The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 887: Players' surprise

The result of the battle is self-evident. At the end of the stacking, Goron's power could no longer be controlled, tearing Windsor's magic circle.

The remaining thousands of people successfully escaped from this hell. Goron also had no idea of ​​chasing. Without these people who fled, the enemy would not know what terrible things happened here. This is a deterrent.

Goron walked back slowly, looked at Yu Tu, smiled and said: "It seems that we old guys have not been eliminated. These people, no way."

Although she said beautiful words, Yu Tu still noticed the changes in Goronn.

His body is now a light red, and it looks weird. Moreover, his body was trembling slightly.

"Are you injured?"

Goron laughed twice, coughing up a lot of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"It's like being more relaxed in front of the king. Sure enough, the side effects are still very strong and can't be suppressed."

After that, a lot of cracks appeared on the surface of Goron. That was the earth elemental skin attached to the surface of the body at the beginning.

With the peeling of the skin, the tragic situation of Goron was completely presented to Yu Tu and others. The whole body was covered with blood. These are Goron's own blood. The capillaries under the skin ruptured in large numbers and looked very miserable.

This is still only an external manifestation. It is estimated that the internal organs have also endured a lot of pressure. That way of superimposing power is still too exaggerated for its destructive power.

Although Goron looked okay. But it doesn't look like there is no problem.

Except for Roja, everyone else showed a worried look. Under the healing magic of Windsor and Yushuang, Goron's injury was quickly repaired.

Yu Tu also learned of Goron's unique fighting style from Roja.

The technique he used is a more common accumulating technique, which is also recorded in Saslow’s library. The only advantage of this method of accumulating energy is the ability to accumulate multiple energy. But because of the changes of the times, it was eliminated by the subsequent birth of the accumulating method.

Goron chose this kind of energy accumulation technique, relying on his powerful physical body, able to achieve 80 accumulations of energy. This is the safe range in his mouth. That is, eighty times is not his limit.

The time Yu Tu saw an army stopped by one person. That process only lasted less than an hour. Goron's continuous stacking force completely defeated that army. After that, Goron lay in bed for a full year.

For him, being full of blood beads is really not an exaggeration.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Goron, everyone was ready to return. The battlefield was not cleaned either. Leave it to the enemy.

They had just rushed back to the city, and they saw that tens of thousands of enemies were attacking the east gate of the city.

Roja said in surprise: "Did the enemy launch an attack? Where did they come around?"

"I don't know, it looks like it hasn't attacked for long. Let them solve other problems quickly. Goron, can you still fight?"

"of course."

"Be careful not to destroy your own wall."

"Hahaha, don't worry."

Goron took out his weapon and rushed directly. Windsor and Roja also launched magic to provide remote support.

When Yu Tu was about to attack with Goron, Yu Shuang grabbed Yu Tu's hand.

"Those Yu Tu are all players."


Yu Tu's expression changed slightly. If it was a player, he really didn't dare to rush forward at will. No one can guarantee that the player has no means to fight Tier 4 in his hands. Accidentally being cheated to death, it is really wrong.

Moreover, Yu Tu is not sure what changes will happen to the current battle between herself and the player. The original idea of ​​wanting to exercise his survivability in the melee was suppressed to the second level. Continue remote harassment.

Yu Shuang left the team directly and returned to the city from other gates. It is not good news for her to be exposed to the player now.

The battle lasted for half an hour. It can only be said that these players are really difficult to deal with. I don't know what methods they used, everyone has the ability to be immune to death twice.

This also gave Goron a headache. It’s not worth it to use energy, you can only clean up one by one.

In the face of this unreasonable ability, no matter how high the attack is, it is useless. Of course, the players have no way to threaten Goron. The class gap is there. If this can be killed, it can only be said that the destiny is targeting.

Seriously, even if Yu Tu and the others don't come back, these players can't make any waves. But the question now is how this group of players bypassed the intelligence system of the king city and appeared here to launch an attack on the king city.

After Yu Tu returned to the city, he quickly met the minister in charge of intelligence.

"Doren, right."


"What's the matter with these enemies?"

"Wang, it has been found out."

It turned out that this attack was not based on the two previously identified teams as the main force. Those two teams are only used to attract firepower. The construction of the teleportation formation in the camp is not fake. However, even if it is destroyed, it will not affect their offense.

The real offense is the group of players Yu Tu saw before. In the beginning, only a few soul hunters crossed the line of defense, in the case of interception. There was still a hunter who successfully rushed to the vicinity of the royal city.

Then, those players appeared. There is no warning. It is already certain that it is some kind of positioning transfer magic.

Yu Tu frowned and asked: "Tell me the conclusion directly. What impact will it have on the subsequent war?"

"We must always pay attention to that area. The enemy can transmit troops in the same way at any time."

"This is really good news. Can you determine the city where the skyfallers are now?"


"I need detailed information. Very detailed."

"Yes, Wang."

Yu Tu turned around and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

He found the blue warrior and went straight to the subject.

"How many war machines do we have?"

"Huh? For war machines, three magic beads, six heavenly miracle stones, and two guards. These can be used."

"Activate them and enter a state of preparation. We are going to take the initiative."

"Because of today's siege? This is very irrational. No matter how strong our strength is, we can't take the initiative to attack in this situation. The siege loss will be great."

"It's not about attacking everything. Wait until the intelligence is in place. Find the city where the players gather at the mark. Destroy him. There is our goal."

"Oh, yes. I see."

After speaking, the Blue Warrior left the hall to prepare the army.

Yu Tu also said to Windsor on one side: "Can you unite the mages of the Third Royal City and create a one-time fixed-point teleportation array?"

"No problem. Do you want to do it now?"

"Go ahead.

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