The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 997: Game update

Soon after Aisha became a god, the people from the first-level main city took their troops and rushed to the birthplace of the dead. But now, nothing can be seen in this area. After searching, the people in the first-level main city left with a dozen shining stones.

On the other side, Yu Tu returned directly to the royal city of the free continent. This war still has a great impact on him. He has decided to improve himself as soon as possible. The best way is to fight. Whether it is a heroic warrior or a knight commander, they are all very good teachers.

However, not long after he returned to Wangcheng, he received a letter from Yu Shuang.

"Yu Tu, the game will be updated."

"Game update?"

"Well, the plot of the Necro Mission is over. The game will be updated for one day. After the update is over, new expansions and new missions will be released. The next version has been confirmed, on the eve of the war."

Yu Tu frowned, and after a few conversations with Yu Shuang, she disconnected.

The bishop on one side asked: "Wang, you seem to be worried."

"Forget it. Destiny, a new notice has been issued. The next time the skyfaller appears, it will be the countdown to the war."

"The skyfall will disappear for a while?"

"Well, the exact duration is not very clear. It may be a few days or a few years. Be prepared for war as soon as possible."

"Then, Wang, please retrieve the royal capital as soon as possible. Saslow who owns the royal capital is the complete Saslow."

Yu Tu hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement with the bishop.

Two hours later, all the skyfallers left. For this, the various forces on the mainland were not surprised. In their eyes, there is no one who has fallen from the sky but it is more relaxed.

The Saslow troops sent to support also began to return. In the next period of time, Saslow’s focus will be on the construction of Samilos. After all, this is the main city of Sasrow on the bright side.

The location is also good. The surrounding main city did not threaten the existence of Samilos. At present, the lord of Samilos is temporarily replaced by the knight commander. With the toughness of the knight commander, it is estimated that the surrounding cities will not be too easy for the rest of the day.

Yu Tu is also ready. Taking advantage of the short peace, retrieve the last king city, the king of Saslow.

The royal capital is different from the other six main cities. The current royal capital, more appropriately called, should be the royal tomb. The royal tomb of the thirteenth kings of New Saslow

Originally, Yu Tu wanted to bring a group of troops together. However, they were rejected by the knight commander and the guard. Even the queen hoped that Yu Tu could rely on her own strength to get back the royal city.

In the final analysis, it is still Saslow's rule. The kings of the past must go through battles and gain the support of the army with their own strength.

What Yu Tu can lead is only the soldiers and Yu Mu of a new puppet army. Even the Heroic Warrior refused Yu Tu's request to go with him.

Of course, Yu Tu didn't know, and immediately after he left, four heroic soul fighters followed.

Yu Tu now has been recognized by all the crown holders and is the true king of Saslow. Although they said that the king must go through wars, they still care about Yu Tu's safety. It's just that the meaning of these people is to give Yu Tu a part of help if conditions permit. It's not that Yu Tu will take action to solve the enemy when he encounters an uncontestable enemy. More of it is to create opportunities for Yu Tu to escape.

The search for the royal capital requires the power of six crowns. In the conference hall of the Second Royal City, the six crowns are connected to each other, marking the location of the First Royal City on the map.

After seeing that place, the first to speak out was Yu Mu, who came over to listen.

"I remember that place."

"you know?"

"That is what I determined, there is no Senia test area. That is, where I was born."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure. To find this place, I didn't work less than you."

Looking at Yu Mu's gaze, Yu Tu somewhat understood. It's like his obsession with Akasso. Yu Mu also has an unerasable obsession with his creator. Perhaps this is why he has not been able to move closer.

You know, Saslow's technology does not limit the growth of power. Based on Yu Mu's experience and particularity, logically speaking, he should be one step ahead of Yu Tu to set foot on the fifth stage, and even now it is possible to enter the sixth stage.

But in fact, he is still a person trapped at the top of Tier 3 now. His strength has long been unable to keep up with Yu Tu and them.

Now that the locations overlap, Yu Tu feels that there is no major problem if he stops by. After all, he also agreed to help him and find the person's body.

Don't know why, Yu Mu would be so sure that the corpse still exists.

After preparation, they set off. After thinking about it, Yu Tu didn't bring anyone else. They embarked on a journey with Yu Mu. Of course, he didn't know the four heroic soldiers behind him.

At the same time, an amazing scene also appeared on the mainland.

All twelve major cities have been declared open. The same as the second-level main city.

They began to mobilize a large number of personnel from the secondary and tertiary main cities. For those relics, began to accept work. There are a few more relic cities like Samilos.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see that the main city has already begun preparations for battle. In contact with the disappearance of the Skyfall, smart people have already guessed what is coming.

Originally, the continent that was pleased with the victory of the war was immediately plunged into nervous preparations.

The Free Continent and the Regional Continent, the two continents that had finished their rest and reorganization early, have completed the formation of troops and declared war on the existing abyss.

Of course, only in the name of the city. The abyss is not willing to start a war now. The abyss on the ground is fundamentally different from the abyss in the seal. They want to escape the control of the Eye of Abyss.

Generally speaking, small-scale frictions continue. The previous necromantic wars gave the abyss too much time to develop. Now, the city needs to win this part back.

The current situation is turbulent, and no one can be sure what it will become.

Even the fate is the same. It was beyond her control to develop into this way. Originally, their plan was full of loopholes. Rather, it is lucky to be able to reach this point and not collapse.

Heavenly continent, in a valley. A golden human figure constantly gnawed at the ground. Judging from the surrounding traces, this valley was made by him abruptly.

He seemed to sense something, and raised his head to reveal the face that he imagined with Yu Tu.

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