The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 859: The Trap of the Abyss

Although they changed the direction of travel, Yu Tu and the others could not escape the chase of the abyss. In just half an hour, they experienced two pursuits.

Not only that, but Yu Tu and the others also discovered that every time they chased them, they were all the same enemies.

In some way, the enemy disperses the power and the amount of itself. Most likely it is a special clone ability. This can also explain why the enemy's strength is not strong enough.

After all, being able to become Tier 4 would have some skills at the bottom of the box. The opponent did not use it in the previous battle.

Originally Yu Tu also suspected that it was some miscellaneous soldiers who had forcibly increased their strength. It now appears that it may be collecting data. After determining his own fighting methods and skills, he succeeded in one fell swoop.

Now, for both sides, it is a race for time. It's because Yu Tu and the others rendezvous with reinforcements first. It was the Abyss that took the lead in launching the final attack.

However, the initiative is obviously on the other side.

At the end of the three battles, Yu Tu lost more than a thousand soldiers. And the other party, if it is really a clone, then it can be said to have zero casualties.

However, this avatar must also have a certain price. It is hard to explain the specific situation.

Moreover, Yu Tu is not a trump card that hasn't lifted the table.

The amethyst pig humming behind can drag everyone into the secret realm at any time. At that time, the lives of the abyss will be taken, and their side will not lose the slightest.

However, this method can only be used once. To activate the secret realm, it takes a period of preparation. Must seize the enemy's most critical round of attack or the most critical moment to use.

However, will the enemy really give them this opportunity?

Yu Tu couldn't help but fell into thought.

Nearly a hundred members above Tier 4, it seems that they are not many compared to the Million Abyss in the Abyss City. But falling into the power of the city-state is definitely a big deal.

It takes at least three second-tier cities to produce a corresponding number of strong players. The gathering of so many fourth-orders together is already very high-profile. Attention is only a matter of time.

The city-state does not care what the abyss wants to do. For them, the abyss does not need to listen to them to explain what they do, it is right to ruin it.

Regardless of the outcome, after this time, the city-state's attention to the abyssal forces will be greatly enhanced. Judging from the current situation of the war, the city-state can even use a certain amount of manpower to build a line of defense on the border between the two forces.

As long as the people of the abyss are not pure, they should know that they only have this chance. Then, it is absolutely impossible to just send a few Tier 5 as the core. Although Tier 5 is strong, it is not strong enough to ignore all surprises. The enemy is even stronger and hasn't shot.

After sorting out the matter, Yu Tu approached Chen and asked about support. After getting Chen's affirmative reply, Yu Tu was relieved.

Twenty minutes passed. The meeting point is less than five kilometers away. You only need to cross the canyon in front of you to reach the target location.

At that time, the initiative will fall into their hands.

However, Chen stopped the team and entered a state of battle.

"Wang, there is no canyon here."

Yu Tu frowned and searched. In the perception, there is no enemy. Canyons are also normal, there is no magic trap. However, Yu Tu doesn't think Chen is wrong.

If it's just that there is no breath of life in the canyon, that's all. There is no surrounding forest either, so it's not justified.

It seems that not only the canyon, the entire area is occupied by the enemy. The number of enemies may no longer be the hundred soldiers before.

Just as he thought. Seeing Yu Tu and the others making a fighting posture, the lurking enemy also knew that they were exposed. Body shape directly revealed.

The surrounding environment has changed, from forest to plain plain.

Around Yu Tu and the others, countless abyssal monsters stared at them silently.

Forces such as space replacement. Yu Tu and their positions were directly transferred. There hasn't been much magic fluctuation yet. The caster is a very scary existence.

For now, the operator did not show up. On the battlefield, the group with the strongest enemy was the previous attackers. The extra abyss is the existence of the third-order apex. It should not be underestimated.

In fact, Yu Tu and the others can hold on for a minute to fight in this situation, even if it is strong. The strength gap is too big. Without the hole card of Amethyst Pig, Yu Tu and the others could give up resistance.

Yu Tu glanced at the Amethyst Pig behind him. It seems that it has been prepared for a while. The magical fluctuations of the spatial attributes are constantly spreading across the body of the Amethyst Pig.

"Hold it. When Amethyst Pig opens the secret, we will win."

"Master Bishop should have discovered our problem. It is not impossible to reversely deduct the space coordinates and send reinforcements."

Yu Mu looked at Yu Tu and asked: "It's very good, but how can I delay it?"

Chen opened his armor and said indifferently: "Destroying the delay of life. The undead can die and can be destroyed. Because we can be reborn and serve the kingdom again. But the king can't. The king must live. March!"

All the soldiers of the Undead Legion untied their armor, revealing a body with countless coats of arms.

The monsters of the abyss began to attack, and Chen, the warrior of the Undead Army, also launched a charge.

The power of heraldry came into play.

Magic power creates a hard armor that resists the impact of magic power. Magic, forged a sharp weapon, tearing the enemy's body. Magic power has created a ferocious beast, enveloping the soldiers of the undead legion, and launching an unstoppable impact.

This is the biggest trump card of the Undead Legion, the fundamental force that can cross the Tier 4 barrier.

They don't need magic, because the heraldic engraving on their body is the strongest magic skill.

Their charge is unstoppable, not even these mighty abysses.

Several fourth-order abysses merged together, releasing a crimson barrier. However, Chen was easily crushed by the magical power of the dragon's appearance.

But their goal was also achieved. The undead army's charge was contained.

The undead army that has liberated its strength is like a cavalry on the battlefield. The charge is a very crucial part.

Losing their initial charge, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible for them to face a dozen or more enemies. After all, their enemy is not a persimmon.

Not to mention, the liberation of their power has time constraints and terrible side effects.

In itself, this power was used during the war to the death. The short-lived power gradually dissipated, and the soldiers of the Undead Army fell one by one.

But their battle was not meaningless. Amethyst Pig's eyes lit up with brilliant purple light, and the secret realm had been opened.

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