The Game Warrior

Chapter 189: Lu Feikui

The sixth fireworks in March, chapter 189 of Yangzhou, Ma Fei's Lu Feikui, "No." Du Guhong shook his head slightly. "Red rabbit sweats are all from the western region. There are Ma Jiangnan here. This should be Zhou Mu Wang Ba. There is a record in Chunli's "Hua Jing Zhu", "There are many wild horses in the Kuafu Mountain, where the lake water comes out of Tao Linsai. The Cepheus got the 骅 骝, green ears, thief, 骐 骥, fibrous away. Multiply by King Xian Zhoumu made it to see Queen Mother West. "

"Kuafu Mountain happened to be not far from here. From the color of the horse's coat, it can be seen that the color of the horse is like a flower and the red one day is flying like a horse, and the red should be like this horse."

Huang Rong, who has been dumbfounded by the electronic dictionary function of Du Guhong, who has nothing to do with the commentary, just nods: "It makes sense."

"Alas, it's a pity that neither of us can control a horse so good that a horse can only be let go. The degree of this horse is at least 45m / s, right? Today's players may not have one ... … "

The sigh made Huang Rong frown: "Don't both of us will not you are not me."

Du Guhong couldn't help being stupefied: "Will you? When?" The equestrian riding is definitely only open after the completion of the mission of Liangmiao Village. During this time, Huang Rong only mixed a few times between the Five Poison Gates of Tangmen and what was her. When did you learn?

"Do you think that I would really be able to do nothing without you?" Huang Rong Shaoyuan Du Guhong.

This is definitely an injustice for Du Guhong. He didn't mean that at all. He wondered where Huang Rong learned it?

Horsemanship is not the same as riding. It is not the same as catching a horse. Every player can master it, but it is a skill similar to Qimen Dunjia. If you want to learn the opportunities and the conditions, Huang Rong silently did things. How could Du Guhong not be surprised.

Even if the big fan who is here to control the horse will control the equestrian, there is no one who has such a big fan's purpose. It is nothing more than a wild horse that catches the horse back and then gives it to the system. The wild horse must be tamed by the trainer. Although riding a horse can reduce the attributes of some horses, the horse itself can still be of great use.

"So you can control the horse to tame this horse?" Du Guhong didn't look at Huang Rong but started to look at the horse with a look of treasure.

The Cavaliers are very strategy-oriented, leading several heads with rods and cables before the horses, and then open the net to advance layer by layer.

They ca n’t help it. This horse is too ghostly and so strange. They have so many people trying to pass the ropes. Every time they pass, they will always be eclipsed by their heads, as if they know that they can see the six roads and listen to all directions. This 骅 骝 will sniping and snorting the group of horses under the crotch of a group of chasers to make these people control Ma Shang and there is no ability to round up.

There is no better way than pushing it to the dead end.

I have said before that Shui Bazhen sits on a moraine dam that is really deep in the river from the shore. This group of people pushed Hua to the dam and opened the big net completely. All the road exits were just passing by I knew about the power of this array when I was in a circle with more than one hundred feet.

Fortunately, otherwise, the battlefield is moving towards the hiding of Du Guhong Huang Rong, who can't avoid their carpet.

"Do you know what is the most important thing in dressing horses?" Looking at Du Guhong and then Huang Huarong, the distant place seemed to have a smile.

"I don't know." Du Guhong answered truthfully.

"The first is better balance control and the second is physical strength ..." Huang Rong raised his eyebrows complacently.

Can you freely switch between two free air swings? Is this balance control right now among players? Unless someone learns to do dragon-like water-lifting, Tiyunzun, or Kunlun ninth style, it ’s possible, but that ’s all geeky ...

As far as physical strength is concerned, in the whole game, Huang Rong admitted that he was the second and no one dared to recognize the first. But she ran out to practice ghost shadows and wind and lived for a few years. I even forgot because there are so many ...

"But even if I can tame it, what method would you use to rescue it? Is it openly against this group of people? I'm curious." Huang Rong asked, looking at Hua Hua's left and right.

Hua Hua now also shows that the situation is not good. Its back room is getting smaller and smaller. The people around him are getting closer and closer. It seems that there is no other way except to jump down the Yangtze River. The current can only be hissed.

"Do you know what happens when people have nowhere to go?" Du Guhong raised his eyebrows.

Huang Rong shook his head: "I don't know."

"The dog jumped the wall."

It seems that in the words of Du Guhong's words, a group of people who generally catch horses think that the winning ticket is at the moment of loosening their vigilance. Hualu raises his feet and steps two steps. The third step volleys towards the full 70-foot-high net wall. UU reading

The huge figure rushed towards the face and the wind screamed as if the two poor riders from the nearest mountain were not even responding. They were hurried by Hualuo Kongkong, who passed the net wall in hand and didn't believe that the horse could jump so high.

However, their doom hasn't finished in the air, and they lifted their hips and bent their legs. A beautiful volley lifted two riders. They flew out of the cloud and generally flew out straight and fell straight into the dam outside the river. In the same day, the Duro market hit Duguhong's gangster with a dragon and eighteen palms.

"Xi Jinjin ..." By the provocative force, Hualu jumped forward half an extra inch, and completely got rid of the attack range of the lasso lasso. So when he landed, Hualu immediately turned back and a proud snorting seemed like a group of people behind Xi Xi. The awkwardness of this horse has become a ghost.

Huang Rong stared dumbfounded at the scene with an unbelievable expression and even a little hysterical: "I don't believe it! I don't believe you can even figure it out!"

Du Guhong nodded: "I don't believe it either. The dog jumped the wall that I said refers to the horse might be forced to jump off the river ... you know the horse will swim."

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