The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 986: Passing away, unchanging pain

Akasso had a knife. A simple sword condenses all his strength.

The magic in the body, the power of the gods, the power of the body, the power of life, the power of the soul.

Wu Tai Zhan, the power that Akasso discovered from his own blood. An ability to use all strength to destroy the enemy. Before destroying the enemy, the first thing to destroy is yourself.

Time has stopped. Only the knife is still moving.

The space is frozen. Only the knife is still moving.

The tough skin was torn apart, the blood formed by magic was cut off, and the blood vein formed by Dead River was torn.

Condensed all the blows of Akasso's life, penetrated through the defenses, and fell on the consciousness of the death lord.

As flames burned in the body, the lord of death wailed in pain. He wants to move, he wants to hide, but everything is useless.

His consciousness, his soul, under this blow, constantly collapsed and disappeared.

"No, I can't die! You thing! Get moving! Save me!"

The strong desire to survive, coupled with the pain of being torn apart, the death lord's consciousness gained a certain ability to act. He poured his last strength into one point and pierced into the death giant's consciousness fiercely.


The actions of the death lord caused the death giant's consciousness to cry. The body of consciousness also began to twist.

Just a simple twist, it successfully interrupted Akasso's cast of Wutaizhang.

The skills disappeared and everything returned to normal. The flesh torn apart by Akasso spewed blood.

Bathed in blood, the old Akasso fell all over with blood.

"I'm sorry. Just a bit."

The torn wound on the giant's body soon healed. After all, it was only the damage caused by the additional effect of Wutai Slash, without the terrible power of annihilating consciousness.

The Lord of Death once again gathered a clone and stood beside Akasso.

However, this clone looks terrible. Half of his body was shriveled and weak, and his face was directly distorted.

Akasso cracked the corners of his mouth with difficulty, "Hahaha, it looks like I'm a little bit close. It's really unlucky. This has been the case in my life."

The Lord of Death looked very excited. Reluctantly raised his hand, manipulating the magic power to drill two times from under Akasso, and wrapped it around Akasso's neck.

"Is that just enough power? Haha, you can't even choke me to death."

The Lord of Death became more excited. As soon as he increased his strength, the magic power that bound Akasso was broken and scattered back to the ground.

He is so powerless now. After many attempts, Akasso and him became weaker.

"I think you will die before me before I die myself. What a waste."

The Lord of Death became more excited.

"You... trash... die."

"I can't explain it. Also, there is something wrong with your perception. You have already lost. Completely."

Just when the Lord of Death wanted to refute, he felt the existence of that horror. He raised his head in horror.

A bullet passed through his head and directly smashed his clone.

Yu Tu has arrived. And it was not Yu Tu that frightened the Lord of Death. But the monster in front of Yu Tu.

Isa Batu. Akasso's younger sister. God level. A real monster.

The current Lord of Death did not dare to appear at all. Necromancers have a lot of abilities to obliterate consciousness and soul, and now go out, he will really die. The only thing he can do now is to wake up the giant's consciousness as soon as possible. Although it is a little different from the plan. But now, this is the only way he can survive.

Both Yu Tu and Aisha ignored the Lord of Death.

In their eyes, only the old Akasso lying on the ground.

Looking up, looking at Aisha's serious face, Akasso stretched out his hand. But with his current strength, he just moved his arm.

The keen Aisa grabbed Akasso's hand and put it on his face.

Feeling the temperature in his hands, Akasso smiled.

"It's nice to see you alive. I'm sorry, I may be missing another appointment."

Tears slipped from the corner of Aisha's eyes.

"Liar. Why? Waiting for me to come out soon there will be nothing? Why, do this kind of thing again?"

"Haha, just treat me as a fool. And, instead of getting older in the days to come, it's better to use your power where you use it now."

Yu Tu couldn't help but said: "There will be an abyssal war afterwards, why not wait anymore."

"I can't wait for the next war. From the moment I was resurrected, I was consuming the power of the source at a terrifying speed. Otherwise, I can definitely hack that ugly thing with this cut today. Cough cough. The resurrection of the dead is against the rules and taboos. I am already very satisfied."

He looked at Yu Tu, "I, saw the reincarnation of my brother. I can still stand shoulder to shoulder with my brother again. Also, I, saw my lovely sister. It's great to be able to change back. Me too. , Important, I personally apologized like you."

"Stop talking, you can't die with me."

Aisha grabbed Akasso's hand and injected his power into Akasso's body. She has now been resurrected, and she has regained her identity as a servant of the gods. And he crossed the boundary, and the god-level power he reached did not disappear.

It can be said that she is now the healer second only to the goddess of life.

But with the instillation of power, the smile on Aisa's face gradually disappeared. She did not believe in evil and increased her power output, but the result was the same.

Akasso has not changed in the slightest. His body is like a sieve. The power injected by Aisa showed no signs of staying. Even the trajectory after passing cannot be repaired.

It was as if Akasso's body was already dead now. Does not accept any power perfusion at all.

Aisa's face was already full of despair. She didn't believe in evil, and desperately injected this power. But this is a fact that cannot be changed.

"Okay, don't waste your strength. I was originally a dead person. Being able to move for so long, I have earned it. Now you, no one can bully. I'm relieved.

"No, brother, if you can live, I can do it."

Aisa couldn't hold her expression anymore. Tears kept welling up.

The smile on Akasso's face also disappeared, and he looked at Yu Tu.

"Yu Tu, you are right. You are not him, just another person with his memory and his name. However, when I am with you, it is really like the days with him. Really. Sorry, I will cause you trouble if I die. I just hope that I won't see you on the other side too soon."

He slowly closed his eyes.

"May you, the way forward is without rivals and unstoppable. In the name of Batu."

"No! Brother!"

Aisa lay on Akasso's chest, howling. She is not the frightening **** Aisa. It was Aisa, a girl who lost her brother.

Passing away is a pain that can never be changed. No matter that world, it's the same.

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