The Game Warrior

Chapter 191: Huan Ruo Sui Zhu Yao Chongyuan

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, 191th chapter, Huan Ruo, Sui Zhuyao, Chong Yuanhua ’s coat, sweat, wet and more shiny, the original fiery red color turned into pomegranate seeds, crystal clear and shining in the sunset Huang Rong, who was looking straight ahead, was overjoyed.

"Good boy!" Le Zizi stroked Huahua's neck and Huang Rong began to frown and scratch his head. "What's a good name for you?"

"Congratulations! Congratulations!" Du Guhong finally panted to catch up with the shock of the Hua Hua Run. He was not much easier than Huang Rong because once he was thrown away, he might no longer be able to catch up with him. Gu retreated early in the morning.

"Hello, what's your name for it?" Huang Rong threw the question to Du Guhong.

This kind of thing, Du Guhong is really not good at answering a little bit of thought, "How about ... How about Huoer?"

"Where does this name seem to have been heard? It seems so arrogant and arrogant. How can such a vulgar name be called such a good name? Oh Hua." Huang Rong patted Hua Hua's neck Hua Hua did not know whether it was true or not. Nodded, nodded. Others slapped it, but they didn't know it was comfortable or uncomfortable. Huang Rong, who slapped it butt, smiled, "It's so good!"

Du Guhong felt angry for a while: "... otherwise how about the red rose? Mu Wanqing had a good horse and a black rose. This one might not be worse than that one ..."

"Are you dying for Hua Hua?" Huang Rong held Hua Hua's neck around Hua Hua's neck, and he also stared at Du Guhong with his horse, as if he was asking? is not it?

"... It's just called Hua Hua. The name is very easy."

"Go to death!" Huang Rong's eyes turned, but in his heart, he pulled the Hua Mao's hair and said, "What would you call Hua Hua's fur is beautiful like a pomegranate seed? How about pomegranate?"

Hua Hua has not yet responded to Du Guhong's sudden chills: "Sister, this seems to be a stallion ..."

"Stallion? How do you know ... Okay, even then ... Just call it Pomegranate, OK?"

Hua Hua pitifully looked at Du Guhong and probably knew that the chance of renaming could only be confirmed once, and he could n’t regret it anymore. Unfortunately, Du Guhong ’s performance had just completely angered Du Guhong. Aberdeen, this name is good. Have you seen its properties? How fast can it run? How much weight? How about the properties? "

Concerned about the happiness, Huang Rong really forgot to open the system panel and looked at her, and her body froze. The word twitching in the mouth was the word myna.

"Starling returns Parrot Miles. What the **** is it?"

"Look for yourself." Huang Rong gave Du Guhong permission to turn around and hug Hua Hua. "Woo woo woo Hua Hua. I didn't expect to see me today. I would never pity my white man to send black people ..."

Tianma Hualuo: level 54.66m / s weight-bearing weight 36 agility 34 blood volume :.

Du Guhong spit out his breath. No wonder Huang Rong will exclaim bugs. The horse's level, degree, weight, and blood volume are absolutely superb in the entire game. Even if you can ride at the end of the game, I am afraid that not many people think at this stage. The bug is not excessive.

According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, the current bug must be reported immediately. The system will generally compensate the player, but the bug itself will definitely be cleared. This is also the reason why Huang Rongsheng died.

Du Guhong shook his head secretly: "Have you ever reported a bug on your ghost?"

Huang Rong wiped his tears and raised his head pitifully: "It has been reported that the system says no."

"Then you have nothing to worry about, the horse's own properties are no problem, but the value is higher, it is definitely built according to the rules. To say that the bug is also your ghost, and the wind has increased your agility synchronization rate to that abnormal level. Only at this level will it be tamed, as long as ghosts and winds are not bugs, the horse itself is not your turn to worry about. "

"Is that right?" Du Guhong's words, Huang Rong had to answer the same question as the system mm. Finally, he removed the big stone in Huang Rong's heart and cheered. Huang Rong hugged Hua Hua, no matter how unwilling he finally called it Pomegranate.

The so-called load-bearing means that under this limit, although the horse will accelerate the consumption of fatigue, it will not affect the degree.

The pomegranate bears a full load of five hundred pounds. Huang Rong and Du Guhong are more than enough. From then on, the two are riding a horse. It is not only necessary to worry about the chasing of the high-level monsters in the mountain forest. Passive to active, you don't have to worry about running short.

If the knight knows that the gift he has prepared for Valentine's Day will bring such a big help to the enemy, I don't know how it will feel ~ ~ But the situation of the two people is not optimistic, although several attacks have hung a dozen rains It ’s not so easy to drive the chasers to one place and try to take advantage again, and after sneak attacking the two people finally got the exact information. There is indeed a person in the opposing team who can find their specific location, although it does n’t seem to be anytime and anywhere No matter where the two people go, they can be detected.

Is it ... congenitally easy to count? Liuren God lesson? This seems to be out of the martial arts category, right? Du Guhong was puzzled.

With this confusion, the two changed their previous decision not to embark from the White Emperor City but chose the 6-way crossing to force them to embark on the boat.

Although there are pomegranates in Yangzhou thousands of miles away, their 6-row degree is no slower than that of the boat and they are more free to chase their soldiers.Although the supernatural powers ca n’t afford it and the boat ca n’t afford to face this situation, they can only follow them far away. It's just ash in the rear.

So they crossed the White Emperor City to the north along the Wushan Twelve Peaks, and the two of them went down one horse all the way to the east and were happy. Practiced several levels.

After three days of driving while enjoying the scenery, the two came to a well-known place-Baoping Village.

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