The Game Warrior

Chapter 232: Ice is better than ice water

The sixth fireworks in March under the 232nd chapter of Yangzhou, ice is ice than ice water "please."

"Well, please listen to Shanglian."

Both the man and the boss are extremely polite.

"The wind swings Palm Thousand-Hand Buddha shaking the folding fan."

"Frost withered lotus leaf one-legged ghost wears Xiaoyao towel."

This is a pair that is familiar to Mr. Jin Lao's "The Legend of Eagle Shooting".

"Iron shoulders are moral."

"Magic writing."

This is also a common pair in martial arts novels.

After the first two leagues to the third union, the young man is the fourth league.

"Ice is colder than ice water."

This Taolian is also a very old generation of martial arts master Gu Long once said in "6 Little Phoenix" that he had played a couplet with Jin Yong and Ni Kuang during the banquet "to decide who is the respect of martial arts novels". The process by Gu Long is said to be as follows-

Gu Long said: "Normally Jin Yong's novels are always considered better than Chinese orthodox novels with more content than me! Since your novels often have couplets, I will ask you one!

Jin Yong smiled (eyes are fierce) Ni Kuang drinking.

Gu Long said: "Listen to me, it's‘ Bing Bibing, Shuibing Bing, please go to the lower league! ”

After half an hour of silence, Jin Yong said that he drank too much wine today and was a bit unclear and told Gu Long Xia Lian tomorrow.

But to this day, Jin Yong and the two still haven't figured out the next couplet ...

However, Gu Long himself did not have a good next couplet, and he was so grieved and put this couplet in his novels in hopes of getting a master's response.

"... Yuan is fuller than Yuanyue" "Young hesitated and gave the answer" "It was Gu Long's own response in the book.

The boss of Guaxa raised **** with no mercy: "The first ice word contains water, so Shanglian contains the meaning of splitting the word round, and the month word is below, but you can't see where it is connected. Second, ice is more than ice water. I have used the same word match in the above sentence. This does not seem to be in line with the habit of couplets? "

In fact, the young people do n’t necessarily know these before saying the answer, but it ’s too difficult to make a couplet. The first is a noun. The second is a noun. It ’s a noun with a radical. The third is an adjective, but it just needs to describe the first two. It is difficult for thousands of people to have a five-character relationship between nouns.

Hesitating the young people's unwilling opening: "Since ancient times, couplets have paid attention to one-three-five, regardless of two-four-sixths, they can't be sloppy, and they need to have the final rhyme for the bottom and the final rhyme for the bottom.

Waiting for the young man to finish talking, the boss took the lead: "You are right, the couplet pays attention to the neatness of the upper couplet, so I can also save you the same couplet problem for the next couplet. What about? "

The young man was caught in the long exam again. His original intention was to separate the words of Shanglianzhong from rhyme and rhyme. I did not expect that the boss directly took the word and had to do one thing.

The boss of Guaxuan was very comforting to the young people: "You can slowly consider what the flaw says is after you provide the answer, so you can deal with it again but the chance is limited to only once."

"Unfair ..." There was another burst of noise from the crowd and the boss laughed. "You have the ability to come."

Immediately a few people stepped forward, but without exception, they were defeated in the first absolute course. Only one luck was particularly good. They met the "Lonely Cold Window and Widows" pair and insisted on the second round.

At this time, the young man gave the answer quite quickly: "It must be sunny and sunny."

It's a pity ... The boss shook his head again and again: "I'm sorry that the couplet first couplet is a sentence, even if it has no exact meaning, at least it can be understood ... You don't even have the necessity to avoid defects in your next couplet. There are more answers. "

A young man sighed at this moment, and at this moment there was a whimper around her: "Waste! Password, you can't even solve this kind of task, so you are so embarrassed to come out and mix it up?"

The young woman in a hoodie next to the young man looked upright proudly and was followed by a timid little girl.

The young man first bowed his head and refused to accept it: "How can it be the same? The ordinary password is only twenty-six letters plus ten Arabic numerals, even if all kinds of strange symbols are counted, but there are thousands of Chinese characters in a hundred or so. It ’s much harder than decrypting a password ... "

"What's the matter with you?" Kung Fu Du Guhong, who quarreled between the young man and the snow shirt woman, whispered again to ask Huang Rong's snow shirt woman to make a tremor. The body of Huang Rong suddenly shook his body. That's it.

"I'm a little uncomfortable ..." Huang Rong's pleading voice sounded on the private chat channel, shall we go? "

"Do you still have a task?" Du Guhong looked at Huang Rong strangely. "Don't you want to know who the old acquaintance is?"

While saying this, he looked at the snowshirt woman with puzzled eyes. He had a strange feeling that Huang Rong's abnormality seemed to be because the existence of these people seemed to ... they knew each other?

At this time, the little girl next to the snowshirt girl was pulling the two people timidly: "Sister Shui, the password brother, don't be angry. I will tell you a joke, OK? Guess what animal is the easiest to stick to the wall?

The woman with the surname Shui and the password tiger look like there is a flash of fire in the opposite place, and there is some intention to answer the boring question of the little girl ~ ~ After a long absence, the little girl answered with a smile and said: "Can't you guess? The answer is seals ha ha ha ha ... "

There was nothing silent within ten feet, and there was nothing better than this kind of cold joke.

Even the scorching gaze between the woman named Shui and the password was instantly extinguished by this cold joke. The two staggered their eyes and whispered: "Cut you are not waste? You have the ability? Why do you still ask me to help?" small

Let's leave her alone. "After talking, the little girl will leave.

The woman with the surname Shui sneered: "Who says I can't help it? Well, I can do this task in minutes."

"Yuan ~~~" a circle of inverted colors, hundreds of people raised their middle fingers, "brass!"

The woman with the surname Shui was furious: "Today, let you see the means of seeing the old lady!"

Taking a step forward, she stretched her hand and grabbed the boss of the Guadian booth ...

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