The Game Warrior

Chapter 255: Master is on

The sixth fireworks, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 255, the master is on "... Why did you choose me? Why should I help me like that?" After he got up again, he suddenly asked Du Guhong, who once again finished his work.

After feeling helpless and Mo Konai, his mood finally calmed down and finally he was able to calm down and recall the whole thing. He vaguely realized that the whole process of his intersection with Du Guhong except for Du Guhong's disdain for his attitude. I have always been the one to take advantage.

The Qiuren family helped to report it. Although it is not enough to relieve the hatred, the others are not obliged to avenge themselves ...

Because I was chosen to count as a guilty person and go back to be able to regain freedom. This is the second time to know that there are not many people who can get this opportunity. Players are all grown up in the game. Which ones do n’t have some fox friends. They still need to be from these criminals pick?

Even the disapproving attitude is because you are disrespectful in your ancestors, but you just learn something ...

After thinking about the Six Killing Swords of the South China Sea naturally, he was not angry anymore. After he was angry, he couldn't help but wondering why Du Guhong did this?

Do you know him? When did you meet him and you ca n’t remember it? Or is it a friend on the forum who has been friends for a long time but has n’t met? Or is he simply a **** who is more scolded and cooler?

Instead, the problems that plagued him became such.

Hearing his doubts, Du Guhong smiled slightly: "You finally started to think calmly ... In fact, the reason for helping you is very simple because I used to play like you. There is no fun at all. Adventures are just a kind of leveling to improve strength. Only revenge in the work heart is determined. "

This is indeed the idea that he germinated from the beginning, so it will anger the Nanhai Six Kill Sword step by step, making him come here involuntarily.

Of course, he did n’t do it for no purpose. This is a tentative test. Is the Nanhai Six Killing Sword able to see that the whole process was deliberately done by himself?

If you can't see it, either his IQ or his mentality must be a problem, and he is simply too lazy to point out such waste wood.

It turned out to be because of this! On the side, Huang Rong finally realized that she had always been wondering about bringing a tow oil bottle with her. This really didn't conform to Du Guhong's usual style.

"You too? You will also be ..." Nanhai's Six Killing Swords looked at Huang Rong doubtfully, although the subtext of the four words "Heng Dao Seizes Love" had not been said.

Du Guhong, a handsome and handsome hero with a high waist and a lot of gold, is indeed unlikely to encounter his situation.

Du Guhong naturally shook his head and the green hat was a man who didn't want to wear it: "No, my hatred is different from yours, so-called happy families are similar, unfortunate families have their own misfortunes. … "Du Guhong made the slightest appearance of deputy experience because a few people got me stuck ..."


"Stuck machine? How long?" Nanhai's six-kill sword brows jumped up and down and looked at Du Guhong. "How can you still ..."

"Full four years." Du Guhong raised his finger. "For four years, I kept practicing internal power all the time. Finally, I managed to break the rope one year ago and escaped from the machine."

"His ..." Nanhai's six-killing sword took a breath and looked up and down at Du Guhong Du Guhong's experience sounded like a fantasy. "Four years? Can't talk? Can't move? Have been practicing internal skills? No wonder no wonder you will metamorphosis……"

"Metamorphosis has nothing to do with internal work." Du Guhong shook his head. "After all, strength still comes from operating internal force, which is not an important aspect."

Of course, this is not the case, but it is not the internal force that Du Guhong wants to enlighten the Nanhai Six Killing Sword, so he must say so.

"How are those people now?" Nanhai Liushajian couldn't help but ask curiously.

"What do you think?" Du Guhong's smile made people fall into the ice cave all through the cold winter, and the result would naturally be nothing.

"So I can't bear to see your crappy revenge! Is that what you call revenge? No plan, no preparation, not even the strength of the opponent? Fortunately, you met those few and did not die directly in Houxi. Otherwise, how would you deal with him if you go to see him next time? I'm ashamed if you're really ashamed ... "

"..." Nanhai Liushajian's face was red and lowered for a moment, and he raised his blessing to the heart to bow to Du Guhong. "Master is here, please pray to the disciples!"

There is a courtesy of courtesy in the rivers and lakes, but it is only for players to play role-playing for players who can be considered as players, but this set of gifts is still not between players.

However, the worship of the Nanhai Six Kills Sword did not last after all, because a system prompt sounded to remind him immediately: Du Guhong currently has no teachers and no right to accept disciples.

Seeing the action of Nanhai's Six Killing Swords, Du Guhong was also somewhat unexpected. Generally speaking, players rarely greet players for a lifetime. Forever is not a generation that everyone can accept, and because Master is also a lot of players. Division tasks will not be touched.

It was inexplicable to meet the condition; Du Guhong hurriedly also pretended to help the Nanhai Six Kill Sword: "I helped you not want to take you as an apprentice ..." At this point, he suddenly realized that he did not know What's the name of the six-kill sword? I can't help but ask, "What is your id? How old is this year?"

"My name is Onitsuka, when I just happened to play in the rivers and lakes, now I have 15 games ..."

Okay! Feelings are underage and still in love! Child Ya today!

Du Guhong didn't realize that he was only two years older than the ghost's family and two years away from adulthood ~ ~ The body of Guizuka was not long and thin, but it hadn't grown up ...

Knowing his age is an obvious problem because when I first entered the game, the body that the system built for the players was 14 years old, but this body will gradually grow over time until it finally gets old and the underage players are long. It is no longer his actual age. This is to remind the players in the game that the wolf-like players are kind to the minors and don't spoil it.

Speaking of this, this little guy is really young and old, at least Du Guhong didn't see it for a moment.

"If you don't accept me as an apprentice you ..." Knowing the actual age of Onitsuka and then listening to his conversation naturally felt a tenderness.

Du Guhong smiled slightly: "I just want to teach you the right way to fight."

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