The Game Warrior

Chapter 222: Leopard Poria cocos

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou Chapter 222, Leopard Bone Poria Porcelain Ginseng and Chi Guiyuan Dan, after eating, it is Leopard Bone Poria Pill.

Although this magical medicine only adds three points, physique, agility, and root bone are the most useful in actual combat. This medicine is not necessarily worse than the magical medicine that adds one to all five items, unless the person taking the medicine needs additional insight or will. .

Although I feel that even running the internal force is ineffective, Duguhong sits cross-legged and sits down for inner vision. It is very likely that any method of inner qi operation is an application that he has not yet realized.

The magic medicine under the stomach and Shenzhi Guiyuandan's reaction was really different. The airflow that emerged was divided into three streams: one stream from the stomach went into the Ren Du circulation and followed the five internal organs and six organs; one stream went directly into the yang and yang with the pulse. Weiwei; there is another group of people who follow the path of Shen Zhi Gui Yuan Dan and walk around the body seriously.

Du Guhong estimates that Ren Du circulation is related to the roots of Yin and Yang, and that the agile and serious circles are related to the strength because it is obvious that the heating of the Yin and Yang and the twelve normals is almost a way to describe agility and strength.

It's just that Du Guhong didn't open the root bone explosion, so I'm not used to the way of the governor's cycle. I want to come through this. Once he has a new explosion, if he encounters an opponent with a strong attribute attack, he will instantly increase his resistance by one. Times will definitely make opponents have a headache.

Understand that these Du Guhong still instinctively took over the serious and the heating circulation between the stilt for him. It is not difficult for him to divide his mind into two. It is not difficult for him to even have time to concentrate on memory.

However, when the effect of the magic medicine appeared after a week, I heard the system prompting the sound.

: "!"

The system prompts him to take Leopard Bone Poulin Pills to gain 2 points of brackishness, 2 points of agility, and 1 point of root bone.

Huang Rong's effect is completely different from him, only 1 point of strength, 1 point of agility, 1 point of root bone, but in addition to this, she has an additional 216 blood limit than the normal attribute increase, plus the inner income of Shenzhi Guiyuandan plus innate At 1 o'clock, the blood volume of her bones was more than three hundred dozens out of thin air, and it was no longer anemia.

Du Guhong instantly understood that the attribute introduction on the Leopard Bone Fuling Pill added a little attribute, why the word "one" is useless, and the Arabic numerals are indeed a bit of a child, no one deceives 1 point is 1 point 2 points, but also a bit of the use of Chinese characters. what!

If it were n’t fortunate to start the cycle instinctively, it would have to waste extra medicine like Huang Rong on the increase in blood volume.

If you want to come to the first level of the magic medicine, the attributes that are available are probably as many as five or six points. If you can't control the internal dispersal medicine effect, it will be exactly the same as the description text. Only a lot of blood will be produced out of thin air. This rigorous design is not enough to describe. Said it's bad taste ...

When the wine and rice are full, everything is ready to stop.

When the night lights up, the lantern is at the beginning of the prosperous place in Yangzhou. The night market is not a modern talent. Some tomorrow morning in the Song Dynasty, it has already been a sign of a certain degree of urban prosperity.

So Du Guhong and Huang Rong went out of the inn again. Their schedule today is full of alchemy, medicine, and finishing equipment. It ’s time to go-visit the blue building.

The main task to come to Yangzhou is to complete the last gate of the mission of Huang Rong's disciples.

Earlier, I bought the information from the silver tree wombat. The two immediately checked the relevant information of Qingyin Pavilion. The Qingmen Eyeline was said to be all over the world. The two people had expected the origin of Qingyin Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, this is not a brothel that is similar to the style of the next five doors. On the contrary, the name of the Qingyin Pavilion in Yangzhou City is almost unknown. No one knows, although there are also two or three famous In contrast, Qingyinge's style is high.

It can be said that the mainstream guests of Qingyin Pavilion are all the same as dignitaries and nobles. They are also literati, tycoons, and wealthy merchants, and those two or three rooms can also scrape some oil from the pawns.

It's natural to have such a reputation. The two just pulled a passerby by the side of the road and asked him where he was. He even got close because his goal was there.

Seeing his eyes fixed on Huang Rong, Du Guhong pulled Huang Rong out and smiled like an arrow.

Innate agility +2, after the explosion is equivalent to 4 more, he can almost confirm his own pass Huang Rong.

After Du Guhong ran out of a paragraph that saw his smug look, Huang Rong didn't know what he was thinking about, and immediately released his hand, Ghost Piaofeng, and fully spread his back, and suddenly a long red figure flew across Du Guhong in a few steps. .

"It's still far away!" Looking back at Huang Rong's words like ringing.

The streets of Yangzhou are very wide and full of people during the day to night. Although there are many people who live overnight, they are very sparse. Many even let Huang Rong Du Guhong expand his body to play. You chase me. This game they are used to is no problem. ~ ~ The bright lanterns on the street ran across the street one by one and passed through one after another, Du Guhong gradually became depressed because the gap between him and Huang Rong did not seem to narrow at all ...

"Look at me and say you're still far away!" Huang Rong turned around a corner and walked to the street where Qingyin Pavilion was located. Huang Rong stopped proudly and waited for Du Guhong, who was a dozen feet behind.

"Your hole has accumulated to the third floor?" Who is Du Guhong who understands the opportunity in a little thought.

The hole accumulates all attributes plus 1; all the attributes add 2;

Add 3 to all attributes.

Obviously Huang Rong relied on Shen Zhi Gui Yuan Dan to support the three-point agility of the hole accumulation of more than 190,000 internal forces and the point of Leopard Fuling Pills just enough to keep her gap with Du Guhong intact.

"All attributes plus three, I didn't expect such a great benefit of high internal power!" Huang Rong bent his forearm to show her fiery karmic biceps.

At the corner of the street, a bald bald head that was brighter than the street lamp in the moonlight protruded out the corner of the wall.

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