The Game Warrior

Chapter 198: Blue sky, blue sea, hawaii

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 198, Blue Sky, Blue Sea and Hawaii "Congratulations, you got it right." The system mm can't hear the congratulations when saying that tone.

It seems that Huang Rong is also in a dilemma. If he hadn't hesitated for a long time, the third answer wouldn't be so easy to think of if he didn't reply after the scheduled thinking time.

In another space, Huang Rong's mood is also complicated. This choice can be made to show that Du Guhong at least cares about herself. This makes her both ecstatic and worried ...

"Please listen to the second question." The system mm does not give the two people time to sigh. "Do you like your teammate?" It is exactly the same as the first question. It seems that it is just a confirmation and supplement of the first question.

With the experience of the previous topic, it is easier to answer this time: "Like."

There is nothing to like about this answer. There are many kinds of likes. There are men and women, friends, pure appreciation and expressing intimacy ... Even if we talk about it in the future, we can completely use this kind of sounding reason to stifle.

"Congratulations, you got it right." The voice of the system mm is very stylized. "Please listen to the last question. Would you like to develop a closer relationship with your teammate? I mean love."

"..." The problem of Du Guhong's momentary congestion is obviously unable to pass through.

He is somewhat willing, but it seems that Huang Rong is a little resistant. If he says that he is unwilling and he is very contrary to his will, and according to the observation of Huang Rong on weekdays, it may not be said how to answer it. past?

Du Guhong was still hesitant but saw that the system mm suddenly made a side-to-side listening action and smiled like a priest at the wedding: "She has already answered, so are you willing?"

It's less than ten seconds, although I don't know what Huang Rong answered is definitely not the third answer.

"I ... will!" A little hesitant, Du Guhong still gave the answer according to his own heart.

"Congratulations! You got it right!" Suddenly the system mm shouted and laughed as if Ruhua had just suppressed the enthusiasm that had just been suppressed for a long time.

"Pap! Pap! Pap! ......" The sounds of firecrackers and firecrackers in the deserted and empty virtual space continued to flow from ear to ear, ribbons, gold and silver paper goose feathers and heavy snow fell, and fireworks set off one after another.

Du Gu Hongzheng was a little stunned. Suddenly, I did n’t know when Huang Rong also showed his hands on his arms. His head was turned into a bun, revealing a long and elegant white snow neck. How charming is charming.

Looking down on her body, Du Guhong then unconsciously put on a blue cloth robe with a big red satin flower on her body. I didn't know what it looked like from a distance.

In the sky, the ribbons are flying, the petals are flying, and the bright foil leaves are filled with flowers. The arches are just like the sky. Du Guhong and Huang Rong stand stunned for a while.

This seems to be the case ...

"This is a reward for your correct answer." Seeing the two people's doubt system mm smilingly explained, "The reward for the hidden task is given to you next." The only prize is a line book.

Du Guhong Huang Rong stretched out his hand and took the four characters of "Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance" in the book that he could not see.

Although these two people had strange results, they did n’t feel much loss. They felt that Du Guhong slightly stretched his arms slightly and opened his five fingers to hold Huang Rongxian ’s hand tightly in his hand, then smiled at her with relief. Huang Rong also smiled at him. The hearts of the two were filled with a wonderful warmth and sweetness.

"Your feelings have stood the test and congratulations!" System mm has been paying attention to the expressions of the two people. Seeing the two people's insulting expressions. The smile on the face. Yi Sheng's long sleeves suddenly brushed the thread suit in Huang Rong Du Guhong's hands. The books and books, then a burst of light smoke and other smoke dissipated, and a little difference was born just now. The four characters of Chong Ling Jian Jue appeared three small characters.

Chong Ling Sword Tips Completion: The two-player swordsman Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's game after Ling Hu Chong practiced with the lone nine sword to complete the top skill.

"The value of the three kinds of rewards is actually quite the same as that of the couple's swordsmanship, and the Jade Girl Suxin Sword itself is not as powerful as this set of Chongling swordsmanship, so it needs to be completed with weapons." System mm pursed her mouth and explained again.

"Thank you. Can we go now?"

"No." It was just a humorous inquiry. I didn't expect the response from the system mm. I was surprised to see the two people stunned and the system mm smiled. "There is another reward not given to you."

"What's the reward?" Du Guhong Huang Rong was strange but saw that the system mm wide sleeves glanced at the foreground, and the prospects were one after another.

The surrounding area turned into a shining blue sky and the blue sea was like a gem. It attracted miles of beaches. The sand was flat and beautiful. The charming coconut trees swayed in the sea breeze. The seagulls glide on the shallow water. coastal.

I don't know when Huang Rong has put on a colorful bikini full of exotic natural colors. Against the blue sky and the blue sea, she showed a sweet and seductive sexy.

At this time, the answer from the system mm came only leisurely: "Have two honeymooners in Hawaii to enjoy! If you want to leave your inventory, there is a teleporter."

"..." Huang Rong Du Guhong looked at each other in silence.

The sixth night company game execution department.

"Your woman's complexion is changing so fast. I don't understand how you can justify it." The supervisor in charge looked at the subordinate who had just taken off the helmet and shook his head.


"... but I can't understand what you want to do with so many things you claim to do? It is also from nature? Is it your purpose to let them have two beds in the end?"

Glancing at the head boss woman and sighing, "I used to want him to answer questions less quickly, but I didn't expect to stop him in the end; Hou Gong was because he couldn't help but put them together and let them romanticize to kill time for my purpose It ’s clear that you ca n’t see it? ”

"Pasting time? Oh!" The head boss suddenly pointed at the woman, "You you ..."

"Declare in advance that I haven't done anything that violates the company's rules ~ ~ The woman will do everything by hand.

"Isn't it a violation? She already answered that sentence. Are you willing? Isn't it what you said to those two people?"

"Just now I appeared in the image of a task. In addition to guiding them to perform tasks with a high degree of freedom, I just accidentally said a word and did not disclose any information related to the task. How do they understand that it is their job.

Although the woman who answered was neither humble nor overbearing, she did well to deal with the terrible consequences of hitting her boss. Unexpectedly, the other party grabbed her shoulder and slammed her eyes for a while.

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