The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 847: Fourth Royal City, return

An unsurprising victory. Although there is no guarantee that all the necromantic forces in the swamp will be eliminated, it is certain that the necromancers can no longer pose any threat to the Holy Land.

Moreover, the Holy Land has also obtained some very important information from the birthplace of the dead.

As one of the regiments that made the top contribution in this battle, Yu Tu also got this information. When I came out of the meeting room, the sun was already high.

Yu Shuang, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped over and eagerly asked: "Yu Tu, what did you say in it."

"Necromancer. We find the true coordinates of the Necromancer kingdom."

There is no doubt that this is good news. I have been passive before, and the most critical reason is that I can't find the enemy's base camp.

Knowing where the enemy is, the next step is very simple.

Yu Tu received two tasks. One is to pass the information obtained this time to the blood race. Through the blood family and the sacred personnel hidden in the city-state forces, inform the city-state of the coordinates and opening methods of the necropolis.

Unite everything that can be united, and end the war before the enemy reacts.

The location of the Necropolis is not a hidden corner. But a different world plane. A complete, ecologically different world plane. However, there is no life on this plane now.

After discussion, they tested out two effective ways to solve the enemy.

One is to destroy the birthplace of the dead. Every undead birthplace is an anchor point. Nail the kingdom of death to the main world. As the anchor point disappears, the connection between the different world and the main world will also be disconnected.

After that, with the passage of time, the world of the kingdom of death will gradually move away from the main world until there is no more intersection.

The other is to collect intelligence to find the specific coordinates or opening method of the kingdom of death. Open the door to another world and launch an attack on the enemy.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Breaking the anchor point can avoid confrontation with the undead, reduce casualties, and retain strength to deal with the second abyssal war in the future. But no one can be sure how long the kingdom of death will completely disappear. It may be a few months, it may be decades or hundreds of years.

If the enemy cannot be solved directly, the enemy may jump out and take a bite at a critical moment. There is no guarantee that the enemy will not directly move the base camp and dormant again.

Therefore, after considering it for a long time, Jin and the others judged that the final battle was inevitable. Both methods must be carried out.

In the final battle, destroy all the power of the kingdom of death, and then exile the entire plane of another world, and bury everything in the kingdom of death in the dimensional time and space.

This time Yu Tu was not just to spread the word. He will also lead his army and participate in the war. Destroy the camp of the undead as much as possible.

As long as there is no demigod power in control, the Undead Legion is invincible.

Of course, he still needs a lot of preparation before going out.

After passing the message through the teleportation array, Yu Tu immediately returned to the War King City and asked about the specific situation of the legion.

After returning to the Royal City, Yu Tu saw an unexpected person in the City Lord's Mansion.

The white knight in a sackcloth drew out the long sword from his waist and calmly said to Yu Tu: "Let me see your progress during this time. I won't keep my hand."

Yu Tu's eyes narrowed, and the guns fell into his hands.

The white knight untied his sackcloth, and the moment he fell to the ground, the two moved at the same time.

Yu Tu slammed back, crossed his guns, and pulled the trigger to the front.

The white knight who appeared in front of Yu Tu like a flash ignored Yu Tu's attack, and the long sword in his hand pierced Yu Tu's chest.

Yu Tu started self-reform at the beginning of the battle. If you don’t use the acceleration to yourself, you just observe the time change for yourself, and you can support it for one minute.

In this way, he has plenty of time to deal with the White Knight's attack.

The instant thorn was activated and appeared behind the white knight. He raised his pistol and hit the white knight's head. For the white knight in the form of a doll, this kind of blunt weapon attack could not threaten him at all.

But he cannot alleviate the physical imbalance caused by this attack.

Yu Tu only hopes to disrupt the rhythm of the White Knight. He is on the weak side, if the rhythm is still mastered by the white knight, Yu Tu can be sure that he can't last three seconds.

Yu Tu's coat of arms was drawn at the end of the heavy blow. Flashing opened the distance and continued to attack. Various restricted types of magic bullets flew towards the white knight like raindrops.

The White Knight simply held on to the ground and regained his balance. In the face of Yu Tu's attack, without any pause, the long sword in his hand swung, bounced all the oncoming bullets. He maintained an astonishing speed and quickly approached Yu Tu.

Yu Tu's distance was pulled back in one second.

The white knight who was close at hand pierced Yu Tu's chest expressionlessly.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and Yu Tu in the stabbing of the white knight directly shattered.

For the first time, the white knight's face waved. But the movement in his hand did not stop in the slightest, and he continued to pierce forward.

Hidden behind the illusion, the muzzle of the heraldic sniper rifle assembled in Yu Tu's hand also touched the white knight's forehead.

There is no sign of backsliding on either side. The blade pierced his chest, and the bullet rushed out of the muzzle.

The white knight tilted his head, Yu Tu turned sideways. Both of them chose to dodge at the last minute.

The blade still pierced Yu Tu's chest. Yu Tu's decisive blow also tore off the white knight's armor, revealing the doll's body inside.

This time, Yu Tu has the advantage. But he has no means of subsequent attacks.

The white knight swung his sword without hesitation, trying to cut Yu Tu's body apart.

Then, Yu Tu's whole body burst open.

The countless blood bats fled in all directions, causing the White Knight to stop his movements.

He looked at the blood bats flying around the hall, lost in thought.

"One minute is over. I lost."

Yu Tu reunited her body, panting violently while clutching her chest. The sword of the White Knight just now was deadly to him. The blade is full of destructive magic. In the previous battle, the White Knight really attacked with the purpose of killing Yu Tu.

Yu Tu also found it incredible to be able to sustain it. Before he knew it, he already had the strength to breathe in the hands of the strong.

Of course, he also needs stronger power.

The white knight put away his weapon and threw a white token to Yu Tu.

"This token can mobilize the power of my crown. With this, you can control 80% of the regional core of the War King City. I will give you another three months. Don't die."

After speaking, the white knight sank into the shadow of the hall and disappeared.

Yu Tu looked at the token in her hand with a smile of relief on her face.

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