The Game Warrior

Chapter 280: Shura Prison outside Haizhou City

The sixth fireworks will be released in March in the 280th chapter of Yangzhou, the second class of the war zone in Xiuzhou.

The seaside lonely city with terrain and reefs.

The defensive side Mingzhou Garrison and Jianghu Huoshi two thousand people.

The attacking brigade assembled five thousand Japanese soldiers.

In terms of terrain, Mingzhou is considered to be a relatively steep city wall in the first-tier coastal cities. The height of the wall is about two to five feet tall, but the rocky reefs outside the wall are a major drawback.

If the flat sand beach outside the city has almost no obstructions, players who stand at the head of the city and only need a total of 10,000 arrows and volleys can make the pirates lose at least half of the manpower before approaching the city wall, as if they were in the sea in the last battle. State like that.

But here is the reef coast. If you are walking hard and recklessly in reality, if you are not careful, there is a risk of falling and slipping. You may be unlucky or even die, but now it is a rugged shore where some skin trauma will not affect it at all. The edge reef is a natural shield for pirates to attack.

As for the comparison of the number of offenses and defenses, the actual meaning of the defensive side is actually the least meaningful. It depends on how long it takes a person to return from the resurrection point after death ...

The actual number of the attacking party is determined by the number and frequency of the pirate ’s subsequent military refresh. It is said that the more the Japanese pirates, who are closely related to the anti-Japanese vain situation on the day, are more closely supplemented.

On this day, it is absolutely a beautiful thing to see the blue sea and the blue sky in Haizhou City, where the wind is light and the sky is light and the air is refreshing.

Unfortunately, it was destined to be a **** day.

At the end of the hour and early in the morning, Chaoyang was on the coast of Sangan ’s distant reefs on the seashore. The pirates had spread along the reefs like the high tide.

At this time, a thousand and hundreds of soldiers and hundreds of rivers and lakes warriors have been waiting for a long time in Haizhou's high, low, and tortuous city walls.

Although only Du Guhong and Shui Qiangwei have signed up to participate in the battle, it does not mean that all of them have participated in the war. Do n’t forget that the knights can not tell whether their theater reward system is completely different from the players.

When it was clearly seen that the pirates had already traveled to the mottled bright shadow area where the soldier's blade of the city head was reflected on the ground, the commander of Haizhou and the temporary chief of the theater issued instructions to disperse the shooting.

The locust-like arrows hit the black walls of the pirates who were near the city walls and poured away.

It's a pity that seeing the arrow coming to the pirate's body by shrinking his head and lowering it can always find a shelter from the wind and rain. Only a few unlucky eggs or skulls, or ass, or legs and feet are not strong enough to be hit and most of them will be shot. There will be no danger to life.

When the arrow rain is slightly thinner, they will quickly flash out from behind the reef and rush to the next hiding place.

It is also possible to see that the effect is not good. After two or three rounds of volley, the command was issued to save arrows and the catapult began to prepare.

At this time, there were only seven or eight bowstrings still on the city head, and most of them were like crazy strings like pipa wheel fingers and storms. One call for phoenix dance for nine days It is clear that several people were all from Lianjiabao.

The only difference is a monotonic string sound that sounds only about every six seconds. Although the shooting speed is so slow that the archer's bow is like a full moon, the arrow on the string is almost invisible, and there is no visible afterimage.

Only the figure of the Japanese pirate who flew across the air and then acted into the air proved the strength of the shooting and the fierce killing.

This is of course Du Guhong's Qianlong Bow technique. After this period of hardening of the battlefield and the magic of internal force compression, six seconds of waiting for himself can let him kill any pirate here.

The bow and arrow performance didn't last long. With the sound of "Teng-Huo ...", dozens of trebuchets sounded, and the rolling stones rolled over and over to the Japanese pirates.

The stones are as big as skulls and as small as chicken eggs, but there is no doubt that it will never be easy to be hit by that kind of stone bomb.

In addition, when the stones fall to the ground, they will roll, bounce, and bump against each other to gain power. They will toss among the multiple stone walls and even fall to the ground to form a larger scattering of the coverage.

In short, as long as it has not stopped, it still has lethality. On the beach, this kind of thing falls silently, but in this group of rocks, it is simply their world.

The Japanese pirates apparently also saw the power of this trick, and with a scream of hoarse, all the Japanese pirates jumped out of the shelter and began to rush towards the walls of Haizhou.

At this time, the sky full of stone hail also landed on the ground ...

Legend has it that the magic rain called the popular fire rain is very poor compared to this stone rain.

As the stone rain came, it was like a big stone was thrown into the dye tank. The reef rock face where the stone rain fell just like the red, white, and green just leached from the blood living hell.

And it ’s not over yet. The first rebound of Shi Yu ’s landing was the strongest and even quite a few. He had split into five pieces and split into four pieces. It seemed to pour green beans from a height into the bucket. many.

The person standing on the head of the city feels that a stone bullet has fallen and fell on the reef rock surface just like a **** splattered meat emulsion plowed by the typhoon. If it was just a **** on earth, then the land today may be real. The same is true for the eighteenth layer of **** ~ ~ You can imagine a large amount of mung beans thrown into the bucket and the bottom of the bucket is full of ants ... One

The Japanese pirate who jumped out and drew a knife and shouted "*" (in this case, it would not be hit in Japanese) was hit head-on by a stone bomb and directly painted the cake. I ca n’t overdo it.

But after all the stone rain was scattered, it was only a piece of ground with less than thirty catapults and it was impossible to cover more area.

The attacked Japanese pirates almost lost their fighting power, but more Japanese pirates who were not attacked continued to rush to the walls while the catapult replenishing ammunition to adjust the direction ...

However, no matter how bloody, shocking, and stimulating the picture is, it would be meaningless for a freak like Du Guhong. From beginning to end, he kept his shooting frequency for six seconds and did not miss an arrow.

Just as he was focused on refreshing the points, a childish voice suddenly reminded him: "Your bow is so powerful, can you teach me?"

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