The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 854: give up

The rest time is close to two hours. Mainly because of those new puppet troops.

They were initially a little confused. After experiencing this incident, it is estimated that not many people will be able to become candidates for the Undead Army.

Although it is a pity, Yu Tu will not invest too much experience in this area.

After all, the new puppet army is not impossible to recreate. The technical aspects have all been resolved, but there is a lack of sufficient materials. Moreover, when he decided to make these fighters, he had the consciousness in this regard.

To be honest, if it is a modern society, the appearance of these new dolls in the real world will definitely cause human rights problems. It's like a clone.

Or, artificial intelligence.

But in this world, their purpose of being born is to exist as tools. No one will deny this. No one wants to call them humans. Except Saslow.

In the exchange between Yu Tu and the bishop, the future of these new dolls has been determined. Those who are unwilling to fight will become ordinary residents and maintain the operation of the royal city. It's just like the normal people in the prison city and the wisdom city.

Those who are willing to fight are promoted based on their seniority. After the confusion period, he was promoted to the new army. As a transition. Then, through more battles, he was promoted to a member of the Undead Army.

In the plan, the new puppet is an important way for Saslow to replenish personnel.

After all, the bloodline belonging to Saslow completely disappeared with the fall of King Xing Ghost.

Originally, the group brought out by Yu Tu had a high probability of being promoted to the New Star Corps. It is also the closest batch of new puppets to the undead. Unfortunately, after this time, they may not even be ordinary residents.

Not because Saslow would reject them, but they would reject Saslow. Even, they might affect Yu Tu's actions to leave the secret realm afterwards.

This matter must be taken into consideration.

Thinking of this, Yu Tu called an undead army commander on his side.

Codenamed Chen, a veteran who joined the legion during the ninth king. Also the captain of the team this time. Very reliable personnel.

Yu Tu told Chen his thoughts and sought his advice.

Chen looked at the new puppet army that had completely lost its image, and said blankly, "The best way is to abandon this army. The vice of laziness, once caught, it is very difficult to get rid of it. They were the original ones. , Will not experience these. But after having the body of the living, they will experience the joy of the living in this short time. If you want to let these people who have not completed the transformation of their will to quit these bad habits, it is better to spend the same Time to train more troops."

"But, is it really appropriate to give them up like this? I created them, used them, and then ruthlessly abandoned them. It is possible that they don't even know the reason for being abandoned."

"Wang, although it is offensive. But your thoughts are too weak. You should be clear about what kind of existence your gift should give. Your thoughts represent not only yourself but also Saslow. Sass Luo's prosperity has never been because of our limbs, but because we have the strongest leader, guiding the body on a strong path."

Yu Tu closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said coldly, "Assemble the team."

"Your will."

Ten minutes later, the team was integrated. The reason why it took so long was mainly the new puppet troops.

After only two hours of rest, this new puppet army lost its initial discipline. The team was scattered and noisy. Compared with the undead army in front of him, he couldn't look directly at it.

"The Undead Legion, gather behind me. The new puppet troops, go forward and fill the gap."

It was another toss. But this time, the new puppet troops were obviously much faster. The confusion has also been clearly reduced. At least, it didn't say that it was out of control. Many new dolls have obvious panic on their faces. More are puzzled.

Even souls born in the same way have a difference between good and bad. In this case, it's clear at a glance.

Looking at the new puppet army in front of him, Yu Tu spoke.

"How does the physical feel? Is it wonderful?"


"is acceptable."


The answer from the new doll is messy. But they are all positive answers. For Yu Tu, it was all negative news. However, he was satisfied with the answer, not all.

"This secret realm has given you the body of the living. This change will be strengthened over time. Even, we guess, it will become a permanent effect."

When the new puppet troops heard this, they were obviously excited. However, some new puppets have understood something, pursing their lips, and looking a little confused.

"But. This is not the result I want. I don't want to become a puppet. So, I went back to find a way to leave, the way to leave, and return to the original appearance. The soldier behind me is and I have the same choice. Now, I need to hear your choices."

"Don't rush to answer. Think about your own true thoughts. Once you make a choice, I won't give you a chance to regret it. If you choose to follow us, and finally regret it, I will leave it here and become part of the forest. And those who choose to maintain the status quo. I will not pursue anything about you. Because you choose to maintain the current status, you will be expelled and abandoned by Saslow. Tell me your choice. Get out of Saslow and gain physicality and freedom. Follow me and embrace glory and glory."

Yu Tu's words completely messed up the doll troops below. Excited, flustered.

Yu Tu did not move, but waited quietly. The undead soldiers behind him also stared coldly at the troops in front of them.

Finally, a soldier walked out of the team. In the somewhat unexpected gaze of his companion, he came to Yu Tu, and after a respectful salute, he walked to the Undead Legion and stood still.

The new puppet troops fell silent. Most of them looked at that companion in a puzzled way. But there is also a part, relieved.

More and more people stepped out of the team and joined Yu Tu. The remaining people gradually lost the neatness of the team, just like a group of mercenaries.

ten minutes later. Yu Tu glanced a few times. There are close to three thousand people who choose to follow him. Almost half. Among them, the logistics force occupies half of the quota. This surprised Yu Tu.

In his opinion, it should be the limit now.

"I respect your choice. From now on, you are free. Don't approach us casually. What we will do next is to avoid interference from outsiders. Those who approach you will be killed without mercy."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the new puppet troops who were completely panicked behind, they led the team and started to advance according to the guidance of the spar.

The opportunity has been given to each other. Everything is their own choice.

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