The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 850: Domineering Saslow

The main city responsible for this battlefield is called Upland. Terran second-level main city. It is an extremely exclusive city. The status of non-human races in the city is very low. It can be said that it is a very popular city.

The residents of Upland are very proud. Even the existence of other cities of the same human race is disdainful. The alien has no good expressions.

Players in this city have not yet appeared to have gained two thousand prestige and resident status. If it wasn't for the city to be changed after the mission started, it is estimated that no players will be active here.

Even so, many people cannot bear it. With cruel punishment, he violated the order and changed the city in disguise.

And the third-tier cities attached to this city are only due to the strong power of Upland City and obey the order.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to solve the stronghold of the undead.

After hearing that he had attacked the stronghold for a long time, an unknown force appeared and picked peaches. The first reaction of the lord of Upland City was furious.

At the meeting of the city lord, he sprayed blood on his subordinates.

Not only was it spraying its own subordinates' bad work, but also spraying the wastes of the attached third-level cities without any effort.

In fact, those three-tier main cities just happened to be divided into a war zone with Upland. There is essentially no exponential relationship. There are not many cities with direct ties, but it is definitely not something that Upland can provoke. Of course, they do not do this task themselves.

The high-level city leaders who were sprayed by the lord did not suppress their anger. Push everything to the non-cooperation of other cities, and the inaction of the player group.

Subsequently, they directly expelled all players.

Very weird operation. Players were expelled without knowing what happened. Thanks to this unilateral violation by Upland City, the players were not punished. It even got a new opportunity to choose a city.

However, the points and city rewards accumulated before are considered for nothing. Empty all. This makes the players hate it.

At least for now, Upland has become the most disgusting city for players. It is estimated that not many players will continue to choose this city.

Banishing the player is not over yet. The city lord sent a team of envoys to the original necromantic stronghold, now the city of Saslow.

The purpose is to ask for strongholds and expel outsiders who occupy the fruits of their victory. And give a warning.

In order to show their strength, the twenty people sent this time are all strong men above the fourth-tier mid-term. The Mu Dehan who led the team was even a Tier 5 magic swordsman.

When they came outside the city, they looked at the strangely-shaped city wall with disdain, and explained their intentions to the soldiers guarding the city.

In order to show their kindness, they deliberately spoke in a gentler tone.

"We are the messengers of Upland City. Call out your leaders and accept our gifts."

And the fighter of Saslow didn't even move. The completion of the task is engraved in the depths of the soul. No matter what is clamoring in front of you, playing around. As long as it doesn't affect his task, he will ignore it.

In Mu Dehan's eyes, this is to ignore his performance. Originally full of anger because of the city lord's scolding, he launched an attack without hesitation.

Pulling out the short sword fiercely, a simple swing released a sharp wind blade.

But Saslow's fighters reacted before Mu Dehan moved, and the weapon in his hand was raised to block the wind blade. There is no shaking of the body.

This made Mu Dehan a little surprised. Although it was just his casual blow. But in his perception, the opponent is just a third-order guy. Not only did he react, but he also blocked his attack.

Then, there was anger. There is no doubt that the behavior of this soldier made him lose face.

However, his opponent did not have so many ideas.

The opponent has started, it is the enemy, counterattack.

Simple ideas, finishing in less than a second. Block the attack enough, the soldier immediately launched a counterattack.

The nearby Saslowite fighters also rushed over and attacked Mu Dehan and his party.

Mu Dehan sneered, ready to give these Saslow fighters some punishment. His idea is to cut off the hands and feet of these elite fighters and completely abolish them. Let these people know that they are powerful.

But after the real fight, the smile on his face disappeared.

Obviously only a group of third-tier fighters, but forced him to passively defend.

Every attack was a counterattack from the Saslow soldiers. The horror of the Undead Legion lies in their desperate play. You and I change injuries, small tricks. I want to exchange my fate with you.

The desperate enemy is something everyone fears. You can never imagine how the opponent will attack.

The arrogant Uplanders don't think there is anything worthy of their lives in exchange.

Under the desperate attack of the Saslow soldiers, they were forced to retreat again and again.

Until the arrival of the bishop.

"Stop it."

All the Saslow fighters stopped the attack.

But Mu Dehan and others showed fierce gazes and attacked the soldiers who had stopped.

"I said, stop."

A large number of pure magical arrows descended from the sky, nailing Mu Dehan and others to the ground.

Mu Dehan and others felt the fear now. They noticed these arrows appearing. But there is no chance to escape. The strength of the enemy is far above them.

"We are ambassadors from Upland City. This time we are here to communicate. You are declaring war on us. Even if you surrender this piece of land, we cannot be forgiven."

"Ah, declare war? It depends on you?"

The bishop stood on the city wall and looked down at Mu Dehan and others below, calmly speaking words that made them cold.

"Keep one and let him take the other people's heads back. Declare war? What are you guys."

"no, you can not!"

Before Mu Dehan finished speaking, the warrior's butcher knife fell on him.

Saslow’s fighters never make mistakes in execution.

The last person looked at his companions trembling all over. Can survive only because the other party wants to keep one. And he is the lucky one.

Cesaro's soldiers did not hesitate to carry out the bishop's order. Wrapped nineteen heads together and threw them in front of the lucky guy.

"Go back and tell the people behind you. We don't have time to talk to him now, this time he is lucky. If he wants to continue, Saslow's cavalry will level everything."

The soldiers around hit the ground hard, chanting slogans feverishly.

"Saslow, fearless!"

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