The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 900: Ladder

The golden ladybug retracted its wings and fell back to Yu Tu's palm. After looking at Yu Tu two eyes, she turned around and retracted her head, turning into a golden compass.

Yu Shuang looked at the scene in front of her, opened her mouth wide, and let out a cry of exclamation.

"This is the sacred mountain of light? My goodness!"

"No, this is not the sacred mountain of light. This is just a ladder. The mountain is above the clouds."

Presented in front of Yu Tu and the others, was the shadow of a mountain. In the phantom, a staircase leading to the sky exudes amazing magical waves.

These stone steps are all standard patterns. It is ten meters long, one meter wide and twenty centimeters high. The vertical height difference between the two stone steps is fifty centimeters.

It seems that these stone steps are arranged in a straight line, like a straight ladder. When Yu Tu stepped onto the ladder, the true appearance of the ladder appeared before her eyes.

Yu Shuang and Jue want to go with Yu Tu. However, neither of them was able to step on the stone steps. In them, the stone steps and the holy mountain are all phantoms, without entities.

After trying several times, Yu Shuang and the other two could only choose to give up. Let Yu Tu climb the ladder alone. They waited in place.

After climbing a hundred stories, Yu Tu saw only the ladder and the empty sky.

This way of climbing reminds Yu Tu of the time when he was in the sun **** trial. It was really difficult for the Tianzhu to climb up.

However, if you contact Orion and ask Yu Tu to go to the holy mountain in person, there should be no test.

After walking for a while, Yu Tu's heart calmed down because of the rich sacred breath of Tianti Mountain. The boring climb did not make him boring. As he walked, he stepped into a cloud.

This cloud is colored. It is not a cloud formed by water mist in the real world. After stepping into it, Yu Tu was surrounded by things like colored mist.

Of course, this does not affect his climbing the ladder.

As he continues to climb. The surrounding clouds began to change. A strange illusion began to appear in Yu Tu's vision.

He saw Jinshan, saw power, saw beauty, saw easy life, saw tempting food, saw countless cold weapons, and saw a high position.

The temptation of the seven deadly sins made Yu Tu a little confused. It is obviously a sacred ladder, why is there such a test of will?

To be honest, with these temptations, Yu Tu doesn't feel that under the stability of the sacred power of the ladder, people who climb the ladder can be seduced.

When he walked out of the clouds, those clouds turned into the image of countless elves. But Yu Tu showed no signs of staying.

Those clouds also had no real power, and Yu Tu's arm was torn off mercilessly.

The colorful clouds drifted away slowly after Yu Tu left.

Moving on, Yu Tuyou stepped into a black cloud.

In the clouds, squally wind, thunder, heavy rain, wind and snow. Natural disasters from nature flood it. Yu Tu was only worried, and was immediately taken care of by Yunyun.

After struggling for a while, Yu Tu understood how the cloud passed. There is no need to fear these natural disasters. Fear only makes suffering stronger.

But it is not so easy to give up the fear inside. After persisting for a long time, Yu Tu gave up his fear of natural disasters.

It is not right to say that it is abandoning. It's just that he remembered the elemental storm when he first climbed the Tianzhu. At that time, he was not afraid. There is no reason, this pure natural disaster also needs to be feared.

Go away from the black clouds and move on. Yu Tu has experienced many clouds. Each cloud layer has a unique test. And these tests are all tests of xinxing.

Unconsciously, Yu Tu stepped into the real clouds.

Here, his vision was shrouded in white. Except for the steps below, there is only white in front of me.

"Interesting. The test of loneliness? It's much worse than Saslow's trial."

After experiencing the black test, Yu Tu didn't feel any discomfort in this white world. Compared with black, white feels much lighter.

The only thing that can cause Yu Tu's anxiety is only a matter of time. But after many trials, Yu Tu has long learned to endure.

There is no change in the slightest. Yu Tu walked out of the clouds. The towering and brilliant bright sacred mountain appeared in front of him.

The pure white building is located on the top of the mountain, enjoying the glorious shelter of the sun.

In front of him was the last 13,000 steps of the ladder.

The way is unimpeded. You can even see the beautiful view of the sacred mountain. However, after Yu Tu stepped on the holy mountain, he also lost the magic bonus. He needs to rely on the power of his body to climb the 13,000 steps.

To be honest, even in reality, the number of steps is quite exaggerated. In addition, Yu Tu is now at an altitude of several kilometers. Even the physique of the blood race is somewhat unsuitable.

Yu Tu took a deep breath and started the final climb.

The beautiful scenery and resting pavilion on the way did not affect him. The test in the clouds made his heart extremely tough. In his eyes, only the holy city on the top of the mountain.

When he was exhausted for the first time, a new force surged out of his body, nourishing his limbs, heart and lungs. This force swept away his fatigue and allowed him to move on.

In the holy city on the top of the mountain, Orion and Yulin were standing on the windowsill, watching the climbing Yu Tu silently.

Yulin Shen sighed: "He is the first climber who has not been lost in the clouds. This is not what blood can explain."

"This is his own choice. At the beginning, he chose the current path because of lack of faith. It can only be said that his eyes are as fierce as ever. And so is himself."

"So, do you want to tell him the truth? The sooner he wakes up, the more sure we are, right?"

Orion shook his head.

"Yu Tu, not Yu Tu. It is more appropriate for him to discover the truth for himself than we impose on him. Even if this fails, we can still fight for him for another 500 years. Fight for another chance."

"Yeah. Give everything we have. Gamble on a bright future for the mainland. Seriously, I envy those foreign gods. Don't worry about the world in which you live."

"If you want, so can you. After the abyss assimilates the world, we will be assimilated. Only the mainland will die, not the gods."

"Isn't our choice determined long ago? Orion, there is no need to continue the boring temptation. I will do everything. Anyway, I will not disappear. Imagine yourself. We can have no Orion, but we can't live without it. Deman."

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