The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 981: Resurrection of the Secret Outside God

Yu Tu and Akasso directly locked the altar with the power of heraldry. Unfortunately, there are not many such coats of arms. Yu Tu only got one from the bishop.

Otherwise, Yu Tu could bring an army over.

Speaking of which, they were lucky. Yu Tu and the two rushed over after being prepared to face a group of dead spirits. But here, only the Lord of Death and the High Priest of Aisha are the two.

This is also good news.

Yu Tu looked at the Lord of Death. He looked like a middle-aged man exhausted, unremarkable. But those eyes were full of viciousness. Yu Tu and him looked at each other, as if watching the scene of purgatory.

However, Yu Tu's goal this time is not the Lord of Death.

"How? Can you deal with it?"

Akasso smiled and said, "Weaker than me. I can beat him all year."

"Then it's okay."

Seeing Yu Tu's communication with no one beside him, the Lord of Death aroused anger. He is not a generous person. Without the slightest hesitation, he decisively launched an attack on the two Yu Tu.

He didn't ask Isa on one side to do anything. He knew very well that he was not qualified to drive Aisa before the giant awakened. Then, thinking of the mighty power of the giant, a frenzy appeared on his face.

"Sleepwalking? Time to wake up!"

Akasso suddenly appeared in front of the Lord of Death, he didn't care about the attack of the Lord of Death at all.

The Lord of Death didn't even have a chance to react, and Akasso grabbed his head and jumped out of the altar.

On the altar, only Aisa and Yu Tu were left.

Aisa stared at Akasso's back blankly, the expression on his face remained unchanged. But after she spoke, Yu Tu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Why? Why, ignore me?"

Confused and trembling. Yu Tu can also clearly feel Aisa's emotions. This means that Aisa's human side has not been erased by another personality as a necromancer.

"Are you still Aisa?"

"No. Without him, she wouldn't have a chance to come out."

Aisa's words became extremely cold. A large amount of gray mist also appeared on the altar.

Yu Tu felt that she had lost control of her body. Death has fallen on him.

The black veins representing death started from Yu Tu's limbs and spread towards the heart. But just spreading to the left and right positions of the forearm, the power of death was intercepted by the purple divine power. The evil emperor's divine power mixed with the power of the gray gods easily swallowed the power of death. This surprised Isa somewhat.

"Have you learned to control the power in your body?"

"No. But it is relatively easy to mobilize with external forces."

With that said, Yu Tu rushed towards the High Priest of Aisha. Activating the power in the body, he has successfully got rid of the shackles.

Facing Yu Tu's charge, High Priest Aisa was a little surprised. Although she was a killer move, she didn't have much desire to attack. But it was different for Yu Tu to rush forward like this.

She is Aisa, but not the original Aisa. For Yu Tu, he was only a person who knew him.

A large number of scarlet vines grew around Aisha, which pierced Yu Tu.

Yu Tu's incomparable skills, which was once forced, are now full of flaws in Yu Tu's eyes. The magic power in the body was transformed into divine power and began to work.

This was also the first time Yu Tu felt a trace of the essence of the evil emperor's power in her body.

Yu Tu easily passed through the attack of the tree and vine, and then stretched out his left hand to Aisha.

Yu Tu stopped when his finger was only ten centimeters away from Aisa. Of course, it is forced. The vines that grew out of nowhere bound him tightly. A large amount of death breath began to be injected into Yu Tu's body. Mixed with the power of the rules of death, it firmly suppressed the evil emperor's divine power in Yu Tu's body.

"You rushed over, just want to touch my face? It's hard to understand."

Yu Tu forced a smile.

"No, my goal has been achieved. Amethyst Pig!"

Glorious, lit up at Yu Tu's wrist. Aisha frowned, trying to do it but found that he had entered a stagnant state. Not only her, Yu Tu is also stagnated.

When the two recovered, they had appeared in a strange forest.

Yu Tu disappeared instantly after his body recovered, opening a distance of fifty meters.

And Aisha frowned and looked at the surrounding environment.

"Where is this? It feels strange."

"I think you are even stranger."

The cold voice made the two of them vigilant. Neither of them noticed the source of the sound.

Then, the owner of the voice walked out by himself.

As if walking out of the air, an indescribable woman stood in between Yu Tu and the two. Wearing a weird gown, it looks like a mirror, reflecting the world. A long black hair is like a starry sky, dotted with countless stars.

Bright yellow eyes looked at Aisha calmly, unable to guess her thoughts, elusive.

Aisa became wary. A large number of vines rose from the ground, forming a defense around her. It's just that the vines this time were not blood-red like before, but tree vines similar to Yu Shuang.

Aisa herself was surprised, but now there is no time for her to think more.

"Unexpectedly, the outer gods could enter the world in this way. Why, do you want to get a share?"

The outer **** said calmly: "It's just that I promised a little guy to realize his wish. My name is Fanmaline, the wizard who controls the rules of the world."

Before the words were over, the vines around Aisa began to dry up. Aisa can clearly feel the passing of life inside the plant.


She looked at Fanmaline in a little surprise, stretched out her hand, and a large amount of death force poured out and turned into a spear to stab Fanmaline.

"I said, there should be no death."

Accompanied by Vanmaline's words, Aisa's death magic instantly disappeared, as did the Death Spear.

She herself seemed to have been hit hard, most of the power in her body was emptied. It was as if the body had been licked by high temperature, and there were a lot of burn marks.

Yu Tu looked at him in amazement, the High Priest of Aisa was like a split personality, wailing in pain for a while, and moaning quietly for a while.

Soon, he realized that this was the result of two personalities in Aisa's body.

Fanmaline turned around and said to Yu Tu: "Resurrect her. I have eliminated the threat. But you figure it out. The price of resurrecting her is this secret realm."

Yu Tu nodded and looked at Amethyst Pig.

From the beginning, he didn't have the power to retain the secret realm. Being able to resurrect Aisa is already beyond his expectations.

With the influx of a large number of lives, Aisa's resurrection ceremony began.

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