told you that Destiny stands on the opposite side of the abyss?"

This sentence stunned Yu Tu directly. Yes, no one has said that Destiny stands on the opposite side of the abyss. However, judging from the previous tasks, Destiny will never stand on the side of the abyss. All tasks are to fight the existence of the abyss.

Thinking of this, Yu Tu said: "At least, so far, Destiny has not released any missions that benefit the abyss. Everything is suppressing the abyss."

"Hahaha, interesting statement. Angel, you want to leave. I want to have a good chat with this guest."

"Yes, master."

Angel backed out. Only Yu Tu and the abyss are left in the room.

"The basis of in-depth communication is acquaintance. My name is Garnar, how about you?"

"Yu Tu."

Gardner nodded, waved, and immediately two seats ran over from one side.

"Sit. There are some things, I think there should be nothing to tell you."

Yu Tu frowned and sat in a strange chair. Question: "Listening to what you just said, the abyss is not only not suppressing the abyss, but helping the abyss?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how could I be here to communicate with you? The seal that blocked the gate of the abyss, but a god. We want to break open, and the price will never be small. And we want to gouge like before. Opening gaps and releasing part of the same race is not something a rough race like ours can do. However, Destiny helps us do it."

Gardner stood up, pointing at Yu Tu and said: "And you are the key to liberating us."


Yu Tu was taken aback for a moment, and randomly began to think about her previous experience.

With good memory, Yu Tu recalled several tasks. His face became pale.

At the very beginning, Yu Tu followed his teacher Owen and accepted a mission to the ruins. Then, in that mission, he and his senior sister were planted by Kabbah. Subsequently, the abyss of the north was liberated.

After the underground mission, Yu Tu opened the channel to the underground again, brought Kabawen to the royal court of the earth, broke the seal, and allowed the three continents to regroup, so that the preconditions for the unsealing of the abyss were fulfilled.

After that, the major attack on the abyss was also because the abyss that was liberated in the first place gave the ten kings a chance to break the seal.

It can be said that now that the abyss can appear on the surface, it is entirely the result of the destiny pushing it all the way with the help of Yu Tu.

"I don't understand. Since the Mandate of Heaven wants to lift the seal, why has it released various tasks to prevent you from appearing."

Garnar said: "First of all, you have to understand a little bit. We are in the abyss. We are divided into two big tribes. The old family and the new family. The ghouls and beasts that you have encountered without wisdom, All are the old family members. They are different from us. Destiny and us are both trying to reduce the number of this clan. The abyss will not continue to break the seal until our new family members gain absolute control."

"What a strange statement. Listen to what you mean, don't you exist to destroy this world?"

Garnar said: "I know, this sounds crazy to you. But we really have no intention of destroying the world. The abyss is also a race that needs to be saved. And we are being saved."


"You will understand. During this time, I will trouble you to move around here. Don't worry, I won't give you too many restrictions, but for your safety, it is better not to leave here. Angel, take him to the room. "

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