The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 831: I reject

Because of the white knight's deterrence, the five abysses stopped attacking, and looked at the white knight and the bishop with guard.

The White Knight didn't put all his energy on them, and turned to ask the bishop behind him.

"How's the kid doing?"

"Excellent, I understand my guidance, and have begun to integrate the power of heraldry. However, it is not so easy to pass my test."

"Do you want him to pass?"

"It depends on his ability."

"I do not want."

The bishop paused, raised his head and looked at the white knight. Then, following the white knight's movements, he saw the strange abyss not far away.

"Don't forget, the power of the king is on him, and our only choice is to lead him to be the king. Complete the transition between the old and the new. At least, judging from the power in his body, there is already a crown back."

"We will have other options. For example, stripping off the crown. With your ability, you can do it."

The bishop moved his coat of arms and did not respond. The White Knight did not continue. But he didn't continue to stand on guard, instead holding a gun, he walked toward several abysses.

Ogmar and others watched the approaching white knight on alert. When the distance was less than ten meters, he stopped the opponent.

"Don't think you can eat us. Anyway, we are also the abyss at the apex. Even if you can't beat you, it's no problem to bypass you and destroy the city behind."

Faced with Ogmar's threat, the White Knight smiled disdainfully.

"Destroying the royal city? What a funny sneer. Give you two choices, go back, or leave the body."

"Asshole." Ogmar itself is not a guy who likes to think calmly. Suddenly he was angered by the White Knight. Garnar and the others were too late to stop, Ogmar rushed up.

The lines on the body were all lit up, and the majestic magic power turned into a substantive meridian, bound to Ogmar's body. It was like putting a layer of strong muscles on him.

This time, Ogmar directly released his fastest and strongest power.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the white knight, and his fist penetrated the white knight's body without hindrance.

This incident stunned Ogmar and others. The strength demonstrated by the White Knights before, in their opinion, can definitely avoid attacks of this degree. But the reality is that Ogmar's attack opened a big hole in the opponent's chest.

The White Knight put his hand on Ogmar's arm and said with a sneer: "Your life is mine."

The strong sense of crisis made Ogmar's subconscious driving force want to completely shred the White Knight. But the arm stuck in the opponent's body did not move. Not only that, but his own strength, through the location where the two contacted, was quickly lost at a shocking speed.

In just two seconds, Ogmar lost the power to resist.

The abysses who had reacted quickly stepped forward, trying to rescue Ogmar. However, he found that his attack could not affect the White Knight at all.

Gardner made the first decision and cut off Ogmar's grasped arm backhand. Sayhua and Tigmaus quickly retreated with Orgmar with a broken arm.

Subsequently, Gardner and Kessel also returned. Watching the white knight warily.

Ogmar said palely: "He can draw our strength and even destroy our source of strength. Don't let him catch it."

When the others heard Ogmar's words, their faces became gloomy.

As the abyss, their power all comes from the source of power that came with them when they were born. That is their basis. After destroying the source of power, they will gradually lose their strength and wisdom and become the lowest level abyss.

The White Knight threw Ogmar's arm away, he didn't care about the hole in his chest, and continued to walk towards a few people.

"My patience is very poor. Let me help you choose."

"Wait a minute, we will leave. But at least let us wait until our companion returns."

The White Knight looked at Garnar, but did not respond. But the burning spear in his hand already showed his attitude.

There was no way for Garnar and the others, and they quickly fled the battlefield with Ogmar and fell back to the top of the mountain.

The White Knight didn't pursue it either, turned and walked back.

The bishop glanced at it and asked, "Is it necessary to be so embarrassed? The cost of repairs is a lot."

"Indifferent consumption is better than playing against them. How is it?"

"beyond imagination."

The white knight walked directly towards the city gate.

"Don't stay and wait for the result?"

"No need, he hasn't got my approval yet."

The bishop smiled and said nothing. After the White Knight left, she looked at the clouds ahead and said: "I am not as irritable as him. As long as it does not affect the test and destroy the city, I will not attack you."

Ganal and Sayhua walked out of the clouds and looked at the bishop. Ganal said, "So, can you give us the keys?"

"This, I'm afraid not. He, but our king."

With the words of the bishop, the coat of arms built around him began to shatter. The clouds between the three began to twist, and a blue vortex portal appeared.

Without waiting too long, Yu Tu waved her wings and flew out of the portal. Compared with before, he now has an extra circle of character energy bands around him.

However, those characters were soon recovered by Yu Tu.

The bishop looked at Yu Tu who had fallen, crossed his hands and knelt before Yu Tu.

"Welcome back, Wang."

Yu Tu looked at the bishop in front of him, and then saw Gardner with surprise on his face and Sayhua on guard.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Tu turned his head and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the city. I think you can tell me a lot."

"Yes, Wang."

The two walked towards the city gate, and after two steps, the bishop raised his hand, and a large number of rock pillars rose from the clouds, stopping the two Garners who wanted to follow.

Gardner's face changed slightly and asked, "Yu Tu, what do you mean. Do you want to regret it?"


"Don't forget our mission this time."

"It's your task, not mine."

Yu Tu did not look back, "You are the abyss. Perhaps you are not enemies. But you are not my friends now. I am very grateful for your rescue, but it does not mean that I will destroy the seal recklessly. The mainland is enough now. Confused."

Sayehua said coldly: "I said from the beginning, it is more in our interest to control him. The current situation is entirely caused by you."

Gardner glanced at her, then turned to Yu Tu and said, "No discussion? We don't need to completely unlock the seal. What we need is to pick up an adult from the inside. If there is only one person, there should be no problem. Right."

Yu Tu raised his head. After seeing the history of the abyss, he knew very well what could be called an adult by Ganal. To be honest, Gardner was really nice to him in the days of the Abyss City. But he concealed too many things. Many things are not clear now. Moreover, the abyss seals the relationship between two people. Yu Tu didn't feel that he was qualified to decide such a thing.

After thinking clearly, Yu Tu took a step forward.

"I reject."

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