The Game Warrior

Chapter 246: Heart of the most poisonous woman

The sixth fireworks in March under the 246th chapter of Yangzhou, the most poisonous woman's heart, the sword of death, after all, was not a **** death. He died alive.

En said that frozen death is also not exact and seriously. I do n’t know if he really died. After all, he did n’t die, but became a big ice sculpture. Since then, he will accompany Tang Bohu for generations before Tang Bohu ’s tomb. The body kowtowed to admit that it was wrong whether he was dead or alive ...

The most poisonous woman Xinya!

Watching the innocent Sister Shui make a decision, Du Guhong Huang Rong all sighed in his heart.

But after the sigh, it is a strong pity that this scholar's sword of death must have a level?

If it explodes him at the current level difference, how many good things can be exploded, but unfortunately it is so auspicious too wasted ...

Du Guhong and Huang Rong's careful thought, but how could escape Sister Shui's eyes, Sister Shui's sad and gratifying smile: "Take the Tangjia Bawang gun first, are you the heir he believes I will let you suffer? "

The pattern progress bar on the stone wall has a quarter of an hour's name. Learning is in fact only requiring the player to stay alone and think about the wall ...

What kind of reward will be better than the 80-level drop? You should know that there is no level limit for any item in the rivers and lakes. The higher the level of the monster, the better the ground for dropping things, especially the scholars ’sharp swords. Sex is not to be underestimated ...

At the same time, there is another question ... How can Sister Shui make Cangshan Yunxuejian? With the skills learned from the thunder cleavage task, Du Guhong didn't care much at all. Learning Erhai Haoyue Gong again made him feel that there are still some ways in this swordsmanship. Perhaps his main battle skills were changed long ago.

What is missing in the rivers and lakes is the various swordsmanship.

So, finally, I learned all the way to the formal stern school and the word of Du Guhong with no broken words on Du Guhong's face was full of doubts.It was filled with doubts. Finally, until the system prompts the sound, he told him that he had understood the Tangjia Overlord Gun. None of the tricks turned directly to Sister Shui.

"It's strange why I use Cangshan Yunxuejian, right? Do you know how I feel when I see you using Cangshan Yunxuejian on the top of Cangshan?" Sister Shui sighed "You and I really are Fate. Alas, you will know what's going on after waiting for the task. "

Also related to the task for a while? What task?

No matter how he responded, Sister Shui eventually gave him the reward he deserved for his mission-friendship with Sister Shui-the poor and only consolation prize.

But this time, his friendship with Sister Shui has broken the mark.

"Why? Dissatisfied?" Sister Shui laughed, looking at Du Guhong's expression of dementia.

"No, it's not." Du Guhong repeatedly shook his head, joking, dissatisfied and unable to say Ya. "Actually, it's enough to reward the Overlord Gun as a mission. What I am more curious about is what the sister said just now? I am curious Heavier……"

Sister Shui smiled: "Well, I'll tell you ..."

"You know that I lived in Liangmiao Village the first half of my life. You have seen the environment in Liangmiao Village. You should be able to imagine the kind of carelessness and carelessness of the people who live there? Is it like he told in the story The Taohuayuan I used to be the same ... so I was able to make a decision to freeze myself because before that I had almost nothing to worry about ...

… Only two people are the exception. Both are outsiders who accidentally break into Liangmiao Village. "

"One is him." Sister Shui subconsciously glanced at Tang Bohu's tombstone and sighed. "It's too late to say anything now, but I can see a piece of incense in front of his grave to see his skills have inherited. I have been very experienced. Satisfied……

"As for the other one, it is my master ..."


Du Guhong was a little surprised for a moment. He didn't expect Sister Shui to have a master.

Sister Shui nodded: Yes, my master. Otherwise, where do you think my Cangshan Yunxuejian was learned from? "

"After coming out of Liangmiao Village, I first went to Dali City to inquire about his situation, and then went to Cangshan according to what Master said, but I met you there and you were ordered to help you become a living person ..."

Now think about it. It was only a few months ago, but it feels like it has passed for a long time ...

While Du Guhongwei booed and sighed, Sister Shui continued: "I haven't seen Master for more than forty years ... the world has changed so much. There are people who die in life ... Finally, I just went to the grave of Master. Living incense. "

"But I know the greatest wish of Master in this life. She is determined to restore the power of the Dian Cang School and return the Dian Cang School to the ranks of the first martial arts martial arts."

Dian Cang School? Du Guhong slightly stunned that he did seem to have heard the name. It is said that this was once one of the well-known schools of Dali, but he didn't know what the reason was and fell to the end.

Sister Shui ’s master is Cangpai? So is Shui Shui? Then Cangshan Yunxuejian and Erhai Haoyuegong ... What is the task Sister Shui is going to give herself? This is really irritating ...

"Master, she always said that I was a martial arts wizard and said that I would be able to do what she could not do in her life ... But I hid in Moon Lake for 40 years and let her down ..." Sister Shui sighed ~ ~ I'm alone now. I don't care about what I should do or what I am willing to do. It is better to simply take Master's wishes as my goal. There is still a more fulfilling goal in life. But my family knows that my family is a complete mess despite practicing martial arts ... "

Speaking of this, Sister Shui recruited and looked at Du Guhong rightfully and asked, "We are not close to heaven and earth, and I know that you have a lot of cleverness. You are willing to join the Dian Cang faction to help me restore Dian Cang. Prestige?

After a long period of time, is the reward just being hidden by a hidden school?

The joke thinks that when Shaolin Temple and Dali royal family wanted to accept me as a roommate, I ignored it ...

Du Guhong whispered in his heart and listened to Sister Shui again: "We have always been in class with each other and you are kind to me twice. Of course I can't be your master but I can accept the teacher on my behalf. And I can promise you if one day What do you mean when you rebuild the Cangshan Gate?

This time Du Guhong was finally stunned, completely stunned. This really is not a teacher, this is actually a mountain task!

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