The Game Warrior

Chapter 274: Say no to let go

The sixth firework, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 274, said that if you do n’t let go, you wo n’t let go. Du Guhong took a step in the heart and took Huang Rong ’s hand: “Why are you angry?”

"No, no ..." Huang Rong shook his head but didn't look back but just shook his hand. "It was suddenly a little sleepy."

Such obvious remarks, Du Guhong can't hear where Huang Rong's arms are pulled and she is pulled into her arms and embraced Huang Rong's waist.

Huang Rong whispered instinctively and started struggling, but where did he earn his strength.

She habitually glanced away into the distance, and now Snow was embarrassed and comforted the little wow who was feeding her, not knowing what happened to Snow?

"What are you doing? Let me go." Huang Rong said in a low voice while struggling a few times harder, but Du Guhong's strength was of course meaningless.

"Sure enough, I was angry ..." Du Guhong attached his mouth to Huang Rong's ears. "Why? Do you have anything to say?"

Du Guhong's expression was very stubborn and serious.

This is also one of the few experiences he has drawn from soap operas-when there are conflicts between lovers, no matter how they quarrel and how to be angry, the first thing is to never let the other person leave the countless twists and turns. It all started from this release ...

Listening to Du Guhong's triumphant explanation, Huang Rong couldn't help but can't help but immediately the grief that went deep into the bone marrow swept away joy ...

Qiang Ziren burst into tears and she sighed softly: "I really didn't get angry with you. It's just ... there are some things I want to be quiet and think about ..."

"No!" Du Guhong replied indefinitely, "It's an excuse! It's also possible to think together if you want to be quiet ..."

Suddenly his eyes flashed suspiciously: "Is it because I'm too busy doing tasks these days, and you are left out. You make you feel empty and lonely and cold?"

"Isn't it right?" Huang Rong shook his head again and whispered.

It turned out that Du Guhong suddenly put his arms across and hugged Huang Ge: "Since that is the case, we will not play this round. Go back to the inn to open the room and turn off all ambient sound effects to see what can be better than this. More quiet! "

After finishing his speech, Huang Rong refuted Du Guhong's direct movement of the teleportation command and appeared in the military camp of the killing camp in a flash.

This place is now the most crowded place in the game.

Among the crowd appeared Huang Rong powder cheeks were instantly red and struggling to go to the ground: "So many people are wearing it? Are you crazy?"

Du Guhong didn't give her the opportunity to win, and she was tightly bound to her: "Don't forget our contract! The contract!"

I do n’t know if this sentence worked or Huang Rong felt that it was difficult to break away and gave up his efforts. The shameless neck even seemed to bleed, but he did n’t move at all, only to shrink the head of the ostrich to the side of Du Guhong until Du Guhong strode forward Haian Inn proudly shouted that “the boss opened the house” and said nothing more.

"Glory day! Daytime shame! A pair ..." Snow, who wielded his long sword and gritted his teeth, was only the most vicious words in the seaside war zone thousands of miles away.

"Wow wow ..." The anger that couldn't be vented was naturally transmitted to Jianfeng and then passed on to the little boy who was fed with Snow; "Ah! Little brother, I'm sorry, sorry ..."

The game has seven years of March 11.

Tianma Yingun Di Shi finally finally ended the crazy refresh on the killing heroes list.

Very few players who bought this round in the forum cheered these people wildly, but they made a lot of money, although they did not know that Du Guhong himself gave up the game.

They also thought that the conspiracy theory had always played a role-no matter how high the level of individuals or regiments without the support of huge forces could not withstand the hand of the old strong team.

The big organizations that sent their names to disrupt the situation have also played their own roles. Although they know what is going on, the process is not important. The result is everything.

There are also very few people who are obsessed with stunts and worship Du Guhong as an idol, or have suffered the blow of the destruction of idols, or are struggling to analyze all kinds of data in the fight. The unspoken rules of power are more powerful.

No matter how these people analyze the facts, the advantage established by Du Guhong in the kill list is still obvious. If those old strong teams can't think of an effective way to increase the harvest rate in the next few days, Du Guhong can at least maintain this advantage by two. With enough rounds, he fell back to D-class and then re-killed to C-class.

And soon those veteran players never laughed because they suddenly found their top ten positions would not guarantee that they are indeed able to hold on to the third division because of their high strength. They can do whatever they can to limit their strength. The harvest rate in the Class C theater can only be maintained at about one-third, which means that a successful harvest of six or seven

People ~ ~ And some people who stay in the D class because of their inferior strength and wise choice are much more relaxed. There is no pressure, and the cooperation with the gradual understanding can almost guarantee a round of nine people or even The data of the number of harvested by ten people is faster than that of the C team!

Of course, this is the origin of everything, and Du Guhong and Huang Ge never thought that a small dispute would lead to so many things.

In short, in the rest of the day until the next morning, the two of them shut themselves in the hotel room and closed the door to thank the guests and refused all outside information and did not know what they were doing.

The most clear thing about this is Snow. She tried to enter the room as a friend of Du Guhong, and tried an emergency call that only friends can use. Unfortunately, she once touched her nose and the message once was gray. No one turned up.

So this night, the master craftsman who killed the Dwarf Camp was absent from work. According to her agreement with the dead fat man, Song Youde, she was supposed to work freely during the day and evening and needed to go to work in the artisan area of ​​the school ’s military field ...

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