The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 934: Once hero

I have to say that the fighting power of these ghosts is much stronger than ordinary undead spirits. If they are transformed into dead souls, they may be a group of powerful combat power.

From the way they attacked, it can be seen that their strength was far stronger than they are now.

But on the battlefield, only the victor is qualified to speak. Now, what Yu Tu and the others need to do is to destroy the barrier and completely destroy the Dead River.

In the outlying areas, the support of the undead has arrived.

However, Yu Shuang's beast tree also completed its army of tree servants. Yu Shuang also reached a terrifying intensity under the blessing of this power.

It is a pity that it seems that the player's identity restricts her, and she has not broken through the fourth stage and reached the fifth stage. But the increase in attributes is also real. With her guarding by the tree and the white knight lurking, it can be said to be foolproof.

Yu Tu has plenty of time to attack Dead River.

Sitting on a raised rock, Yu Tu calmly looked at the necromantic barrier that was constantly impacting ahead. He really can't participate in the battle now. Mental overdraft, physical overdraft.

There was no pain in the whole body, and even the arms lost their strength, and it took a lot of trouble to lift them up.

However, he doesn't need to do anything now. The slightly swaying arm gently pulled the trigger and smashed a skull that had just crawled out.

This war can already be said to have been won.

The necromancer from the periphery does not even have a demigod. The undead demigods left in the birthplace have also fallen for several. It is not difficult to break these barriers when those demigod-level people are free.

To be honest, even if all the forces of the Free Continent assembled in the Kingdom of Death counterattack, Yu Tu and the others are not afraid. In other words, this is what they look forward to most. That way, all the people in the kingdom of death can be wiped out.

I have to say that the resistance of these ghosts is really strong.

However, these forces are not unlimited. Even their resurrection is not true infinite resurrection. Everything has a price.

In the distance, a barrier of necromancy collapsed. This is just the beginning.

When there is a loophole in the defense line, it is the beginning of defeat. Even if the necromancers tried their best to make up for it, they still couldn't stop the increasing impact.

The barriers collapsed, and more and more soldiers poured into the Necro Defense Line. Wanton destruction destroys everything in the birthplace. The magic circle that completely destroyed the Dead River also began to build.

More and more necromantic barriers collapsed. Realizing that the line of defense had completely collapsed, the ghosts gave up the defense and launched a charge.

But this is just the last struggle.

The wizard swordsman dragged the mutilated soul body to Yu Tu's face. The left half of his body has disappeared. There are also a lot of wounds on his body, and light blue smoke is flowing. It seems to be the blood of the soul body.

He is now obviously different from before. Tired, helpless, resentful.

It seems that this is his last life.

"You bastards! Don't you want to keep this, so that the dead can stay in the world? You don't have someone who wants to see you again?"

"Yes. But I know that he definitely doesn't want to appear in your image. The dead should not stay in the world to increase distress for the living."

"We live for the future! Do you know? Everyone here is a brave warrior! We, hundreds of years ago, fought for the mainland! We stayed for the sake of when the abyss returns , Serve the mainland again! With this cursed body, swallow the abyss!"

"If you really are for the mainland. Go and die. Destroy the birthplace of the undead."

"Don't you understand what I said? This is the place where all the dead will come after they die. The birthplace of the three dead spirits are three powerful sources of troops. You, this is destroying the future of the mainland! Let these hundreds Over the years, the souls who have given everything and waiting for the battle, all the efforts have been in vain!"

"It seems that you really don't know what happened outside. Just like that, where did you get the courage to say that you are for the mainland."


Yu Tu looked at the elf ghost in front of him indifferently. Tell him everything the outside world had done.

"how can that be?"

"If it weren't for the undead and trampled on the bottom line, who would choose the most fundamental thing in the continent, the birthplace of the undead. Keep the birthplace? For the mainland? Don't laugh. As long as the birthplace exists for one day, the mainland will not One day there will be peace. The battle will not end. Or, the battle will end. Necromancers rule the continent. What is the difference between such a continent and being destroyed by the abyss?"

The expression on the face of the elf ghost began to be cloudy.

For a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Even so, it is better to preserve the birthplace of the undead than to destroy it. We can take action to help you deal with those undead quickly. We also have a strong suppressing power against ordinary undead. "

Looking at the elf, Yu Tu smiled. Smiled disdainfully.

"Sure enough, you just said it nicely."

"What do you mean!"

Yu Tu stood up. After resting for so long, my body has recovered a lot.

He looked down at the elf and said coldly: "It sounds good, in order to retain the combat power, stay in the birthplace of the undead. For the future battle, to reserve your own power for the second abyssal war. After all, you are just , I just don't want to die."


"Is it nonsense, don’t you know it in your own mind? Think about it, what you did on the battlefield before. That was a life-and-death fight. How many soldiers died in your hands, can you count? You didn’t know how Death. Looking for a chance, does it mean that the situation is very difficult? The first time you and me met, I didn't feel any hesitation from you."

"Perhaps, you used to be heroes. But now. You are just a group of evil spirits who have forgotten themselves in order to survive."

Yu Tu raised his gun and aimed it at the elf.

"Come on. Charge. I give you one last chance. Die in battle, like a soldier."

The expression of the elf kept changing. Finally, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Yu Tu.

A trace of loneliness appeared on Yu Tu's face. He pulled the trigger calmly. This time, the elf won't stand up again.

Watching the elf's body constantly disappearing. Yu Tu said with some disappointment: "Death in battle is a recognition of soldiers. But it does not mean recognition of heroes. Time is indeed a terrible thing. Even heroes who have fought for the mainland can be corrupted, and What can remain pure forever?"

Across the wreckage of the elf, Yu Tu walked towards the direction of the river of death. He also wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of landscape the source of death was.

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