The Game Warrior

Chapter 282: Innate, see innate

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 282. Congenital and seeing congenitally, he wants to kill me! This time, the actual killing intention is not like when the tracking gu was placed just now, maybe just to find it after the battlefield is over. Continue to perform entanglement or intimidation ...

Was Du Guhong surprised for a while that this kid had been so murderous? Then he applied for a player who had rejected him before and threatened the temptation or did not work; or the monk would be allowed to do this by following him. ? Although the action of the two just putting Gu to Gu just now is really small, and because there is no private chat channel, they use Xie Bao'er's ability to pass the voice into the secret, but the skill of the monk ...

Du Guhong unconsciously glanced towards Xiang Xiang and saw that the monk Shangmei Mountain locked the treasure phase solemnly, frowning and watching the slurs of the mouth of the Shura killing under the city. Fortunately, Du Guhong knows that it is a Buddha. Reborn curse".

It is natural that Du Guhong and Xie Bao fought silently, and the monk didn't even notice ...

In this way, it seems that even if Xie Baoer had done something to hide from the monk before, especially if he had concealed from the monk even he knew the trick.

Du Guhong sighed secretly, and the monk probably saw that Xie Bao'er's ambitions to do whatever he could do were great. So he followed closely when Xie Bao'er was in danger and helped him. When he was in trouble, he taught the probation only to see the situation ... the effect seemed limited. tight……

It is also possible that the monk himself feels that he has improved a lot, but judging from the double confrontation, most of them are just the illusion that Xie Bao'er made in front of him.

What does the system set up to be so cynical, so unruly, and so promising? What do you want to do? Is it necessary to bring him to the end of this game?

When I thought about this, I just thought about it and thought about the possibility of this situation ...

If it is true, this is really a very interesting setting! So how far has this kid progressed?

Du Guhong woke up in contemplation and looked up at Xie Bao'er, who happened to see Xie Bao'er suddenly rushed out from behind the monk and pointed to himself.

It seems that the patience that he intends to kill people and kill his mouth is not enough.

Du Guhong stepped out of Ling Bo and stepped back to avoid a moment of disappointment.

At this time, Xie Bao'er only raised his arm and pointed out that his life has been very fast. Perhaps he has not yet entered the congenital, but it seems to be similar. This is really a surprise for Du Guhong ...

It seems that he was just a child who knew nothing about a year ago. He can improve to this level in just one year? That ’s right; but there are more surprises waiting for him. Xie Baoer stepped forward. He didn't make any changes because of Du Guhong's movement and he was only a few steps away from Du Guhong.

It was clear that a sharp roar could be heard from his fingertips. Although Du Guhong had avoided it, he still felt the shock wave after the air was passing through the air.

Fingerless robbery! Outgoing energy? Congenital realm! ......


If Xie Bao'er practiced step-by-step practice of internal force, it only took a year to accumulate the internal information in the meridian and reach the innate realm. That is the death of Du Guhong, who would not believe it. No matter how powerful martial arts and cultivating materials, it must be step by step.

The requirements that can be achieved within fifteen years according to the requirements of the traditional innate realm are called superior geniuses within thirty years. If the qualifications are mediocre, then it will take sixty years or even longer ... It can be reborn within a year.

Then there is only one remaining explanation that Xie Bao'er's congenital realm is like compressing his internal work in advance ...

Can you even learn this trick? Was one of the five gangs of players caught in Baoer's trap? Or is there any powerful superb ability to directly achieve this step? For example ... Yi Jin Jing?

Du Guhong raised his head to look at the unpredictable Xiangyan monk who had stopped reading the scriptures and looked back at Du Guhong ...

Suddenly, Duguhong's warning sign turned back and saw a **** face of a Japanese pirate on the wall of the city wall with a swift look on his face, and he went to the center of his eyebrows. Outflow.

It turned out that Du Guhong focused his attention completely on Xie Bao'er. During this time, the Japanese pirates had rushed over the killing range of the catapult and came to Haizhou City.

The height of two feet and five or six is ​​not an insurmountable obstacle for the unruly pirates. The pirates only need one squat to join hands and the other to step on and the two people can easily jump up.

Although there will be no danger to life even if it is cut by this sudden pirate, but he was indeed saved once by Xie Bao'er ...

Xie Bao'er's voice sounded in Du Guhong's ear, which was also transmitted into the secret: "I remember you ... live alive ..."

The subtext is obviously that you are my prey. Do n’t let other people take their lives before I start! After finishing this, the 14-year-old boy ’s cool expression crossed Duguhong ’s drag and rushed to just now. The Japanese pirates who leapt to the top of the city were flying with ten fingers.

I like the attitude of watching Xie Baoer's back, Du Guhong's dumb smile.

Of course, he will not fall into the disadvantages and immediately raise his voice: "I do n’t owe you, do n’t forget that you are the one who moved me first." If you show maliciousness to players of the same camp on the battlefield, they will be mastered by the other party. Evidence reflected to the battlefield commander would be punished by military law.

So Du Guhong cleared himself from tracking Gu

In fact, Xie Bao'er was put on the horse ~ ~ Although although there was a gap and it was only a few feet apart since entering the war zone, the lonely Hongshui rose has not tacitly understood each other. It is very heavy to concentrate on drawing crossbows and seeing no punishment from the self-disorder camp.

The Japanese pirates scrambled to the wall like dumplings.

The long-range firepower of the city head is still in Weinah, which is the main goal of the Japanese pirates, so those who are good at melee will either make a circle around the catapult bowman or they will rely on their stature to directly fight the Japanese pirate jump at the gate of the city wall.

Xie Bao'er was at the mouth of the mouth. He pointed out that his power was strange and that he picked up the Japanese soldiers. He pointed his finger at one. There is no doubt that if this skill is extremely long, it will take seven or eight seconds to get the city to be his world.

Du Guhong thundered and thundered the stun gun, and left and right, and firmly occupied three of the fortresses. One of the foreheads in this city is equivalent to a pirate refresh point.

Not long after the melee battle began, Su Gu suddenly heard a Buddha number in his ears: "Amitabha! Bao'er, stop it, you have a killing intention and a demon image!"

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