The Game Warrior

Chapter 228: Old acquaintance

The sixth fireworks, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 228. The acquaintances are not familiar with each other. They are reviewing "We Are the Champions" and accidentally forgot to forget the time.

Grace ticket ~~

Spike is not uncommon in the game, but it is another thing to make a famous player take a look at it. If it is not a surprise attack, it must be at least two to three levels higher in strength.

Hou Xibai just fought with the Nanhai skinny guy just now, everyone also saw that the strength of the strength is obvious to everyone, but it was actually shot by this guy with a silver gun.What strength will it be?

People are very good at imagining animals. They are connected to these moments, and they are curious about Du Guhong's identity as never before-

Who is this guy with the silver gun?

It seems that there is no master of the gun in the game yet?

It's not that the strength of the players of the guns is too inferior, just because there is no transitional skills in the game. Ordinary marksmanship can be learned by everyone. For example, the Yang family gun, the Yue family gun, the gun, the Huyan gun, the Zhongping gun ... The streets are full of cheats. Can learn.

But if you want to use the gun to the extreme, you can hardly set the ordinary gunmanship to advanced, top-level, or even geeky. The average person can't do it, but there is no other way except the Shaolin Temple. The game's marksmanship system is completely blank.

It's just that if you have any chance to meet the hidden and vulgar marksmanship of the hidden missions, you can upgrade to any level, including school, but no one dares to bet your fate on the word "supposedly."

This also directly led to the game player's nearly extinct gun prices all the way down. For example, Du Guhong's hand is very good. The thunderbolt electric gun is only 80 ingots if it is replaced by a sword.

Of course, if that's the case, a miser like Du Guhong will never buy it.

Everyone is talking about Hou Xibai on the tip of the kung fu gun. In fact, he is still struggling to struggle ...

Although the damage through the vital point is higher than the ordinary critical attack bonus, the Du Guhong shooting method is a beginner's first shot. The shooting method is only ordinary. The additional damage of the Yang family gun is really limited. This gun goes down. Hou Xibai even has a serious injury. Take a cut.

However, from the ground up, he was picked up in the air and danced in vain.

Hou Xibai Dugu Honghong smiled with arms outstretched: "Let you die before dying. Understand that my grandfather, my name is Earth Release. The most hated thing is that other people provoke me to Ma Zi."

"The kid recruits and puts the highlights and rolls out of Yangzhou City. Don't give me a chance to see you. Otherwise, I will see one kill, once, two kills, and a pair of rolls!" Slammed into the pier of the twenty-four bridge a few feet away.

"Di Shitian ... it was him!" Some informed people suddenly heard it.

Those who were not well informed also hurried to inquire about the rumors that Du Guhong bought Tianma immediately.

It can be imagined that in the next few days, the story of Tianma Yinqi's release of the sky and Xi Xiong's Hou Xibai Qingyinge fighting for the wind and jealousy, the story of the former killing the latter with a shot will soon spread through the large and small forums in the rivers and lakes ...

Tianma Yinqiang ’s title of releasing the sky after this battle is even standing up and stepping on the shoulders of others. This is the only famous method.

Huang Rong was staring at the crowd, watching Du Gu Hong Wei coldly and alone, whispering in her ear: "Huang Rong, I know you!"

As soon as Huang Rong turned around slowly, he saw that the face under his bare head was full of chrysanthemums.

Seeing Huang Rong not answering, the monk turned his head and looked at Du Guhong on the wooden platform: "Finally found your brother Jing?"

Huang Rong woke up in shock and frowned: "Who are you? You admit the wrong person? In your heart, what's wrong with the filling? Didn't feel that the monk used identification techniques on himself?"

"Ah, I really have a newcomer and forget the old one!" The monk pretended to mourn and Huang Huangrong blinked. "Hey you said, if I go offline and call the lunatic to say that your task has been completed, it is now in Yangzhou. you guys……"

"Don't!" Huang Rong said in panic, finally unable to conceal the expression on his face. "Tianer begs you not to say ..."

"Amitabha!" Monk Tian Er smiled and made a sacred Buddha's number with a smile. "The female donor has to pay for anything in this world ..."

Huang Rong's face was cloudy and unclear, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to ..." The monk Tian Er looked at Huang Rong and smiled. "I want you to be careful not to be seen by others."

"..." Huang Rong stunned.

Monk Shinobu could n’t help but smirk: “Actually, it feels really cool to see that crazy man wearing a green hat on his head ...”

For a long while, he finally stopped laughing, and his tears came out: "Well, I want to remind you that you don't want to use ghosts and winds in the future. Anyone who we helped you together can recognize at a glance."

"After all, although your little lover rank is not high, the martial arts seems to be full. Is it good to hurry up and be intimate?

"Oh, monk, I'm such an old-fashioned enthusiasm! Anxious and good-looking! Amitabha! Shanzai! Shanzai!"

"Who is that guy? At this time Du Guhong just finished teaching Hou Xibai and walked down the wooden platform.

"I don't know if a lunatic is inexplicable ..." Huang Rong tried his best to say that the big ups and downs of life naturally came too fast. She hadn't been able to adapt for a while.

Of course, this acting can't be concealed, but Du Guhong looked at her suspiciously, but didn't ask him. He remembered that many books said that the two people need to trust each other together ~ ~ Huang Rong who knows will know with himself If she does n’t say she does n’t have to worry about it.

Laughing slightly, the two got up and were about to leave. Another person jumped out of the seat and blocked the way.

"This strong man looks at you with sword eyebrows and star eyes, Zhu Lipao teeth, Fengshen Junlang, Yushu Linfeng, Qiyu Xuanang, extraordinary appearance ... What is more rare is the high skill, the justice is majestic, the romantic and suave, the unrestrained ... The respect for you is simply If the torrential rivers are endless, and the Yellow River is flooded, it cannot be cleaned up ... "

The endless words of the flattery came out from the mouth of the blocking fat man. No words were repeated.

After half a hour, the fat man wiped his saliva and finally stopped: "Heroes want to make a friend with you, can you enjoy your face and eat a meal?"

"Okay!" Du Guhong readily agreed that Huang Rong, who was upset in the side, made this funny laugh out loud, but was only pulled back by Du Guhong ...

In addition to the profiteers Song Youde, there are so many fat people in the game!

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